UK Military Acronyms

An up-to-date database of all known acronyms used by the UK military.

Military Acronym Tool: The Results

AAAWAdvanced (Airborne) Anti-Armour Weapon
AAAWAdvanced Airborne Anti-Armour Weapon
AAAWAdvanced Anti-Armour Weapon
AALAAWAdvanced Air-Launched Anti-Armour Weapon
AAWAdvanced Analysts Workstation
AAWAnti-Air Warfare
AAWAnti-Armour Weapon
AAWCAAW Commander or Co-ordination circuit
AAWCAnti-Air Warfare Commander
AAWCAnti-Air Warfare Controller
AAWCAnti-Air Warfare Co-ordinator
AAWOAnti-Air Warfare Officer
AAWSAdvanced Anti-tank Weapon System
AAWS-HAnti-Armour Weapons System – Heavy
AAWS-MAdvanced Anti-tank Weapon System – Medium
AAWWSAirborne Adverse Weather Weapon System
FAAWCForce Anti-Air Warfare Commander
FAAWCForces Anti-Air Warfare Coordinator
IMAAWSInfantry Man-Portable Anti-armour / Assault Weapon System
JAAWSCJoint Anti Air Warfare Shore Coordination
JAAWSCJoint Anti-Air Warfare Shore Control (circuit)
JAAWSCJoint Anti-Air Warfare Shore Co-ordination Network
LAAWCLocal AAW Commander or Coordination circuit
LAAWCLocal Anti-Air Warfare Coordinator
NAAWSNATO Anti-Air Warfare System
SAAWCShore Anti-Aircraft Weapon Control

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The UK military utilises over 21,000 acronyms.

Please keep in mind some acronyms may not be listed due to a number of reasons.

If you feel as though a military acronym is missing, please let us know.