UK Military Acronyms

An up-to-date database of all known acronyms used by the UK military.

Military Acronym Tool: The Results

ACAMAUV Concept Assessment Model
ALCAMAir-Launched Conventional Attack Missile
CAD/CAMComputer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing
CAD/CAMComputer-Aided Design and Manufacture
CAD/CAMComputeraided design/manufacturing
CAMChemical Agent Monitor
CAMChemical Agent Munitions
CAMCockpit-Angle Measure
CAMComputer Aided Manufacture
CAMComputer Aided Manufacturing
CAMConventional Attack Missile
CAMCost Allocation Model
CAM/RVChemical Agent Monitor/ Residual Vapour Detector
CAMADComputer-Aided Magnetic Anomaly Detection
CAMBSCommand Activated Multi-Beam Sonobuoy
CAMDSChemical Agent Munitions Disposal System
CAMELCartridge Active Miniature Electro-Magnetic
CAMISCalibration Management Information System
CAMLCargo Aircraft Minelayer
CAMMSComputer Aided Maintenance Management System
CAMPSComputer Aided Message Processing System
CAMPSComputer Assisted Message Processing System
CAMSCalibration Recall and Maintenance System
CAMSCombat Aviation Management System
CAMSConfiguration and Asset Management System
CAMSIMCamouflage Simulation System
CAMUCentral Audio Management Unit
ECAMElectronic Centralised Aircraft Monitor
ICAMIntegrated Computer Assisted Manufacturing
LDT/SCAMLaser Detector and Tracker-Strike Camera
LSCAMLocal Sea Clearance Acceptance Meeting
OSCAMOperating and Support Cost Analysis Model
SCAMSubsonic Cruise Attack Missile
SCAMBLSimulator Chemical Attack Multi--Barrelled Launcher
SCAMPSealless Centrifugal Axial Magnetic Pump
UKNAVCAMSUK Naval Communication Area Master Station
UKNAVCAMSUK Naval Communications Area Master Station

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The UK military utilises over 21,000 acronyms.

Please keep in mind some acronyms may not be listed due to a number of reasons.

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