The Complete MOD Abbreviation Database
We have a complete list of over 21,000 acronyms used by the Ministry of Defence.
The abbreviations listed below are used by all brances of the Military in the UK.
Complete List Of British Army Acronyms
Acronym | Description |
AMC | Air Material Command |
AMC | Air Mobility Command |
AMC | Aircraft Management Computer |
AMC | Airframe/Armament Modification Committee |
AMC | Army Material Command |
AMCA | Air Movement and Control Association |
AMCA | Avionic Modular Component Acquisition |
AMCAPS | Affordable Manufacture of Composite Aircraft Primary Structure |
AMCCOM | Armament Munitions and Chemical Command |
AMCM | Advanced Mine Countermeasures |
AMCO | Air Maintenance Control Office |
AMCS | Airborne Missile Control System |
AMCS | Alert Monitoring System Computer |
AMCSA | Army Material Command Support Activity Office (US Army) |
AMD | Ammunition Marking Drawing |
AMDI | Acoustic Miss Distance Indicator |
AMDR | Automatic Missile Detecting Radar |
AMDS | Anti-Missile Discarding Sabot |
AMDS | Automatic Manoeuvring Device System |
AMDS | Automatic Message Distribution System |
AME | Air Movements Executive |
AME | Amplitude Modulation Equivalent |
AME | Angle Measuring Equipment |
AME | Annually Managed Expenditure |
AME | Authorized Medical Examiner |
AMED | Advanced Mechanical Engineering Demonstrator |
AMEPP | Allied Maritime Environmental Protection Publication |
AMES | Advanced Multiple Environment Simulator |
AMES | Assistant Manager Engineering Services |
AMET | Advanced Military Engine Technology |
AMET | Advanced Military Engineering Technology |
AMETS | Artillery Meteorological System |
AMEWS | Automated Mobile EW System |
AMEX | American Express (card) |
AMF | ACE Mobile Force |
AMF | Allied Mobile Force |
AMF | Attributable Mission Failures |
AMF(L) | Allied Command Europe mobile Force (Land) |
AMF-A | ACE Mobile Force - Air |
AMFCTS | Artillery and Mortar Fire Control Training Simulator |
AMF-L | ACE Mobile Force - Land |
AMG | Aircraft Maintenance Group |
AMG | Antenna Mast Groups |
AMGOT | Allied Military Government of Occupied Territories |
AMH | Allied Message Handling |
AMHA | Automatic Message Handling Assistance |
AMHMS | Advanced Magnetic Helmet-Mounted Sight |
AMHS | Automated Message Handling System |
AMI | Alternate Mark Inversion |
AMIDARS | Airborne Minefield Detection And Reconnaissance System |
AMIDS | Airborne Minefield Detection System |
AMIEE | Associate Member of Institution of Electrical Engineering |
AMIK | Automatic Target Recognition System |
AMIPSC | Aircraft Maintenance Information Programme Steering Committee |
AMIR | Anti-Missile Infra-Red |
AMIS | Air Movements Information Systems |
AMIS | Anti-Materiel Incendiary Sub-munitions |
AMIS | Automated Management Information System |
AMIT | Aerospace Maintenance Information Technology |
AML | Air Member for Logistics |
AMLCD | Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display |
AMM | Anti-Missile Missile |
ammo | ammunition |
AMN | Admiralty Manual of Navigation |
AMO | Air Movements Operations |
AMOP | Amplitude Modulation On Pulse |
AMOPS | Army Machine Readable-Format Output Production System |
AMOS | ARPA Maul Optical Station |
AMP | Air Member for Personnel |
AMP | Assisted Maintenance Period |
AMP | Aviation Modernisation Plan (US Army) |
AMPA | Advanced Mission Planning Aid |
amph | Amphibious |
AMPO | Assistant Management Planning Officer |
AMPS | Automated Message Processing System |
AMPSS | Advanced Manned Precision Strike System |
AMR | Assistant Master Rigger. |
AMRAAM | Advanced Medium Range Air to Air Missile |
AMRAAM | Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile |
AMRAD | Armament / Munitions Requirements and Development |
AMRAD | Atomic Military Research and Development |
AMRAD | Automated Message Routing and Distribution |
AMRAD | Automatic Message Routing And Distribution |
AMRE | Aeromedical Role Equipment |
AMREP | Ammunition logistic Report |
AMRS | Advanced Maintenance Recorder System |
AMS | Acquisition Management System |
AMS | Advanced Missile System (US Navy) |
AMS | Aerospace Materials Specification |
AMS | Air Maintenance Squadron |
AMS | Air Management System |
AMS | Aircraft Management System |
AMS | Alenia Marconi Systems |
AMS | American Material Standard |
AMS | Antenna Matching System |
AMS | Anti-Ship Missile |
AMS | Armoured Mortar System |
AMS | Army Medical Services |
AMS | Automatic Marking System |
AMS | Automatic Meteorological System |
AMS | Automatic Mode Scheduling |
AMS | Avionics Management System |
AMSAR | Airborne Multimode Solid State Active array Radar |
AMSAR | Airborne Multimode/function Solid-state Array Radar |
AMSAT | Ammunition STATus report |
AMSCREP | Automated Messaging Systems and Commcen Replacement Equipment |
AMSG | Allied Military Security General (Publication) |
AMSG | Allied Military Standards Group |
AMS-H | Advanced Missile System - Heavy |
AMSL | Above Mean Sea Level |
AMSO | Air Member for Supply and Organisation |
AMSO | Air Member for Supply and Transport |
AMSS | Advanced Multi-Sensor System |
AMSS | Automatic Message Switching System |
AMT | Action Messing Team |
AMT | Advanced Manufacturing Technology |
AMTAT | Air Manoeuvre Training and Advisory Team |
AMTD | Adaptive Moving Target Detection |
AMTE | Admiralty Marine Technology Establishment |
AMTI | Air Moving Target Indication |
AMTI | Airborne Moving Target Indicator |
AMTN | Active Matrix Twisted Nematic |
AMU | Antenna Matching Unit |
AMU | Auxiliary Memory Unit |
AMV | Advanced Marine Vehicle |
AMV | Armoured Maintenance Vehicle |
AM-VSB | Amplitude Modulation-Vestigial Sideband |
AMW | Advanced Microwave |
AN | Air Force / Navy |
AN | Autonomous Network |
ANA | Advance Notification of Amendment |
ANA | Army Navy Air Force |
ANBCDO | Assistant NBCD officer |
ANC | African National Congress |
ANCA | Allied Naval Communications Agency |
AND | Alphanumeric Display |
ANDVT | Advanced Narrow-band Digital Voice Terminal |
ANEP | Allied Naval Engineering Publication |
ANF | Atlantic Nuclear Force |
ANG | Air National Guard |
ANI | Automatic Number Identification |
ANLO | Assistant Naval Liaison Officer |
ANMI | Air Navigation Multiple Indicator |
ANN | Artificial Neural Network |
ANN | Automatic Neural Networks |
ANO | Abu Nidal Organisation |
ANO | Air Navigation Order (1995) |
ANODE | Ambient sea Noise Directionality Estimator |
ANP | Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion |
ANR | Active Noise Reduction |
ANRI | Automatic Net Radio Interfacing |
ANS | Air Navigation School |
ANS | Airborne Navigation System |
ANS | American Nuclear Society |
ANS | Automatic Navigation System |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute |
ANSI | American National Standards Institution |
ANSSM | Assistant Nuclear Support Service Manager |
ANSSM (DC) | Assistant Nuclear Services Support Manager (Design Control) |
ANSSM (Ops) | Assistant Nuclear Services Support Manager (Operations) |
ANSSM(Ops) | Assistant Nuclear Services Support Manager (Operations) |
ANT | Air Navigation Trainer |
ANV | Advanced Naval Vehicle |
ANVIS | Aviators Night Vision Imaging System |
ANZUK | Australia New Zealand and United Kingdom military |
ANZUS | Australia New Zealand and USA security treaty |
AO | Accounting Officer |
AO | Accounting Operations |
AO | Administrative Officer |
AO | Area of Operations |
AO | Army Officer |
AO | Army Order |
AO | Artillery Observation |
AO | Assisting Officer |
AO | Auxiliary Oiler |
Ao | Operational Availability |
AO Regt + STO | Air Officer Regiment and Survive to Fight |
AO(R) | Auxiliary Oiler (Replacement) |
AO/MT | Administrative Officer/Motor Transport |
AOA | Activity on Arrow (networks) |
AOA | Air Officer Admin |
AOA | Airborne Optical Adjunct |
AOA | Aircraft Operating Authority |
AOA | Amphibious Objective Area |
AOA | Amphibious Operating Area |
AOA | Angle Of Arrival |
AOA | Angle Of Attack |
AOA | Army Operational Architecture |
AOB | Air Order of Battle |
AOB | Aircrew Operating Brief |
AoB | Angle of Bank |
AOB | Any Other Business |
AOB | Arctic Ocean Buoy |
AOB | Automatic Optical test-Bench |
AOC | Adaptive Optical Camouflage |
AOC | Agreed Operational Characteristic |
AOC | Air Officer Commanding |
AOC | Air Operations Centre |
AoC | Association of Colleges |
AOC | Association of Old Crows |
AOC | Assumption Of Control (message) |
AOC DAUs | Air Officer Commanding Directly Administered Units |
AOC in C STC | Air Officer Commander-in-Chief Strike Command |
AOC Mus | Air Officer Commanding Maintenance Units |
AOC Sus | Air Officer Commanding Signals Units |
AOCinC | Air Officer Commanding in Chief |
AOCinC STC | Air Officer Commanding in Chief Strike Command |
AOCIS | Air Officer Communications & Information Systems |
AOCM | Advanced Optical Countermeasures |
AOCS | Attitude and Orbit Control System |
AOCS | Attitude and Orbit Control System (Skynet) |
AOCS | Attitude and Orbit Control Systems |
AOCSTC | Air Officer Commander-in-Chief Strike Command |
AOD | Area Of Display |
AOF | Auxiliary Oiler Fleet |
AofD | Angle of Departure |
AofP | Angle of Projection |
AofS | Angle of Sight |
AOG | Aircraft on Ground |
AOI | Arab Organisation for Industrialisation |
AOI | Area of Interest |
AOII | Area of Intelligence Interest |
AOIR | Area of Intelligence Responsibility |
AOM | Accounting Officer Memorandum |
AOM | Air Officer Maintenance |
AON | Activity On Node (networks) |
AO-N | Administrative Office Navy |
AONB | Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty |
AOO | Analysis Of Options |
AOP | Airbome Observation Post (for NGS) |
AOP | Airborne Observation Post |
AOP | Allied Ordnance Publication |
AOP | Area Of Projection |
AOPF | Active Optical Proximity Fuze |
AOPL | Advance Ordering Percentage Limit |
AOPR | Area Of Prime Responsibility |
AOPT | Advanced Optical Position Transducer |
AOR | Acquisition Organisation Review |
AOR | Acquisition Organization Review |
AOR | Annual Operating Requirements |
AOR | Area of Operational Responsibility |
AOR | Area of Responsibility |
AOR | Assault Operations Room |
AOR | Auxiliary Oiler and Replenishment ship |
AOR | Auxiliary Oiler Refueller/Replacement |
AOR | Auxiliary Oiler Replacement |
AOR | Auxiliary Oiler Replenishment |
AOS | Add-On Stabilisation |
AOS | Airborne Optical Sensor |
AOS | Airfield Operations Support IPT |
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