UK Military Acronyms

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The Complete MOD Abbreviation Database

We have a complete list of over 21,000 acronyms used by the Ministry of Defence.

The abbreviations listed below are used by all brances of the Military in the UK.

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Complete List Of British Army Acronyms

Jacked To Give Up
FLET Forward Location Enemy
Troops Jankers Be on a charge or in the camp jail
FLOT Forward Location Own Troops
JFHQ Joint Forces Headquarters
JHQ Joint Headquarters
Fmm Formation
KFS Knife Fork and Spoon
FOB Forward Operating Base
NIG New in green (new to the Army)
L of C Lines of Communications
FOO Forward Observation Officer
LO Liaison Officer
FRT Forward Repair Team
Log Logistic
FUP Forming Up Point (or position)
LRATGW Long Range Anti Tank Guided Weapon
Gat A Gun or Rifle
LSDI Large Scale Deliberate Intervention
LSW Light Support Weapon
OR Other Ranks
LUP Lying Up Point
LZ Landing Zone
MBT Main Battle Tank
Or Bat Order of Battle
MC Military Cross
Pax Passengers
Mech Mechanised
POETS Day Push Off Early Tomorrows Saturday
Med Medical
MFC Mortar Fire Controller
P Info Public Information
MM Military Medal
Pl Platoon
MML Manual of Military Law
POL Petrol Oil and Lubricants
MO Medical Officer
POM Potential Officer Material
Mob Mobilisation
Pongos Slang name for the army. "Where the army goes the pong goes."
MOD Ministry of Defence
Mov O Movement Order
MP Military Police
MT Military Transport
Msl Missile
POW Prisoner of War
NAAFI Navy Army and Air Force Institutes
PVR Premature Voluntary Release
QM Quartermaster
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
RAF Royal Air Force
RAP Regimental Aid Post or Rocket Assisted Projectile
NBC Nuclear Biological and Chemical
R&R Rest and Recuperation or Rest and Relaxation
NCO Non Commissioned Officer
NOK Next of Kin
RCZ Rear Combat Zone
NTR Nothing To Report
Recce Reconnaissance
Regt Regiment
Nugget An Idiot
Rft Reinforcement
RHIP Rank Has Its Privileges
NYK Not Yet Known
RHQ Regimental Headquarters
OC Officer Commanding
RJDF Rapid Joint Deployment Force
O Group Order Group
RMA Royal Military Academy or Rear Maintenance Area
OIC Officer in Charge
OOTW Operations Other Than War
ROE Rules Of Engagement
OP Observation Post
RSOI Reception Staging Onward-Movement and Integration
Op O Operation Order
Oppo Best Friend
RTM Ready To Move
RTU Returned or Return to Unit
TCV Troop Carrying Vehicle
Rupert or Rodney Slang for a new officer
Tgt Target
Tk Tank
TOT Time On Target
RV Rendezvous Point
Tp Troop
SACUER Supreme Allied Commander Europe
Tpt Transport
2IC Second In Command
SADO Senior Administrative Officer
UKMF United Kingdom Mobile
SatCom Satellite Communications Force
Scran Food
Scoff Food
UN United Nations
Unclass Unclassified
Scratcher Army meaning bed
UNPROFOR United Nations Protection Force
UXB Unexploded Bomb
SDR Strategic Defence Review
U/S Unserviceable
SHAPE Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
VCDS Vice chief of the Defence Staff
SIB Special Investigation Branch
VCP Vehicle Check Point
Sit Situation
Veh Vehicle
SitRep Situation Report
VP Voice Procedure
SLR Self Loading Rifle
VP Vulnerable Point
SMG Sub Machine Gun
WE War Establishment
SNCO Senior Non Commissioned Officer
A Wet A Cup Of Tea Or Coffee
Whitecap Royal Air Force Policeman
SOPs Standard Operating Procedures
WIMP Whinging Incompetent Malingering Person
SP Self Propelled or Start Point
Sprog A recruit or new to the unit
Wksp Workshop
Yomp or Tab A long march carrying kit
Sqn Squadron
Squaddie Slang Word For A Soldier
SSM Surface to Surface Missile
SSVC Services Sound and Vision Corporation
STOL Short Take Off and Landing
TA Territorial Army
TAB Tactical Advance to Battle
Tac Tactical
TCP Traffic Control Point
ARRC Associate Royal Red Cross
QHN Queens Honorary Nurse
DCM Distinguished Conduct Medal
DSO Distinguished Service Order
MC Military Cross
QVJI Queen Victorias Jubilee
MM Military Medal Institute
OStJ Officer of the Order of St John
RRC Royal Red Cross
VC Victoria Cross
QHNS Queens Honorary Nursing Sister Nurse
CQMS Company Quartermaster Master Sergeant
Pte Private
LCpl Lance Corporal
QMG Quartermaster General
Cpl Corporal
QMS Quartermaster Sergeant
Sgt Sergeant
RSM Regimental Sergeant Major
CSgt Colour Sergeant (Infantry)
OC Officer Commanding
SSgt Staff Sergeant
LT Lieutenant
WO Warrant Officer
Col Colonel
CSM Company Sergeant Major
GOC General Officer Commanding
ASC Army Service Corps
VAD Voluntary Aid Detachment
BRCS British Red Cross Society
WAAC Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps
QAIMNS Queen Alexandras Imperial Military Nursing Service
Wilco Will Comply: Used To Be Used In RAF Comm
LOA Living Over Sea's Allowance
LSA Longer Separation Allowance
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