Local SEO

Target potential customers on a local scale.

A large portion of customers will be looking for your services and most search engines will deliver the best results, locally.

This means that when someone searches for your services or products near them, they should see your website on page one.

If they don’t, then you need to up your local SEO game.

hyper local seo

Local Optimisation

Local SEO is exactly what your business needs if you want to target customers on a local scale.

Having a sign written van or a few flyers posted through your neighbours door can be a great way to drum up business but printed marketing can often end up in the recycling.

We specialise in ranking businesses to their local target market for keywords that actually matter and turn into leads.

Our SEO experts target highly relevant, hyper-local keywords that people actually search. A combination of years of experience and common sense, your local SEO campaigns will be the envy of your competitors.


Local SEO Rankings

How SEO Works

Quite simply, SEO is a method used to optimise a website or page in order for it to rank on a search engine.

We optimise pages or products on your site, write content and follow Google’s webmaster guidelines every step of the way.

Once this work is underway, the website or page will begin to rank for certain search terms. If we’ve done our job right then your site should start to appear on page one.

It doesn’t stop there though!

Local citations, map listings, social media profiles and local landing pages are constantly monitored and optimised.

Google will make an algorithm update nigh-on every week so our job is to make sure your content still ranks for it.

So just to recap how SEO actually works….

  • We make content / landing pages
  • We optimise your website and it’s pages
  • Your page (hopefully) ranks well for competitive search terms
  • Google makes an update and the SEO community panics on Twitter
  • We monitor and make sure your website is still optimised
  • We do this on a weekly basis