UK Military Acronyms

An up-to-date database of all known acronyms used by the UK military.

Military Acronym Tool: The Results

ADAZAir Defence Zone
ADIZAir Defence Identification Zone
ADZAir Danger Zone
AGZActual Ground Zero
ANZUKAustralia New Zealand and United Kingdom military
ANZUSAustralia New Zealand and USA security treaty
APHAZAircraft Proximity Hazard
ASZAir Surface Zone
AUSCANNZUKUSAustralia Canada New Zealand UK and US
BDZBase Defence Zone
BZBeaten Zone
COMLAND-ZEALANDCommander Allied Land Forces Zealand
CTZCorps Tactical Zone
CZCombat Zone
CZConvergence Zone (sonar)
CZCSCoastal Zone Colour Scanner
CZMCSCombat Zone Mobile Communication System
CZPCorrect Zeroing Point
DA/ZDanger Area/Zone
DMZDemilitarised Zone
DZDrop Zone
EAZEducation Action Zone
EEZEconomic Exclusion Zone
EEZExclusive Economic Zone
EZPExclusion Zone Patrol
EZRCExclusion Zone Reception centre
FCZForward Combat Zone
FFZFire Free Zone
G&ZGrouping and Zeroing
GHzGiga Hertz (One Thousand MHz)
GZDistance between Right Moment Forces
GZGround Zero
HAZANHazard Analysis
HAZCATHazard Category of Explosives
HAZOPHazard & Operability Study
HAZOPHAZard Operational analysis
HPZHelicopter Protected Zone
JEZJezebel Passive ASW Sonar
kHzKilo Hertz (One thousand cycles per second)
LZLanding Zone
LZELuminous-Zone Emissivity
MATZMilitary Air Traffic Zone
MDZMissile Danger Zone
MERZONESMerchant shipping Zones
MEZMissile Engagement Zone
MHzMega Hertz (One million cycles per second)
MIZMarginal Ice Zone
MZFWMaximum Zero-Fuel Weight
NKZNuclear Killing Zone
NRZNon-Return to Zero
NZDFNew Zealand Defence Force
NZDSU(SEA)New Zealand Defence Support Unit (south East Asia)
OFZObstacle Free Zone
PDZCPathfinder Drop-Zone Control
Rad/HazRadiation Hazard
RADHAZHazard from Radio or Radar
RADHAZRadiation Hazard
RadhazRadio Frequency Hazard
RCZRear Combat Zone
SDA/ZSea Danger Area/Zone
SMSZSystem Modification State Zero
SZSurf Zone?
TEZTotal Energy Zone
WDA/ZWeapon Danger Area/Zone
WEZWeapon Engagement Zone
ZEUSHarrier GR5/7 Mission Planning Aid?
ZMCZone Military Commander
Comms ZCommunications Zone
Buzzes or BuzzGossip or Rumours
LZLanding Zone
RCZRear Combat Zone

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