UK Military Acronyms

An up-to-date database of all known acronyms used by the UK military.

Military Acronym Tool: The Results

AAAIAssociation of Australian Aerospace Industries
AAIAmbient Attitude Detector
AAIAngle of Approach/Attack Indicator
AAICPAir-to-Air Interrogator Control Panel
AAIPAnalogue Auto-land Improvement Programme
CAAIS?Computer Assisted Action Information System
FAAITFleet Air Arm Information Technology (system)
FAAITFleet Air Arm IT
FAAITMFleet Air Arm Information Technology Management
NAAIHTONot Available Action In Hand To Obtain
RNAAIURoyal Naval Aircraft Accident Investigation Unit

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Listed below are the search results for your most recent search term.

The UK military utilises over 21,000 acronyms.

Please keep in mind some acronyms may not be listed due to a number of reasons.

If you feel as though a military acronym is missing, please let us know.