UK Military Acronyms

An up-to-date database of all known acronyms used by the UK military.

Military Acronym Tool: The Results

ADIAir Defence Initiative
ADIAttitude Director Indicator
ADIBAir Deployable Ice Beacon
ADIMPAda Improvement Programme
ADIRSAir Data and Inertial Reference System
ADIRSAirfield Damage Information and Reporting System
ADITAutomatic Detection and Tracking Unit
ADITTAerially Deployed Ice Thickness Transponder
ADIVSAir Defence Inter-operability Validation System
ADIZAir Defence Identification Zone
CADIMSCoordinated Air Defence in Mutual Support
EADIElectronic Attitude Director Indicator
JADIJapan Association of Defence Industries
RADIACRAdiation Detection Indication And Computation
RADIAC GRPRADIAC Generic Research Programme
RADIGRapid Application Development Interest Group
RADIRSRapid Deployment Multiple Rocket System
STRADISSTRuctured Analysis Design and Implementation of Software-based systems

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The UK military utilises over 21,000 acronyms.

Please keep in mind some acronyms may not be listed due to a number of reasons.

If you feel as though a military acronym is missing, please let us know.