For many, a chuff chart is a tool that gives it’s users some form of optimism, hope and aspiration.

For others – it’s something they haven’t heard of.

What Is A Chuff Chart?

A chuff chart is a useful tool used by military personnel that highlights the exact time you have left at a certain posting, tour or exercise.

You simply select the start date and an end date and the chuff chart calculates how many hours, days, weeks, months or years between the two.

As a result, you’re left with a good idea of a few things like how long you have left on tour, how many LSA days you have or how much leave you will accumulate whilst on tour.

This is by all accounts a very basic version of a chuff chart and more intricate charts are available.

Can I Make A Chuff Chart On Excel?

In the days before online GYH calculators or home to duty calculators, we used to make them up on Excel and share within the section.

They’re dead easy to create and you only need to know the basics of Excel to accomplish your very own chuff chart.

Just make sure to include start dates, end dates, current LSA days and any other data you want to measure.

Your unit will most probably have a chuff chart already saved on their computers so make sure to ask your chain of command.

LSA Chuff Chart

Daysack Media has created a complete LSA chuff chart for you to use.

It can be downloaded and used with Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets and can also be used on any deployment.

Download LSA Chuff Chart

LSA Chuff Chart
LSA Chuff Chart
LSA Chuff Chart

Example screenshots of LSA Chuff Charts

What Type Of Chuff Charts Are There?

Your possibilities are pretty much endless.

You can measure anything and turn it into a chuff chart.

Here’s our most popular chuff charts we built a while back:

Chuff Chart Suggestion

We have thousands of visitors each month using these tools.

If you feel as though there is something missing that can add value to our users, please let us know in the comments.

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