Military Acronym Tool: The Results
1ACC | No. 1 Air Control Centre |
A in A | Appropriations in Aid |
A&A | Alteration & Addition |
A&A | Alterations & Additions |
A&A | Approval and Authorisation |
A&AEE | Aeroplane and Armament Experimental Establishment |
A&AEW | Avionics And Air Electronic Warfare IPT |
A&ER | Ammunition and Explosive Regulations |
A&ER | Ammunition and Explosives Regulations |
A&Ers | Ammunition and Explosive Regulations |
A&SD | Arms and Service Director |
A/AS | Advanced/Advanced Supplementary level qualifications |
a/c or A/C | Aircraft |
A/D | Air Defence |
A/G | Air-to-Ground |
A/G/A | Air Ground Air |
A/R | As Required |
A/S | Anti-Submarine |
A/S or AS | Anti Submarine |
A/WST | Avionic/Weapons Systems Trainer |
A3*G | Acquisition 3-Star Group |
A3I | Accelerated Architecture Acquisition Initiative |
A3P | Advanced Avionics Architecture and Policy |
A3P | Advanced Avionics Architectures and Packaging (TDP) |
AA | Accommodation Allowance |
AA | Active Adjunct (sonar) |
AA | Administering Authority |
AA | Administrative Assistant. Civil Service grade |
AA | Air Adviser |
AA | Air Attache |
AA | Air-to-Air |
AA | Alterations and Additions |
AA | Alternative Assumption |
AA | Anti-Aircraft |
AA | Application Administrator |
AA | Area Administrator |
AA | Australian Army |
AAA | Anti-Aircraft Artillery |
AAA | Automatic Anti-Aircraft |
AAAD | Airborne Anti-Armour Defence |
AAAD | All Arms Air Defence |
AAAI | Association of Australian Aerospace Industries |
AAAM | Advanced Air-to-Air Missile |
AAAP | Advanced Avionics Architecture and Policy |
AAAV | Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle |
AAAW | Advanced (Airborne) Anti-Armour Weapon |
AAAW | Advanced Airborne Anti-Armour Weapon |
AAAW | Advanced Anti-Armour Weapon |
AABM | Air-to-Air Battle Management |
AABNCP | Advanced Airborne National Command Post |
AABW | Antarctic Bottom Water |
AAC | All-Aspect Capability |
AAC | Army Air Corps |
AAC | Asset Accounting Centre |
AAC | Automatic Amplitude Control |
AACMI | Autonomous Air Combat Manoeuvring Installation |
AACOMS | Army Area Communications System |
AACP | AACP Advanced Airborne Command Post |
AACR | Anglo-American Community Relations |
AACS | Airborne Advanced Communications System |
AACS | Automatic Access Control Systems |
AACT | Air-to-Air Combat Test |
AAD | Army Armament Depot |
AADEOS | Advanced Air Defence Electro-Optical Sensor |
AADGE | Allied Command Europe Air Defence Ground Environment |
AAE | Arms Ammunition & Explosives |
AAED | Advanced Airborne Expendable Decoy |
AAEE | Aeroplane and Armament Experimental Establishment |
AAF | Auxiliary Air Force |
AAFCE | Allied Air Forces Central Europe |
AAFSS | Advanced Aerial Fire-Support System |
AAG | Air-to-Air Gunnery |
AAG | Anti-Aircraft Gun |
AAGW | Air-to-Air Guided Weapon |
AAH | Advance Attack helicopter |
AAI | Ambient Attitude Detector |
AAI | Angle of Approach/Attack Indicator |
AAICP | Air-to-Air Interrogator Control Panel |
AAIP | Analogue Auto-land Improvement Programme |
AAL | Above Aerodrome Level |
AAL | ATM Adaptation Layer |
AALAAW | Advanced Air-Launched Anti-Armour Weapon |
AALC | Amphibious Assault Landing Craft |
AALPS | Automated Air Load Planning System |
AAM | Air-to-Air Missile |
AAMI | Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation |
AAMOUR | Anglo-Australian Memorandum Of Understanding on Research |
AAMTU | Automatic Antenna Matching and Tuning Unit |
AANCP | Advanced Airborne National Command Post |
AAO | Agency Accounting Officer |
AAO | Air-to-Air Operations |
AAOS | Acoustic Artillery Observer Sub-system |
AAP | AA Practice ammunition with a small bursting charge |
AAP | Allied Administrative Publication |
AAP | Annual Application Plans |
AAP | Anti-Aircraft Practice |
AAPSO | Afro-Asian Peoples Solidarity Organisation |
AAQMG | Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster General |
AAR | After Action Review or Air to Air Refuelling |
AAR | Air to Air Refuelling |
AAR | Air-to-Air Refuelling |
AARA | Air-to-Air Refuelling Area |
AARADCOM | Army Armament Research and Development Command |
AARB | Advanced Aerial Refuelling Boom |
AARMAC | Air-to-Air Macro |
AAS | Advanced Automation System |
AAT | All Arms Trencher |
AATDC | Army Air Transport and Development Centre |
AATH | Automatic Approach to Hover |
AATS | Anti-Aircraft Training System |
AATU | Automatic Antenna Tuning Unit |
AAUS | Active Adjunct Undersea Surveillance |
AAV | Amphibious Assault Vehicles |
AAV | Autonomous Aerial Vehicle |
AAVP | Assault Amphibian Vehicle Personnel |
AAVR | Assault Amphibian Vehicle Recovery |
AAW | Advanced Analysts Workstation |
AAW | Anti-Air Warfare |
AAW | Anti-Armour Weapon |
AAWC | AAW Commander or Co-ordination circuit |
AAWC | Anti-Air Warfare Commander |
AAWC | Anti-Air Warfare Controller |
AAWC | Anti-Air Warfare Co-ordinator |
AAWO | Anti-Air Warfare Officer |
AAWS | Advanced Anti-tank Weapon System |
AAWS-H | Anti-Armour Weapons System – Heavy |
AAWS-M | Advanced Anti-tank Weapon System – Medium |
AAWWS | Airborne Adverse Weather Weapon System |
AB | Able Seaman |
AB | Admiralty Board |
AB | Air Base |
AB | Airborne |
AB | Airborne (forces) |
AB | Army Board |
AB | Assault Breaker |
AB 88 | Lift Equipment Register Form Book |
ABA | Adaptation Box Assembly |
ABACUS | All Arms Battlefield Computer Simulation |
ABACUS | Artillery Battery Computer Support system |
ABC | Acquisition Behavioural Competences |
ABC | Activity Based Costing |
ABC | All-purpose Ballastable Crawler |
ABC | All-purpose Battle Computer |
ABC | America Britain and Canada |
ABC | Argentina Brazil Chile |
ABC | Atomic Biological/Bacteriological and Chemical |
ABC | Automatic Boost Control |
ABC | Automatic Brightness Control |
ABC | PARETO Cost Accounting (20% of stock = 80% of Value) |
ABCA | America Britain Canada and Australia. The treaty |
ABCA | American British Canadian Australian (group) |
ABCA | American-British-Canadian-Australian Armies |
ABCCC | Airborne Battlefield Command and Control Centre |
ABCD | American British Chinese and Dutch Allied Forces |
ABCF | Acquisition Behavioural Competence Framework |
ABDR | Aircraft Battle Damage Repair |
ABES | Air Breathing Engine System |
ABF | Adaptive Beam Forming |
ABF | Annular Blast Fragmentation warhead |
ABFM | American Board of Foreign Missions |
ABI | Application Binary Interface |
ABI | Association of British Insurers |
ABICS | ADA Based Integrated Control System |
ABIOS | Advanced Basic Input Output System |
ABIS | All-Bus Instrumentation System |
ABIT | Advanced Built-In Test |
ABL | Airborne Laser |
ABLE | Automated Bridge Launching Equipment |
ABM | Activity Based Management (MRPII) |
ABM | Adaptive Bandwidth Management |
ABM | Anti-Ballistic Missile |
ABM | Assignment Bid Manager |
ABM | Assistant Bandmaster |
ABMD | Advanced Ballistic Missile Defence |
ABMS | Air Battle Management System |
ABMT | Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty |
ABNL | Admiral Benelux and Netherlands |
ABO | Access Basing and Overflight |
ABO | Army Band Office |
ABOs | Agents of Biological Origin |
ABPW | Admiralty Board Professional Warning |
ABRC | Advisory Board for the Research Councils |
ABRES | Advanced Ballistic Re-Entry System |
ABRO | Army Base Repair Organisation |
ABRV | Advanced Ballistic Re-entry Vehicle |
ABS | Activity Breakdown Structure |
ABS | Amphibious Bridging System |
ABS | Anti-Lock Braking System |
ABs | Awarding Bodies |
ABS(T) | Amphibious Bridging System (Tracked) |
ABS(W) | Amphibious Bridging System (Wheeled) |
ABSA | Advanced Base Support Aircraft |
ABSD | Army Blood Supply Depot |
ABSOC | Advanced Broadcasting Systems of Canada |
ABSV | Armoured Battlefield Support Vehicle |
ABT | Advanced Back-plane Technology |
ABT | Advanced Bi-CMOS Technology |
ABTA | Association of British Travel Agents |
ABTAL | Aircraft Branch Temporary Amendment Leaflet |
ABU | Aviation Bird Unit |
ABW | Abbey Wood |
AC | Accounting Classification |
AC | Accounting Code. |
AC | Active Component |
AC | Additional Capability |
AC | Agreed Characteristics |
AC | Air Coordinator |
Ac | Aircraft |
AC | Aircraft Commander |
AC | Aircraft Controller |
AC | Aircraftman |
AC | Alternating Current |
AC | Ammunition Container |
AC | Analyst Console |
AC | Area Coverage antenna |
AC | Authorisation Committee |
AC | Authorisation Condition. |
AC & CS | Air Command & Control Systems |
Ac Comd | Aircraft Commander |
Ac Tech | Aircraft Technician |
AC(H) | Aircraft Controller (Helicopters)) |
AC/RC | Active Component/Reserve Component |
ACA | Agile Combat/Cargo Aircraft |
ACA | Airspace Control Authority |
ACA | Allied Control Authority |
ACA | Ammunition Container Assembly |
ACA | Application Control Architecture |
ACA | Army Cataloguing Authority |
ACAB | Air Cavalry Attack Brigade |
ACAC | Air Cargo Allocation Centre |
ACADA | Automatic Chemical Agent Detector Alarm |
ACALS | Army Computer aided Acquisitions and Logistic Support |
ACAM | AUV Concept Assessment Model |
ACAP | Advanced Composite Airframe Programme |
ACARD | Advisory Council for Applied Research and Development |
ACARS | Automatic Communications and Reporting System |
ACAS | Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service |
ACAS | Airborne/Aircraft Collision Avoidance System |
ACAS | Airfield Chemical Alarm System |
ACAS | Assistant Chief of the Air Staff |
ACAS | Assistant Chief of the Air Staff (2* post) |
ACAST | Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology |
ACBS | Atmosphere Control Breathing System |
ACC | Air Component Commander |
ACC | Aircraft Commodities IPT |
ACC | Alternative Command Centre |
ACC | Area Control Centre |
ACC | Army Catering Corps |
ACC | Artillery Control Console |
ACC | Avionics Computer Control |
ACC | Axis Controlled Carrier |
ACCAC | Qualifications Curriculum and Assessment Authority for Wales |
ACCAP | ACE CIS Contingency Assets Pool |
ACCCHAN | Allied Command Channel |
ACCE | AFCEA Computing Conference and Exhibition |
ACCESS | Aircraft Computerised Equipment Support System |
ACCESS | WAH64 Attack Helicopter Logistic Support System |
ACCHAN | Allied Command Channel |
ACCHAN | Allied Command Channel |
ACCIS | Automated Command and Control Information System |
ACCM | Acoustic Counter Counter Measure |
Accn | Accommodation |
ACCORD | Advanced Command and Control Research Demonstrator |
ACCORD | Application to Co-ordinate Comments On Repository |
ACCS | Advanced Communications Control System |
ACCS | Air Command & Control System |
ACCS | Air Command and Control System |
ACCS | Airborne Computing and Communications System |
ACCS | Allied Command and Control System |
ACCS | Army Command and Control System |
ACCS | Authorisation Condition Compliance Statement |
ACCSA | Allied Communications and Computer Security Agency |
ACCSCO | ACCS Company |
Acct | Accountant |
Acctng | Accounting |
ACCU | Alternate Current Charging Unit |
ACCV | Armoured Cavalry Cannon Vehicle |
ACD | Access Control Device |
ACD | Authentication Control Device |
ACD | Automated Chart Display |
ACD | Automatic Call Distribution |
ACDA | Arms Control and Disarmament Agency |
ACDP | Armament Control and Display Panel |
ACDS | Advanced Combat Direction System |
ACDS | Advanced Countermeasures Dispenser System |
ACDS | Air Combat Direction System |
ACDS | Assistant Chief of Defence Staff |
ACDS | Assistant Chief of the Defence Staff (2* posts) |
ACDS | Automatic Computer-controlled Dispensing System |
ACDS | Automatic Countermeasures Dispensing System |
ACDS(CIS) | Assistant Chief Defence Staff (Command-Control-Comms and Info Sys) |
ACDS(L) | Assistant Chief Defence Staff (Logistics) |
ACDS(O) | Assistant Chief Defence Staff (Overseas) |
ACDS(Op/Sy) | Assistant Chief Defence Staff (Operations and Security) |
ACDS(Pol/Nuc) | Assistant Chief Defence Staff (Policy and Nuclear) |
ACDS(Prog) | Assistant Chief Defence Staff (Programmes) |
ACDS(Res&Cdts) | Assistant Chief of the Defence Staff (Reserves and Cadets) |
ACDU | Area Clearance Diving Unit |
ACE | Actuator Control Electronics |
ACE | Advanced Computing Environment |
ACE | Agile Control Experiment |
ACE | Allied Command Europe |
ACE | Analogue Code Encryption unit |
ACE | Armoured Combat Earth-mover |
ACE | Asset Control and Evaluation |
ACE COMSEC | ACE Communications Security |
ACE High | ACE tropo-scatter communications system |
ACEATM | Aimed Controlled Effect Anti Tank Mine |
ACEATM | Aimed Controlled Effect Anti--Tank Mine |
ACEATM | Aimed Controlled-Effect Anti-Tank Mine |
ACELIP | ACE Long-term Infrastructure Plan |
ACEP | Automatic Contact Evaluation Plotter |
ACES | Advanced Carry-on ELINT/ESM Suite |
ACES | Advanced-Concept Escape System |
ACES | Aeroequip Corp. Engineering Standard |
ACES | Arrow Continuation Experiments |
ACET | Air-cushion Equipment Transporter |
ACETEF | Air Combat Environment Test and Evaluation Facility |
ACEWS | Automated Computer Assisted Electronic Warfare System |
ACF | Acquisition Competence Framework |
ACF | Army Cadet Force |
ACF | Army Cadet Force (British Army) |
ACG | Amphibious Combat Group |
ACGC | Agency Clinical Governance Committee |
ACGF | Aluminium-Coated Glass-Fibre (chaff) |
ACGS | Assistant Chief of the General Staff |
ACH | Advanced Compound Helicopter |
ACH | Anti-Condensation Heater |
ACHDF | Air Commander Home Defence Forces |
AChE | AcetylCholinEsterase |
ACI | American Concrete Institute |
ACI | Armament Control Indicator |
ACIA | Asynchronous Communications Interface Adapter |
ACID | Atomicity Consistency Isolation and Durability |
ACINT | Acoustic Intelligence |
ACIS | Armament Control Indicator Set |
ACISA | Army CIS Authority |
ACISG | Arms Command and Control Communications and Information Systems |
ACL | Access Control List |
ACL | Access Control List |
ACLANT | Allied Command Atlantic |
ACLOS | Automated Command to Line Of Sight |
ACLOS | Automatic-to-Command Line-Of-Sight |
ACLS | Air Cushion Landing System |
ACLS | Automatic Carrier Landing System |
ACLT | Aircraft Carrier Landing Trainer |
ACM | Advanced Cruise Missile |
ACM | Air Chief Marshal |
ACM | Air Combat Manoeuvre |
ACM | Anti-Armour Cluster Munitions |
ACME | Advanced Core Military Engine |
ACME | Advanced-Core Military Engine |
ACMEST | Air Combat Manoeuvring Expert Systems Trainer |
ACMI | Air Combat Manoeuvring Instrumentation |
ACMR | Air Combat Manoeuvring Range |
ACMS | Air Combat Manoeuvring Simulator |
ACMS | Aircraft Condition Monitoring System |
ACMS | Application Control and Management System |
ACMS | Armament Control and Monitoring System |
ACMS | Automatic Communication Management System |
ACMT | Advanced Cruise Missile Technology |
ACN | Activity Control Number |
ACN | Aircraft Classification Number |
ACNIP | Auxiliary Communications Navigation and Identification Panel |
ACNS | Assistant Chief of Naval Staff |
ACNS | Assistant Chief of the Naval Staff |
ACNS | Assistant Chief of the Naval Staff (2* post) |
Acnts | Accounts |
ACO | Administrative Contracting Officer |
ACO | Airspace Control Order |
ACO | Airspace Co-ordination Order |
ACO | Airspace Co-ordinator Order |
ACO(W) | Atomic Co-ordinating Office (Washington) |
ACOD | Access Code |
ACOP | Approved Code of Practice |
ACOP | Approved Code Of Practice (H&S) |
ACoP | Approved Code of Practice and Guidance (Managing Health & Safety in |
ACOR | Authorised Contractor Record |
ACOS | Assistant Chief of Staff |
ACOS(AV) | Assistant Chief of Staff (Aviation) RN |
ACOS(CIS) | Assistant Chief of Staff (Communications and Information systems) |
ACOS(M&D) | Assistant Chief of Staff (Medical & Dental) |
ACOS(OPS) | Assistant Chief of Staff (Operations and Plans) |
ACOS(P&S) | Assistant Chief of Staff (Personnel and Support) |
ACOS(POL) | Assistant Chief of Staff (Policy) |
ACOS(W) | Assistant Chief of Staff (Warfare) |
ACOST | Advisory Committee on Science and Technology |
ACOVS | Artillery Combat Observer Vehicle Simulator |
ACP | Active Cathodic Protection |
ACP | African/Caribbean/Pacific |
ACP | Airborne Command Post |
ACP | Allied Communications Publication |
ACP | Altimeter Check Point |
ACP | Anti-Collision Plot |
ACP | Armament Control Panel |
ACP | Automatic Colt Pistol |
ACP127 | Allied Communications Publication 127 |
ACPA | Adaptive-Controlled Phased Array |
ACPO | Association of Chief Police Officers |
ACPS or AcPS | Action Plot Supervisor |
Acq | Acquisition |
ACR | Advanced Combat Rifle |
ACR | Aerial Combat Reconnaissance |
ACR | Air Control Radar |
ACRIM | Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor |
ACRV | Armoured Command and Reconnaissance Vehicle |
Acs | Accounts |
Acs | Agreed Characteristics |
ACS | Air Command Simulator |
ACS | Air Commando Squadron |
ACS | Airborne Control System |
ACS | Application Control Structure |
ACS | Armament Control System |
ACS | Attitude Control System |
ACS | Automatic Channel Selection |
ACSA | Allied Communications Security Agency |
ACSA | Assistant Chief Scientific Advisor |
ACSA(C) | Assistant Chief Scientific Advisor (Capabilities) |
ACSA(N) | Assistant Chief Scientific Advisor (Nuclear) |
ACSA(P) | Assistant Chief Scientific Advisor (Projects) |
ACSA(R) | Assistant Chief Scientific Advisor (Research) |
ACSC2 | Advanced Command and Staff Course 2 |
ACSE | Association Control Service Element |
ACSM | Advanced Conventional Stand-off Missile |
ACSM | Air Commodore Supply and Movements |
ACSM | Assemblies Component Spare parts and Materials |
ACSR | Active Control of Structural Response |
ACSSB | Amplitude Companded Single Side-Band |
ACSTB | Air Command System Test Bed |
ACSTP | ACE Command and Staff Training Program |
ACSU | Air Combat Support Unit (RAF) |
ACT | Acquisition and Commercial Team |
ACT | Active Control Technology |
ACT | Air Combat Training |
ACT | Air Control Team/Technology |
ACT | Air-portable Cargo Trailer |
ACT | Anti-Communications Threat |
ACT | Area Capability Training |
ACT | Area Capability Training (specialist post-OST training) |
ACTCOST | Activity Cost Analysis |
ACTD | Advanced Concept Technology Demonstrator |
ACTEW | Acoustic Charged Transport Electronic Warfare |
ACTIS | Advanced Compact Thermal Imaging System |
ACTS | Advanced Communications Technology Satellite |
ACTS | Advisory Committee on Toxic Substances |
ACTS | Air Commodore Training Support |
ACTUR | Aviation Turbine Fuel |
ACU | Acceleration Control Unit |
ACU | Adaptive Control Unit |
ACU | Air Chiller/Conditioning Unit |
ACU | Airborne Computer Unit |
ACU | Analysis Control Unit |
ACU | Antenna Control Unit |
ACU | Artillery Computer Unit |
ACU | Automatic Calling Unit |
ACU | Avionics Control Unit |
ACV | Acquisition and Command Vehicle |
AcV | Acquisition View(s) |
ACV | Air Cushion Vehicle |
ACV | Armoured Cannon Vehicle |
ACV | Armoured Command Vehicle |
ACVT | Armoured Combat Vehicle Technology Programme |
ACVT | Armoured Combat Vehicle Tracked |
ACW | Adjusted Charge Weight |
ACWAR | Agile Continuous Wave Acquisition Radar |
ACWS | Advanced Colour Work Station |
AD | Accidental Damage |
AD | Action Data (section of WE Department) |
AD | Air Defence |
AD | Air Division (USAAF USAF) |
AD | Analogue/Digital |
AD | Anno Domini |
AD | Area-Denial munitions |
AD | Armament Division (AFSC) |
AD | Army Department |
AD | Arrival Date |
AD | Assistant Director |
AD | Assistant Director or Air Defence |
AD | Authorised Demander |
AD BISA | Air Defence BISA |
AD SM | Assistant Director Service Management |
AD/ADE | Assistant Director/Armaments Documentation and Engineering |
AD/ADRP | AD/Airworthiness Design Requirements and Procedures in the DPA |
AD/Cycle | Analysis and Design (through life) to Code generation |
AD/Eng Pol | AD/Engineering Policy in DGES(Air) DLO |
AD/IE | Assistant Director Information Engineering |
AD/MR(Nuc) | Assistant Director Material and Research (Nuclear) |
AD/OE | Assistant Director/Ordnance Engineering |
AD/QOI | Assistant Director/Quality Ordnance Inspection |
AD/TC | Assistant Director Trident Co-ordination |
AD/XJAM | Artillery Delivered Expendable Jammer |
ADA | Action Data Automation |
ADA | Air Danger Area |
ADA | Air Defence Artillery |
ADA | Air Defended Area |
ADAC | ASW Data Analysis Acinct Centre |
ADACS | Airborne Digital Automatic Collection system |
ADACS | Alarm and Distributed Access Control System |
ADAD | Air Defence Alerting Device |
ADAIRS | Air Data and Inertial Reference System |
ADAM | Area Denial Artillery Munitions |
ADAMS | Air Defence Advanced Mobile System |
ADAMS | Air Defence Anti-Missile System |
ADAMS | Allied Deployment & Movement System |
ADAPS | Automatic Data Acquisition and Processing |
ADAPT | Acquisition of NEC and Dabinett Programme Team IPT |
ADAR | Airfield Damage And Repair |
ADARIO | Analogue/Digital Adaptable Recorder Input/Output |
ADARS | Adaptive Antenna Receiver System |
ADAS | Airborne Data Acquisition System |
ADAS | Airfield Damage Assessment System (USAF) |
ADAS | Auxiliary Data Annotation Set |
AdatP | Allied Data Publication. |
ADatP | Allied Data Publications |
ADat-P3 | Automatic Data Processing (Standard)3 |
ADATS | Air Defence Anti-Tank System |
ADAU | Auxiliary Data Acquisition Unit |
ADAWS | Action Data Automatic Weapons System |
ADAWS | Action Data Automation Weapon System |
ADAWW | Assistant Director Above Water Warfare |
ADAZ | Air Defence Zone |
ADBMS | Air Defence Battle Management Simulation |
ADBriC | Air Defence Bridging Capability |
ADC | Acoustic Device Countermeasure |
ADC | Action Data & Control (systems) |
ADC | Additional Duties Commitment (type of reserve service) |
ADC | Aide-De-Camp |
ADC | Air Data Computer |
ADC | Air Defence Command (former USAF Command) |
ADC | Air Defence Commander |
ADC | Analogue to Digital Converter |
ADC | Analogue-to-Digital Conversion/Converter |
ADC | Annual Delegate Conference |
ADC | Armament Directors Conference |
ADC | Army Doctrine Committee |
ADC | Assessment and Development Centre |
ADC | Assistant Director Contracts |
ADC | Asynchronous Digital Combiner |
ADC(X) | Auxiliary Dry Cargo Carrier |
ADC/WDO | Action Data & Communications / Weapons Delivery & Ordnance |
ADCA | Advanced Design Composite Aircraft (USAF) |
ADCAP | Advanced Capabilities |
ADCAPARM | Advanced Capabilities Anti-Radar Missile |
ADCC | Air Defence Control Centre |
ADCC | Air Direction Control Centre |
ADCIS | Air Defence Communication and Information System |
ADCIS | Army Air Defence CIS System |
ADCOM | Aerospace Defence Command |
ADCP | Acoustic Doppler Current Profile |
ADCP | Assistant Director Corporate Planning |
ADCS | Air Data Computer System |
ADCT | Aircraft Data Configuration Tool |
ADD | Agency for Defence Development |
ADDC | Air Defence Data Centre |
ADDS | Advanced Decoy Dispenser System |
ADDS | Advanced Digital Dispensing System |
ADDS | Army Data Distribution System |
ADE | Aerial Delivery Equipment |
ADE | Aeronautical Development Establishment |
ADEA | Army Development and Employment Agency |
ADECS | Advanced Digital Engine Control System |
ADEKS | Advanced Design Electronics Key System |
ADELA | Atlantic Development Group for Latin America |
ADELT | Automatically Deployable Emergency Locator Transponder |
ADEN | Armament Designed Enfired |
ADESM | Automatic Data Extraction from Signal Messages |
ADEWS | Air Defence Electronic Warfare System |
ADEX | Air Defence Exercise |
ADF | Automatic Direction Finding |
ADF | Automatic Document Feeder. |
ADFCC | Air Force Defence Control Centre |
ADG | Accessory-Drive Generator |
ADG | Aircraft Delivery Group |
ADGBS | Air Defence Ground Based Systems IPT |
ADGE | Air Defence Ground Environment |
ADGS | Air Defence Gun Sight |
ADH | Air Danger Height |
ADI | Air Defence Initiative |
ADI | Attitude Director Indicator |
ADIB | Air Deployable Ice Beacon |
ADIMP | Ada Improvement Programme |
ADIRS | Air Data and Inertial Reference System |
ADIRS | Airfield Damage Information and Reporting System |
ADIT | Automatic Detection and Tracking Unit |
ADITT | Aerially Deployed Ice Thickness Transponder |
ADIVS | Air Defence Inter-operability Validation System |
ADIZ | Air Defence Identification Zone |
adj | adjustment |
Adjt | Adjutant |
Adjt-Gen | Adjutant-General |
ADKEM | Advanced Kinetic Energy Missile |
ADL | advanced distributed learning |
ADL | Armament Data Line |
ADL | Authorised Data List |
ADL | Authorised Demander Level |
ADLBS | ASACS Data Link Buffer System |
ADLIPS | Automatic Data Link Plotting System |
ADLS | Assistant Director Logistic Support |
ADM | Adaptive Delta Modulation |
ADM | Add Drop Mux |
Adm | Admiral |
ADM | Advanced Development Model |
ADM | Aerodrome Design Manual |
ADM | African Democratic Movement |
ADM | Air Decoy Missile |
ADM | Asynchronous Data Modem |
ADM | Atomic Demolition Munitions |
ADMD | Administrative Managed Domains |
ADMD | Administrative Management Domain |
Admin | Administrator/Administration |
ADMIS | Army Department Management Information System |
ADMT | Assistant Director Movements and Transport |
ADMU | Air Distance Measuring Unit |
ADNAR | Assistant Director Nuclear Accident Response |
ADNBS(Transport) | Assistant Director Naval Bases and Supply (Transport) |
ADNC | Air Defence Notification Centre |
ADNOC | Air Defence Operations Centre |
ADNOCS | Advanced Digital Optical Control System |
ADNP | Assistant Director Nuclear Propulsion |
ADOC | Air Defence Operations Centre |
ADOP | Advanced Distributed Onboard Processor |
ADOPT | Aerodynamic Design Optimisation for Long Duct Nacelles |
ADP | Admiralty Driving Permit. |
ADP | Arab Democratic Party |
ADP | Auto Data Processing |
ADP | Automated Data Processing |
ADP | Automatic Data Processing |
ADP | Automatic/Advanced Data Processing |
ADPA | American Defence Preparedness Association |
ADPCM | Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation |
ADPCM | Adaptive Pulse Code Modulation |
ADPE | Automated Data Processing Equipment |
ADPG | Air Defence Planning Group |
ADPMP(QA) | Assistant Director Procurement Management Policy (Quality Assurance) |
ADPS(SS) | Assistant Director Programmes and Support (Strategic systems) |
ADPSO | Automatic Data Processing Selection Office |
ADQS | Assistant Director Quality and Safety |
ADQUAL | Additional Qualification |
ADR | Accident Data Recorder |
ADR | Accord Dangerous Routier (EEC Policy on Transport) |
ADR | Active Decoy Round (Mk 251) |
ADR | Air Data Relay |
ADR | Air Defence Region |
ADR | Airfield Damage Repair |
ADR | Allocation Deficiency Report |
ADR(LS) | Assistant Director Research (Life Sciences) |
ADR+ | Advanced Digital Radio + Bowman VHF Radio |
ADRC | Advanced Defence Radar Controller |
ADREF No | Admiralty Reference Number |
ADRG | ARC Digital Radar Graphics |
ADRG | ARC Digitised Raster Graphics |
ADROWPU | Advanced Double Pass Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit |
ADRP | Aircraft Design Approvals Requirements & Procedure |
ADRS | Airfield Damage Repair Squadron (Royal Air Force) |
ADRTIES | Advanced Digital Radar Imagery Exploitation System |
ADRU | Advanced Defence Radar Unit |
ADS | Acoustic Detection System |
ADS | Active Dipping Sonar |
ADS | Advanced Deployable Systems program (US Navy) |
ADS | Air Data System |
ADS | Airborne/Active Dipping Sonar or Air Defence System |
ADS | Aircraft Document Set |
ADS | Ammunition Delivery System |
ADS | Architectural Design Study |
ADS | Astronomical Data Services |
ADS | Audio Distribution System |
ADS | Automatic Defence System |
ADS | Automatic Dependent Surveillance |
ADS/PS | Assistant Director Project Support |
AdSAAMS | Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System |
ADSAF | Automatic Data System for the Army in the Field |
ADSCM | Advanced Ship Communications |
ADSI | Air Defence Systems Integrator |
ADSIA | Allied Data Systems Interoperability Agency |
ADSIA | Allied Data Systems Inter-operability Agency |
ADSL | Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line |
ADSM | Air Defence Suppression Missile |
ADSP | Advanced Digital Signal Processor |
ADSR(CD)) | Assistant Director Ship Refitting (Corporate Development) |
ADST | Assistant Director Supply and Transport |
ADSU | Air Data Sensor Unit |
ADT | Administrative Delay Time |
ADT | Advanced Display Terminal |
ADT | Air Data Terminal |
ADT | Air Defence Technology programme |
ADT | Airborne Data Terminal |
ADT | Alphanumeric Display Terminal |
ADT | Assistant Director Training |
ADT | Assured Deterrent Time |
ADT | Automatic Data Transmission |
ADT | Automatic Detection and Tracking |
ADT3 | Air Defence Tactical Training Centre |
ADTC | Armament Development and Test Centre (USAF) |
ADTD | Assistant Director Tactical Development |
ADTM | Aircraft Data Transfer Module |
ADTU | Auxiliary Data Transfer Unit |
ADU | Air Data Unit |
ADU | Air Defence Unit |
ADU | Annotation Display Unit |
ADU | Automatic Dialling Unit |
ADU | Auxiliary Display Unit |
ADU | Avionics Display Unit |
Adv | Advanced |
ADV | Air Defence Variant |
Adv Sig | Advanced Signaller |
Adv Sig(S) | Advanced Signaller (Systems) |
Advc | Advice |
ADVC | Airborne Digital Video Cassette |
ADVCAP | Advanced Capability |
ADVICE | Analogue and Digital Video Integrator and Contrast |
Advn | Adventure Adventurous |
AdvnTrg | Adventurous Training |
ADVON | Advanced Echelon |
Advsr | Advisor |
ADW | Area Defence Weapon |
ADW | Area Denial Weapon |
ADWRFS | Armament Depot Weapon Repair Facility Statement |
ADZ | Air Danger Zone |
AE | Adult Education |
AE | Aircraft Established |
AE | Ammunition ship |
AE | Assault Echelon |
AE | Authorising Engineer |
AEA | Aircrew Equipment Assemblies |
AEA | Aircrew Equipment Assembly |
AEA | Atomic Energy Authority |
AEA/SRD | Atomic Energy/Safety & Reliability Directorate |
AEB | Active Electronic Buoy |
AEC | Air Element Co-ordinator |
AEC | Army Education Centre |
AEC | Army Education Corps |
AEC | Associated Equipment Company |
AEC | Atomic Energy Commission |
AECB | Arms Export Control Board |
AECM | Active Electronic Countermeasures |
AECMA | Association European des Constructeurs de Materiel Aerospatial |
AECU | Advanced Electronic Control Unit |
AED | Air Engineering Department |
AEDC | Arnold Engineering Development Centre |
AEDF | Asian Economic Development Fund |
AEDIT | Aircraft Engineering Development & Investigation Team |
AEDS | Atomic Energy Detection System |
AEF | Air Experience Flying |
AEFSS | Automatic Explosion/Fire Sensing and Suppression system |
AEGIS | Advanced Engine/Gearbox Integrated System |
AEGIS | Airborne Early Warning Ground Integration Segment |
AEGIS | Airborne Early Warning Ground Integration System |
AEI | Australian Electronics Industry Association |
AEL | Accessible Emission Limit |
AEM | Aviation Engineering and Maintenance |
AEMI | Army Equipment Management Instruction |
AEMIS | Army Equipment Management Information System |
AEN | Alternative ELINT Notation |
AEO | Air Electronics Officer |
AEO | Air Electronics Officer (Royal Air Force) |
AEO | Aircraft Engineer Officer |
AEO | Army Estates Organisation |
AEOOW | Assistant Engineer Officer of the Watch (in the RFA) |
AEP | Application Environment Profile |
AEQB | Air Engineering Qualifying Board |
AER | Approval Early Retirement |
AERE | Atomic Energy Research Establishment |
AERS | Access/Egress Roadway System |
AES | Aircrew Escape and Survival (Survival Team) IPT |
AES | Application Environment Specification |
AES | Arms and Explosives Search |
AES | Auger Electron Spectroscopy |
AESB | Army Environmental and Safety Board |
AESITS | Aviation Equipment Support IT System |
AESOP | Aircraft Equipment Support On-Line Packages |
AESP | Army Engineering Support Publication |
AESP | Army Equipment Support Publication |
AET | Awareness Education and Training |
AETG | Advanced Electronic Technology Group |
AETMS | Airborne Electronic Terrain Mapping System |
AEU | Aeromedical Evacuation Unit |
AEU | Airborne Electronics Unit |
AEV | Armoured Engineer Vehicle |
AEV | Association of External Verifiers |
AEW | Airborne Early Warning |
AEW&C | Airborne Early Warning and Control |
AEWTF | Air-crew Electronic Warfare Tactics Facility |
AF | Admiral of the Fleet |
AF | Air Force |
AF | Airfield |
AF | Amphibious Force |
AF | Armed Forces |
AF | Army Form |
AF | Attributable Faults |
AF | Audio Frequency |
AF | Augmentation Force |
AFA | Air Force Association |
AFA | Area Firearms Adviser |
AFA | Audio Frequency Amplifier |
AFA 06 | Armed Forces Act 2006 |
AFAAC | Air Force and Anti-Aircraft Command |
AFAALC | Air Force and Anti-Aircraft Logistics Command |
AFAAMS | Anglo-French Air-to-Air Missile System/Anti-air Multi-spectral Seeker |
AFAATC | Air Force and Anti-Aircraft Training Command |
AFAP | Artillery-Fired Atomic Projectile |
AFARV | Armoured Forward-Area Rearm Vehicle |
AFAS | Advanced Field Artillery System |
AFASD | Air Force Aeronautics systems Division |
AFASPO | Air Force Automated Systems Project Office (USAF) |
AFATDS | Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System |
AFATL | Air Force Armaments Laboratory |
AFB | Air Force Base |
AFB | Air Force Board |
AFBMA | Anti-Friction Bearing Manufacturers Association |
AFBMD | Air Force Ballistic Missile Division |
AFBMO | Air Force Ballistic Missile Office |
AFBSC | Air Force Board Standing Committee |
AFC | Air Force Cross |
AFC | Automatic Frequency Control |
AFCAS | Automatic Flight Control Augmentation System |
AFCC | Air Force Communications Command |
AFCEA | Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association |
AFCENT | Allied Forces Central Europe |
AFCMD | Air Force Contract Management Division |
AFCS | Artillery Fire-Control System |
AFCS | Automatic Fire Control System |
AFCS | Automatic Flight Control System |
AFD | Air Fleet Division/Department DTEO |
AFD | Air Force Department |
AFD | Air Force Department of MoD |
AFD | Automatic Feeding Device (for ammunition) |
AFDC | Air Freight Distribution Centre (at Portsmouth) |
AFDE | Arctic Fuels Dispensing Equipment |
AFDRG | Anglo French Defence Research Group |
AFDS | Advanced Flight-Deck Simulator |
AFDS | Air Fighting Development Squadron |
AFDS | Automatic Flight Director System |
AFE | Adult Further Education |
AFE | Airborne Forces Equipment |
AFE | Archaeological Field Evaluation |
AFE | Authority Furnished Equipment |
AFED | Available Force Element Day |
AFEDDS | Automatic Fire and Explosion Detection and Suppression System |
AFES | Automatic Fire Extinguishing System |
AFESD | Air Force Electronic Systems Division |
AFEWC | Air Force Electronic Warfare Centre |
AFEWES | Air Force Electronic Warfare Evaluation Simulator |
AFEX | Anglo-French Exchange meeting |
AFFAS | Armed Forces Financial Advisory Services |
AFFF | Anglo-French Future Frigate |
AFFF | Aqueous Film-Forming Foam |
AFFTC | Air Force Flight Test Centre |
AFG | Anti-Frogman Grenade |
AFGL | Air Force Geophysics Laboratory |
AFGS | Automatic Flight Guidance System |
AFIC | Air Force Intelligence Command |
AFIS | Air Force Intelligence Service |
AFLC | Air Force Logistics Command |
AFM | Air Force Manual |
AFMC | Air Force Materiel Command |
AFMM | Assistant Functional Machinery Manager. |
AFMM (M) | Assistant Functional Machinery Manager (Maintenance) |
AFMM (MAINT) | Assistant Functional Machinery Manager (Maintenance) |
AFMM (P) | Assistant Functional Machinery Manager (Proc) |
AFMM (PROC) | Assistant Functional Machinery Manager (Procurement) |
AFMS | Automatic Flight Management System |
AFNCP | Anglo-French-Netherlands Collaboration Programme |
AFNO | Amphibious Forces Notes and Orders |
AFNON | Allied Forces North Norway |
AFNOR | Association Francais de Normalisation. French ISO |
AFNORTH | Allied Forces Northern Europe |
AFNORTHWEST | Allied Forces Northwest Europe |
AFNW | Allied Forces North West |
AFO | Area Flag Officer |
AFOLTS | Automatic Fire Overheat Logic Test System |
AFOPS | Armed Forces Overarching Personnel Strategy |
AFOPS | Armed Forces Over-Arching Personnel Strategy |
AFOSR | Air Force Office of Scientific Research |
AFP | Armed Forces of the Philippines |
AFP | Assault Fire Platoon |
AFP+ | Assault Fire Platoon Plus |
AFPAA | Armed Forces Personnel Administration Agency |
AFPRB | Armed Forces Pay Review Body |
AFPRO | Air Force Plant Representative Office |
AFR | Accident Frequency Rate |
AFR | Air Force Regulation |
AFRES | Air Force Reserve |
AFRP | Aramid Fibre Reinforced Plastics |
AFS | Advanced Flight Simulator |
AFS | Air Force Station |
AFS | Automatic Flight System |
AFS | Automatic Frequency Selection |
AFS | Auxiliary Forward Support |
AFS | Auxiliary Fleet Support |
AFS(H) | Auxiliary Fleet Support (with Helicopter) |
AFS(N) | Auxiliary Forward Support (Helicopters) |
AFSARC | Air Force Systems Acquisition Review Council |
AFSAT | Air Force Satellite |
AFSATCOM | Air Force Satellite Communications System |
AFSC | Air Force Systems Command |
AFSCF | Air Force Satellite Control Facility |
AFSCN | Air Force Satellite Control Network |
AFSD | Air Force Space Division |
AFSED | Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development |
AFSH | Auxiliary Fleet Support Helicopter carrying |
AFSK | Audio Frequency Shift Keying |
AFSONOR | Allied Forces South Norway |
AFSOUTH | Allied Forces Southern Europe |
AFSTC | Air Force Space Technology Centre |
AFSV | Armoured Fire Support Vehicle |
AFT | Air Force Department |
AFT | Array Function Tester |
AFTA | Advanced First Term Avionics |
AFTI | Advanced Fighter Technology Integration |
AFTN | Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunications Network |
AFTS | Air-tech Firearms Training System |
AFU | Air Filtration Unit |
AFU | Assault Fire Unit |
AFV | Armoured Family of Vehicles |
AFV | Armoured Fighting Vehicle |
AFV Det | Armoured Fighting Vehicle Detector |
AFWAL | Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratory |
AFWL | Air Force Weapons Laboratory |
AFWS | Airfield Frost Warning System |
AG | Adjutant General |
AG | Aerospace Ground Equipment |
AG | Air Gunner |
AG | Antenna Group |
AG | Army Garrison (US) |
AG | Attention Getter |
AGAI | Army General and Administrative Instructions |
AGARD | Advisory Group for Aerospace Research & Development |
AGARD | Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Defence |
AGC | Adjutant Generals Corps |
AGC | Automatic Gain Control |
AGCAS | Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services |
AGCS | Advanced Guidance and Control System |
AGCW | Autonomous Guidance for Conventional Weapons |
AGCW | Autonomously Guided Conventional Weapon |
AGE | Advanced Graphics Engine |
AGE | Aerospace Ground Equipment |
AGE | Aircraft Ground Equipment |
AGES | Air Ground Engagement System |
AGES/AD | Air-to-Ground Engagement/Air Defence |
AGETS | Automated Ground Engine Test System |
AGEX | Anglo-German Exchange meeting |
AGF | Army Ground Forces |
AGI | Association for Geographic Information |
AGL | Above Ground Level |
AGL | Aeronautical Ground Light(Ing) |
AGL | Airborne Gun Laying (radar) |
AGL | Automatic Grenade Launcher |
AGLS | Automatic Gun Laying System |
AGLT | Airborne Gun Laying Turret |
AGM | Air-to-Ground Missile |
AGM | Annual General Meeting |
AGMA | American Gear Manufacturers Association |
AGOUTI | System for raising propellor cavitation speed |
AGPPE | Advanced General Purpose Processor Element |
AGR | Advanced Gas-cooled Reactor |
AGRA | Automatic Gain Ranging Amplifier |
AGREE | Advisory Group on Reliability in Electronic Equipment |
AGS | Advanced Ground Station |
AGS | Aeronautical Ground Station |
AGS | Aircraft General Spares |
AGS | Aircraft General Stores |
AGS | Air-to-Ground System |
AGS | Armoured Gun System |
AGSS | Auxiliary research submarine |
AGTS | Air Gunnery Target System |
AGV | Assault Gun Vehicle |
AGV | Automated Guided Vehicle |
AGVT | Advanced Ground Vehicle Technology |
AGZ | Actual Ground Zero |
AH | Artificial Horizon |
AH | Attack Helicopter |
AH | Attack Helicopter (Apache) |
AH 64 | Attack Helicopter 64 |
AHB | Attack Helicopter Battalion |
AHCA | Additional Housing Cost Allowance |
AHCP | Ad-Hoc Collective Protection |
AHD | Ad Hoc Duties (type of reserve service) |
AHE | Ammunition Handling Equipment |
AHEAD | Advanced Hit Efficiency And Destruction |
AHEM | Association of Hydraulic Equipment Manufacturers |
AHIP | Army Helicopter Improvement Programme |
AHIT | Advanced Hover Intercept Technology |
AHM | Anti-Helicopter Mine |
AHP | Allied Hydrographic Publication |
AHQ | Air Headquarters |
AHQ | Allied Headquarters |
AHQ | Alternative DC HQ |
AHRS | Attitude and Heading Reference System |
AHRU | Attitude and Heading Reference Unit |
AHS | American Helicopter Society |
AHTOC | Attack Helicopter Target Operational Characteristics |
AI | Administrative Instruction |
AI | Air Interdiction |
AI | Airborne Intercept |
AI | Airborne Interception |
AI | Artificial Intelligence |
AI | Automatic Identification |
AI2S | Advanced Infra-red Imaging Seeker |
AIA | Aircraft Interface Assembly |
AIAA | American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics |
AIAAM | Advanced Intercept Air-to-Air Missile |
AIAC | ACCS Implementation Advisory Committee |
AIAG | Automotive Industries Action Group |
AIAH | Advanced Integrated Avionic Helmet |
AIAIT Centre (US Army) | Army Intelligence and Threat Analysis |
AIB | Admiralty Interview Board |
AIBU | Advanced Interference Blanker Unit |
AICORN | Adaptive Intelligent Control of Radio Networks |
AICP | Anglo-Italian Collaboration Programme |
AICRO | Association of Independent Contract Research Organisations |
AID | Agency for International Development |
AIDB | Anti-Intrusion Defence Barriers |
AIDC | Aero Industry Development Centre |
AIDLO | Atomic and International Defence liaison Officer |
AIDS | Acoustic Intelligence Data System |
AIDS | Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome |
AIDS | Advanced Integrated Display System |
AIDS | Airborne Integrated Data System |
AIDU | Aeronautical Information Documentation Unit |
AIDU | Aeronautical Information Documents Unit |
AIEFSO | Accident Investigation and Engineering Flight Safety Officer |
AIEWS | Advanced Integrated Electronic Warfare System |
AIFF | Advanced Identification Friend or Foe |
AIFF | Audio Interchange File Format |
AIFFC | Audio Interchange File Format plus Compression |
AIFS | Advanced Indirect Fire System |
AIFTA | Anglo-Irish Free Trade Agreement |
AIFV | Armoured Infantry Fighting Vehicle |
AIG | Address Indicating Group |
AIG | Address Indicator Group |
AIG | Assistant Instructor of Gunnery (Royal Air Force) |
AIG | Automatic Indicator Group |
AII | Accuracy Improvement Initiative (GPS) |
AIIM | Association for Information and Image Management |
AIL | Advance Information Leaflet |
AILA | Airborne Instrument Landing Approach system |
AIM | Active Inert Missile |
AIM | Air Intercept Missile |
AIM | Air Interceptor Missile |
AIM | Air traffic control beacon IFF Mk XII system |
AIM | Aircraft Inter-phone and Mixer |
AIM | Anti-Invasion Mine |
AIME | Aircraft Integrity Monitoring Equipment |
AIMES | Avionics Integrated Maintenance Expert System |
AIMIS | Advanced Integrated Modular Instrumentation System |
AIMS | Accident Information Management System |
AIMS | Advanced Integrated MAD System |
AIMS | Aircraft Identification Monitoring System |
AIMS | Arctic Ice Monitoring System |
AIMS | Attitude Indicator Measurement System |
Aimval | Air Intercept Missile Evaluation |
AINS | Airborne Inertial Navigation System |
AIO | Action Information Organisation |
AIO | Action Information Organisation (ship command centre) |
AIP | Aeronautical Information Publication |
AIP | Agreed Implementation Plan |
AIP | Air-Independent Propulsion |
AIPS | Advanced Integrated Propulsion System |
AIPT | Advanced Image Processing Terminal |
AIR | Accident Incident Rate |
AIR | AIR Command replaced Strike when Strike and PTC merged |
AIR | Air Intercept Radar |
AIR | Annual Infrastructure Report |
Air Cdre | Air Commodore |
Air Chf Mshl | Air chief Marshal |
Air Mshl | Air Marshal |
AIRBALTAP | Allied Air Forces Baltic Approaches |
AIRCOM | Air Command |
AIRNON | Allied Air Forces Northern Norway |
AirOpsCen | Air Operations Centre |
AIRS | Advanced Inertial Reference System |
AIRS | Advanced Infra-Red imaging Seeker |
AIRS | Airborne Integrated Reconnaissance System |
AIRS2P2 | Air Sensors Systems and Platform Protection IPT |
AirSH | Air Support Helicopter |
AIRSONOR | Allied Air Forces Southern Norway |
AIRSOUTH | Allied Air Forces Southern Europe |
AirSpaceMgr | Air Space Manager |
AIRT | Air-to-air Interceptor Radar Training |
AIS | Advanced Instrumentation SubSystem |
AIS | Aeronautical Information Service |
AISD | Advance Interoperability Services Demonstrator |
AISEC | Army Information Engineering Command (US Army) |
AISR | Advanced Initial Spares Requirements |
AISS | Alliance for Information Systems Skills |
AISS | Armaments Interim Supply Solution |
AIT | Advanced Intruder Test |
AIT | Assembly Integration & Test |
AITAT | Armoured Infantry Training and Advisory Team |
AITT | Association of Industrial Truck Trainers. |
AIU | Active Inject Unit |
AIU | Airborne Installation Unit |
AIU | Aircraft Interface Unit |
AIU | Armament Interface Unit |
AIU | Audio Interface Unit |
AIVA | Association of Internal Verifiers and Assessors |
AIWS | Advanced Interdiction Weapon System |
AIX | Advanced Interactive Executive (IBMs UNIX operating system) |
AJ | Anti-Jam |
AJ | Anti-jamming |
AJF | Allied Joint Force |
AJFHQ | Allied Joint Force Headquarters |
AJM | Anti-Jam Modem |
AJPO | Ada Joint Program Office |
AJS | Advanced Jamming System |
AJT | Advanced Jet Trainer |
AK | Avtomat Kalashnikov |
AKM | AK Modified |
AL | Amendment List |
AL | Analogue Loop |
AL xx | Helicopter Alert State |
ALA | Army Licensing Authority |
ALAAVA | Advanced Light Armoured/Amphibious Vehicle System |
ALAD | Automatic Liquid Agent Detector |
ALADEIN | Assets Liabilities And Depot Equipment / Information Network |
ALARA | As Low As Reasonably Achievable |
ALARM | Air Launched Anti-Radiation Missile |
ALARM | Air-Launched Anti-Radiation Missile |
ALARMS | Airborne Laser Radar Mine Sensor |
ALARP | As Low As is Reasonably Practicable |
ALARP | As Low As Reasonably Practicable |
ALARR | Air-Launched Air-Recoverable Rocket |
ALASIS | Assignment Ledger and Automated Sales Invoicing System |
ALB | Automatic Load-dependent Brake |
ALBF | Airland Battle Future |
ALBM | Air-Launched Ballistic Missile |
ALC | Air Logistics Command |
ALC | Alternate Logistics control number (LCN) Code |
ALC | Army Learning Centre |
ALC | Army Legal Corps |
ALC | Automatic Level Control |
ALCAM | Air-Launched Conventional Attack Missile |
ALCC | Airborne Launch Control Centre |
ALCE | Army List of Classified Equipments |
ALCM | Air-Launched Cruise Missile |
ALCS | Airborne Launch Control System |
ALCV | Armoured Land-mine Clearing Vehicle |
ALDC | Army Logistic Development Committee |
ALDP | Airborne Laser Designator Pod |
ALDS | Acquisition Leadership Development Scheme |
ALDS | Acquisition Leadership Development Team |
ALDT | Administrative & Logistics Delay Time |
ALE | Arbitrary Lagrange-Euler code |
ALE | Automatic Link Establishment |
ALEBI | Air/Land Enhancement for BFG Intelligence |
Alert | Warning that an incident has occurred |
ALERTDECL | Alert Stage / State Declaration |
ALERTS | Airborne Laser Electronic warfare Receiver Training |
ALES | Authorised List of Explosive Stores |
ALEX | Automatic Launching of Expendables |
ALF | Atomic Line Filter |
ALFENS | Automated Low Flying Entry and Notification System |
ALFENS | Automated Low Flying Flight Planning Enquiry and Management System |
ALFENS | Automated Low-Flying Flt-Planning Enquiry & Notification System |
ALFS | Airborne Low Frequency Sonar |
ALFS | Automatic Low Flying Systems |
ALG | Action Learning Group(s) |
ALG | Autonomous Landing Guidance |
ALGMS | Advanced Laser-Guided Missile System |
ALGOL | Algorithmic Language |
ALGW | Air Launched Guided Weapon |
ALH | Active Laser Homing |
ALI | Adult Learning Inspectorate |
ALI | Automatic Line Integration |
ALL | Admiralty List of Lights |
ALLA | Allied Long Lines Agency |
ALLD | Airborne Laser Location Designator |
ALLOCATION | The band of frequencies available for a certain equipment these are |
ALLOTMENT | The list of frequencies available for the operation |
ALLTV | All Light Level Television |
ALM | Air Launched Munitions |
ALM | Air Load Master (Royal Air Force) |
ALM | Air Loadmaster |
ALMSS | Air Launched Marine Sound Signal |
ALMV | Air Launched Miniature Vehicle |
ALO | Air Liaison Officer |
ALOC | Air Line of Communications |
ALOFT | Airborne Light Optical Fibre Technology |
ALOOS | Air Liaison Officer Offensive Support |
ALOR | Advisory Levels of Release |
ALOS | Airborne Light Observation System |
ALOSH | Air Liaison Officer Support Helicopters |
ALOTS | Airborne Lightweight Optical Tracking System |
ALP | Ammunition Logistic Process |
ALPOS | Anti-Laser Protected Optical Sight |
ALPS | Accidental Launch Protection System |
ALPS | Air Load Planning System |
ALQA | Automatic Link Quality Analysis |
ALRAAM | Advanced long-range Air-to-Air Missile |
ALRAD | Airborne Laser Range-finder And Designator |
ALRI | Airborne Long-range Radar Input |
ALRS | Admiralty List of Radio Signals |
ALS | Acquisition Logistics Standard |
ALS | Advanced Launched System (SDI project) |
ALS | Advanced Life Support |
ALS | All-weather Landing System |
ALS | Army Legal Services |
ALS | Augmented Logistics Support |
ALS | Auxiliary Lighter |
ALSAD | Aircraft Logistics Supply And Demand |
ALSG | Air Logistics and Support Group |
ALSL | Alternative Landing Ship Logistic |
ALSP | Aggregate Level Simulation Protocol |
ALSS | Advanced Logistics Support Site |
ALSS | Air-Launched Saturation System missile |
ALT | Administration Lead Time |
ALT | Administrative Lead Time |
ALT | Airborne Laser Tracker |
ALT | Altimeter |
ALT | Armoured Launching Turret |
ALT | Attack Light Torpedo |
ALTA | Advanced Lightweight Tactical Antenna |
ALTAIR | ARPA Long-range Tracking And Instrumentation Radar |
ALTE | Approved List of Test Equipment |
ALU | Arithmetic and Logic Unit |
ALW | Air / Land Warfare |
ALW | Amphibious and Land Warfare |
ALWT | Advanced Lightweight Torpedo |
ALYCAT | Aeromechanics LYnx Control and Agility Testbed |
AM | Aircrew Manual |
AM | Amplitude Modulation |
AM | Ante Meridian |
AM | Anti-Material |
AM | Assignment Manager or Achievement Milestone |
AMA | Adaptive Multi-function Antenna |
AMA | Advanced Modern Apprenticeship |
AMACS | Advanced Multi-Axis Cueing Seat |
AMAD | Airframe Mounted Accessory Drive |
AMANDA | Ammunition Management Area Network Depot Aid |
AMANS | Army Management Services |
AMARV | Advanced Manoeuvring Re-entry vehicle |
AMAS | Alternate Main Access Switch |
AMAS | Automated Manoeuvring Attack System |
AMB | Active Magnetic Bearing |
Amb | Ambulance |
AMC | Acquisition Management Cell |
AMC | Advanced Micro-Electronics Converter |
AMC | Air Material Command |
AMC | Air Mobility Command |
AMC | Aircraft Management Computer |
AMC | Airframe/Armament Modification Committee |
AMC | Army Material Command |
AMCA | Air Movement and Control Association |
AMCA | Avionic Modular Component Acquisition |
AMCAPS | Affordable Manufacture of Composite Aircraft Primary Structure |
AMCCOM | Armament Munitions and Chemical Command |
AMCM | Advanced Mine Countermeasures |
AMCO | Air Maintenance Control Office |
AMCS | Airborne Missile Control System |
AMCS | Alert Monitoring System Computer |
AMCSA | Army Material Command Support Activity Office (US Army) |
AMD | Ammunition Marking Drawing |
AMDI | Acoustic Miss Distance Indicator |
AMDR | Automatic Missile Detecting Radar |
AMDS | Anti-Missile Discarding Sabot |
AMDS | Automatic Manoeuvring Device System |
AMDS | Automatic Message Distribution System |
AME | Air Movements Executive |
AME | Amplitude Modulation Equivalent |
AME | Angle Measuring Equipment |
AME | Annually Managed Expenditure |
AME | Authorized Medical Examiner |
AMED | Advanced Mechanical Engineering Demonstrator |
AMEPP | Allied Maritime Environmental Protection Publication |
AMES | Advanced Multiple Environment Simulator |
AMES | Assistant Manager Engineering Services |
AMET | Advanced Military Engine Technology |
AMET | Advanced Military Engineering Technology |
AMETS | Artillery Meteorological System |
AMEWS | Automated Mobile EW System |
AMEX | American Express (card) |
AMF | ACE Mobile Force |
AMF | Allied Mobile Force |
AMF | Attributable Mission Failures |
AMF(L) | Allied Command Europe mobile Force (Land) |
AMF-A | ACE Mobile Force - Air |
AMFCTS | Artillery and Mortar Fire Control Training Simulator |
AMF-L | ACE Mobile Force - Land |
AMG | Aircraft Maintenance Group |
AMG | Antenna Mast Groups |
AMGOT | Allied Military Government of Occupied Territories |
AMH | Allied Message Handling |
AMHA | Automatic Message Handling Assistance |
AMHMS | Advanced Magnetic Helmet-Mounted Sight |
AMHS | Automated Message Handling System |
AMI | Alternate Mark Inversion |
AMIDARS | Airborne Minefield Detection And Reconnaissance System |
AMIDS | Airborne Minefield Detection System |
AMIEE | Associate Member of Institution of Electrical Engineering |
AMIK | Automatic Target Recognition System |
AMIPSC | Aircraft Maintenance Information Programme Steering Committee |
AMIR | Anti-Missile Infra-Red |
AMIS | Air Movements Information Systems |
AMIS | Anti-Materiel Incendiary Sub-munitions |
AMIS | Automated Management Information System |
AMIT | Aerospace Maintenance Information Technology |
AML | Air Member for Logistics |
AMLCD | Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display |
AMM | Anti-Missile Missile |
ammo | ammunition |
AMN | Admiralty Manual of Navigation |
AMO | Air Movements Operations |
AMOP | Amplitude Modulation On Pulse |
AMOPS | Army Machine Readable-Format Output Production System |
AMOS | ARPA Maul Optical Station |
AMP | Air Member for Personnel |
AMP | Assisted Maintenance Period |
AMP | Aviation Modernisation Plan (US Army) |
AMPA | Advanced Mission Planning Aid |
amph | Amphibious |
AMPO | Assistant Management Planning Officer |
AMPS | Automated Message Processing System |
AMPSS | Advanced Manned Precision Strike System |
AMR | Assistant Master Rigger. |
AMRAAM | Advanced Medium Range Air to Air Missile |
AMRAAM | Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile |
AMRAD | Armament / Munitions Requirements and Development |
AMRAD | Atomic Military Research and Development |
AMRAD | Automated Message Routing and Distribution |
AMRAD | Automatic Message Routing And Distribution |
AMRE | Aeromedical Role Equipment |
AMREP | Ammunition logistic Report |
AMRS | Advanced Maintenance Recorder System |
AMS | Acquisition Management System |
AMS | Advanced Missile System (US Navy) |
AMS | Aerospace Materials Specification |
AMS | Air Maintenance Squadron |
AMS | Air Management System |
AMS | Aircraft Management System |
AMS | Alenia Marconi Systems |
AMS | American Material Standard |
AMS | Antenna Matching System |
AMS | Anti-Ship Missile |
AMS | Armoured Mortar System |
AMS | Army Medical Services |
AMS | Automatic Marking System |
AMS | Automatic Meteorological System |
AMS | Automatic Mode Scheduling |
AMS | Avionics Management System |
AMSAR | Airborne Multimode Solid State Active array Radar |
AMSAR | Airborne Multimode/function Solid-state Array Radar |
AMSAT | Ammunition STATus report |
AMSCREP | Automated Messaging Systems and Commcen Replacement Equipment |
AMSG | Allied Military Security General (Publication) |
AMSG | Allied Military Standards Group |
AMS-H | Advanced Missile System - Heavy |
AMSL | Above Mean Sea Level |
AMSO | Air Member for Supply and Organisation |
AMSO | Air Member for Supply and Transport |
AMSS | Advanced Multi-Sensor System |
AMSS | Automatic Message Switching System |
AMT | Action Messing Team |
AMT | Advanced Manufacturing Technology |
AMTAT | Air Manoeuvre Training and Advisory Team |
AMTD | Adaptive Moving Target Detection |
AMTE | Admiralty Marine Technology Establishment |
AMTI | Air Moving Target Indication |
AMTI | Airborne Moving Target Indicator |
AMTN | Active Matrix Twisted Nematic |
AMU | Antenna Matching Unit |
AMU | Auxiliary Memory Unit |
AMV | Advanced Marine Vehicle |
AMV | Armoured Maintenance Vehicle |
AM-VSB | Amplitude Modulation-Vestigial Sideband |
AMW | Advanced Microwave |
AN | Air Force / Navy |
AN | Autonomous Network |
ANA | Advance Notification of Amendment |
ANA | Army Navy Air Force |
ANBCDO | Assistant NBCD officer |
ANC | African National Congress |
ANCA | Allied Naval Communications Agency |
AND | Alphanumeric Display |
ANDVT | Advanced Narrow-band Digital Voice Terminal |
ANEP | Allied Naval Engineering Publication |
ANF | Atlantic Nuclear Force |
ANG | Air National Guard |
ANI | Automatic Number Identification |
ANLO | Assistant Naval Liaison Officer |
ANMI | Air Navigation Multiple Indicator |
ANN | Artificial Neural Network |
ANN | Automatic Neural Networks |
ANO | Abu Nidal Organisation |
ANO | Air Navigation Order (1995) |
ANODE | Ambient sea Noise Directionality Estimator |
ANP | Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion |
ANR | Active Noise Reduction |
ANRI | Automatic Net Radio Interfacing |
ANS | Air Navigation School |
ANS | Airborne Navigation System |
ANS | American Nuclear Society |
ANS | Automatic Navigation System |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute |
ANSI | American National Standards Institution |
ANSSM | Assistant Nuclear Support Service Manager |
ANSSM (DC) | Assistant Nuclear Services Support Manager (Design Control) |
ANSSM (Ops) | Assistant Nuclear Services Support Manager (Operations) |
ANSSM(Ops) | Assistant Nuclear Services Support Manager (Operations) |
ANT | Air Navigation Trainer |
ANV | Advanced Naval Vehicle |
ANVIS | Aviators Night Vision Imaging System |
ANZUK | Australia New Zealand and United Kingdom military |
ANZUS | Australia New Zealand and USA security treaty |
AO | Accounting Officer |
AO | Accounting Operations |
AO | Administrative Officer |
AO | Area of Operations |
AO | Army Officer |
AO | Army Order |
AO | Artillery Observation |
AO | Assisting Officer |
AO | Auxiliary Oiler |
Ao | Operational Availability |
AO Regt + STO | Air Officer Regiment and Survive to Fight |
AO(R) | Auxiliary Oiler (Replacement) |
AO/MT | Administrative Officer/Motor Transport |
AOA | Activity on Arrow (networks) |
AOA | Air Officer Admin |
AOA | Airborne Optical Adjunct |
AOA | Aircraft Operating Authority |
AOA | Amphibious Objective Area |
AOA | Amphibious Operating Area |
AOA | Angle Of Arrival |
AOA | Angle Of Attack |
AOA | Army Operational Architecture |
AOB | Air Order of Battle |
AOB | Aircrew Operating Brief |
AoB | Angle of Bank |
AOB | Any Other Business |
AOB | Arctic Ocean Buoy |
AOB | Automatic Optical test-Bench |
AOC | Adaptive Optical Camouflage |
AOC | Agreed Operational Characteristic |
AOC | Air Officer Commanding |
AOC | Air Operations Centre |
AoC | Association of Colleges |
AOC | Association of Old Crows |
AOC | Assumption Of Control (message) |
AOC DAUs | Air Officer Commanding Directly Administered Units |
AOC in C STC | Air Officer Commander-in-Chief Strike Command |
AOC Mus | Air Officer Commanding Maintenance Units |
AOC Sus | Air Officer Commanding Signals Units |
AOCinC | Air Officer Commanding in Chief |
AOCinC STC | Air Officer Commanding in Chief Strike Command |
AOCIS | Air Officer Communications & Information Systems |
AOCM | Advanced Optical Countermeasures |
AOCS | Attitude and Orbit Control System |
AOCS | Attitude and Orbit Control System (Skynet) |
AOCS | Attitude and Orbit Control Systems |
AOCSTC | Air Officer Commander-in-Chief Strike Command |
AOD | Area Of Display |
AOF | Auxiliary Oiler Fleet |
AofD | Angle of Departure |
AofP | Angle of Projection |
AofS | Angle of Sight |
AOG | Aircraft on Ground |
AOI | Arab Organisation for Industrialisation |
AOI | Area of Interest |
AOII | Area of Intelligence Interest |
AOIR | Area of Intelligence Responsibility |
AOM | Accounting Officer Memorandum |
AOM | Air Officer Maintenance |
AON | Activity On Node (networks) |
AO-N | Administrative Office Navy |
AONB | Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty |
AOO | Analysis Of Options |
AOP | Airbome Observation Post (for NGS) |
AOP | Airborne Observation Post |
AOP | Allied Ordnance Publication |
AOP | Area Of Projection |
AOPF | Active Optical Proximity Fuze |
AOPL | Advance Ordering Percentage Limit |
AOPR | Area Of Prime Responsibility |
AOPT | Advanced Optical Position Transducer |
AOR | Acquisition Organisation Review |
AOR | Acquisition Organization Review |
AOR | Annual Operating Requirements |
AOR | Area of Operational Responsibility |
AOR | Area of Responsibility |
AOR | Assault Operations Room |
AOR | Auxiliary Oiler and Replenishment ship |
AOR | Auxiliary Oiler Refueller/Replacement |
AOR | Auxiliary Oiler Replacement |
AOR | Auxiliary Oiler Replenishment |
AOS | Add-On Stabilisation |
AOS | Airborne Optical Sensor |
AOS | Airfield Operations Support IPT |
AOSA | Airborne Optical Sensor Adjunct |
AOSNI | Air Officer Commanding Scotland and Northern Ireland |
AOSP | Army Operational Shooting Policy |
AOSPP | Air Officer Strategic Policy & Plans |
AOT | Asset Optimisation Tool |
AOT | Automated Operations Tool |
AOTC | Associated Offices Technical Committee |
AOTF | Acousto-Optic Tuned Filter |
AOU | Area Of Uncertainty |
AOV | Artillery Observation Vehicle |
AOW | Asia Oceania Workshop (for Open Systems) |
AP | Accounting Period |
AP | Accounts Payable |
AP | Air Publication |
AP | Allied Publication |
AP | Ammonium Perchlorate |
AP | Ammunition Point |
AP | Anti-Personnel |
AP | Application Protocol |
AP | Armour Piercing |
AP | Assessment Phase |
AP | Authorised Person |
APA | Advanced Pilots Aid |
APA | All Points Addressable (computer screen) |
APA | Amphibious transport |
APACHE | Advanced Phased Array Chemical High Energy laser equipment |
APACHE | Analysis of Pacific Area Communications for Hardening to EMP |
APACHE | Arme Propulsee A Charges Ejectables |
APAG | Atlantic Policy Advisory Group |
APAM | Anti-Personnel Anti-Material |
APAR | Actively Phased-Array Radar |
APART | Advanced Phased Array Radar Technology |
APB | Acquisition Policy Board |
APB | Air Portable Bridge |
APB | Analysing Printer Base |
APB | Assessment Phase Board |
APC | Air Pollution Control |
APC | Armoured Personnel Carrier |
APC | Armour-Piercing Capped |
APC | Army Personnel Centre |
APC | Automatic Phase Control |
APC(L) | Air Picture Compiler (Local) |
APCBC | Armour-Piercing Capped Ballistic Capped |
APCOM | Air Picture Compilation |
APC-T | Armour-Piercing Capped Tracer |
APCT-BF | Armour-Piercing Capped Tracer Base Fuze |
APCU | Alarm and Power Remote-Control Unit |
APD | Amplitude photodiode |
APDS | Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot |
APDS | Armour-Piercing Discarding Sabot |
APDS-T | Armour-Piercing Discarding Sabot Tracer |
APE | Armour Piercing Explosive |
APEI | Armour Piercing High Explosive and Incendiary |
APEP | Armour Piercing Enhanced Performance |
Apers | Anti-personnel |
APERS-T | Anti-Personnel Tracer |
APES | Azimuth Position and Elevation System |
APEX | Advanced Photovoltaics and Electronic eXperiment |
APEX | Analysis of Public Expenditure Statistics System |
APFC | Air-Portable Fuel Container |
APFD | Autopilot Flight Director |
APFIDS | Armour-Piercing Fragmentation Incendiary Discarding Sabot |
APFS | Air Publications Forms and Stationery |
APFSDS | Armour Piercing Fin Stabilised Discarding Sabot |
APFSDS | Armour-Piercing Fin-Stabilised Discarding Sabot |
APFSDS(P) | Armour-Piercing Fin-Stabilised Discarding Sabot (Practice) |
APFSDS-T | Armour-Piercing Fin-Stabilised Discarding Sabot-Tracer |
APG | Aberdeen Proving Ground (US) |
APG | Army Publications Group |
APG | Aspect Project Group |
APGM | Autonomous Precision Guided Munition |
APHAZ | Aircraft Proximity Hazard |
APHC | Armour-Piercing High Capacity |
AP-HC | Armour-Piercing Hard Core |
APHCI | Armour-Piercing Hard Core Incendiary |
APHCS | Admiralty Pilotage & Harbour Control Service |
APHCS | Army Primary Healthcare Service |
APHE | Armour Piercing High Explosive |
APHEI | Armour Piercing High Explosive Incendiary |
APHEI | Armour-Piercing High Explosive Incendiary |
APHE-SD | Armour-Piercing High Explosive Self-Destroying |
APHIDS | Advanced Panoramic Helmet Integrated Display System |
APHIDS | Advanced Panoramic Helmet Interface Demonstrator System |
API | Aim Point Initiative |
API | Air Photo Interpreter |
API | Air Position Indicator |
API | American Petroleum Institute |
API | Application Programme Interface |
API | Application Programming Interface |
API | Applications Program Interface. |
API | Armour Piercing Incendiary |
APIA | Application Programming Interface Association |
APICS | American Production Inventory Control Society |
APIHC | Armour Piercing Incendiary Hard Core |
APIT | Armour Piercing Incendiary Tracer |
APL | Accreditation of prior learning |
APL | Allowance Parts List |
APL | Application Programme Libraries |
APLD | Advanced Passive Localisation Demonstrator |
APLM | Anti-Personnel Landmine |
APLN | Automatic Position Location Navigator & Reporting |
APLS | Advanced Procurement and Logistics Support |
APLS | Advanced Procurement and Logistics Systems |
APM | Anti-Personnel Mine |
APM | Association for Project Management |
APM | Authority Project Manager |
APMI | Armour Piercing Marker Incendiary |
APOBS | Anti-Personnel Obstacle Breaching System |
APOD | Air Port of Debarkation |
APOD | Air Port of Disembarkation |
APOE | Air Ports of Embarkation |
APP | Allied Procedural Publication |
App | Application |
APP | Application Portability Profile |
APP | Armour Protection Program |
App Admin | Applications Administrator |
APP OEU | Air Platform Protection Operational Evaluation Unit |
App Op | Applications Operator |
App Spec | Applications Specialist |
APPC | Advanced Programme to Programme Communication |
AppID or APID | Application ID |
APPLABS | Appleton Rutherford Laboratory |
APPLET | A mini software application (or program) |
AppSpec | Application Specialist |
APQ | Armaments Planning Questionnaire |
APR | Air Photo Reader |
APR | Auto Power Reserve |
APR(F) | Air Picture Reporter (Force) |
APR(L) | Air Picture Reporter (Local) |
APRE | Army Personnel Research Establishment |
APRO | Army Pay and Records Office |
APS | Adaptive Processor System (sonar) |
APS | Advanced Fighter Crew Protection System |
APS | Aerial Post Squadron (USAF) |
APS | Air Plot Supervisor |
APS | Aircraft Position Sensor |
APS | Aircraft Prepared for Service |
APS | Assistant Private Secretary |
APS | Automatic Pointing System or Air Planning System |
APSE | Ada Programming or Project Support Environment |
APSE | ADA Programming Support Environment |
APSE | Armour Piercing Special Effect |
APSE | Armour-Piercing Secondary Effect |
APSEC | Advanced Power System Electronic Control |
APSE-T | Armour-Piercing Secondary Effect-Tracer |
APSI | Aircraft Propulsion System Integration |
APSOH | Advanced Panoramic Sonar - Hull-mounted |
APSS | Atlas Port Surveillance System |
APT | Aerospace Project Team IPT |
APT | Armour-Piercing Tracer |
APTC | Army Physical Training Corps |
APTCI | Army Physical Training Corps Instructor |
APTE | Abrams Power Train Evolution |
APU | Armoured Patrol Unit |
APU | Auxiliary Power Unit |
APV | Armoured Patrol Vehicle |
APV | Auto-piloted Vehicle |
APWG | ASMA Priorities Working Group |
APWG | Assessment Phase Working Group |
APWT | Annual Personal Weapon Test |
APX | Extended Assessment Phase |
AQ | Acceptance Questionnaire |
AQAP | Allied Quality Assurance Paper |
AQAP | Allied Quality Assurance Publication |
AQAP1 | Allied Quality Assurance Plan Vol 1 |
AQD | Aeronautical Quality Assurance Directorate |
AQF | Acquisition Competence Framework |
AQL | Acceptable Quality Level |
AQL | Advanced Quick-fix sensor |
AQMS | Artificer Quatermaster Sergeant Major |
AQRD | Air Quartermasters Readiness Date |
AR | Army Regulation |
AR | Assault Rifle |
AR&M | Availability Reliability and Maintainability |
AR/AAV | Armoured Reconnaissance / Airborne Assault Vehicle |
ARA | Aircraft Research Association |
ARA | Army Rifle Association |
ARALL | ARAMID Reinforced Aluminium ALLoy |
ARAMIS | American Requisitions And Management Information System |
ARBS | Angle Rate Bombing Set |
ARC | Admiralty Raster Chart. |
ARC | Air Refuelling And Comms Fleets IPT |
ARC | Ames Research Centre |
ARC | Area Reprogramming Capability |
ARC | Authority Responsible Code |
ARCADS | Armament Control and Delivery System |
ARCE | Amphibious River Crossing Equipment |
ARCM | Anti-Radiation Countermeasures |
Arcrw | Aircrew |
ARCS | Acquisition Radar and Control System |
ARCS | Aerial Rocket Control System |
ARCS | Automatic Radio Control System |
ARCS | Automatic Release Consent Switch |
ARCS(HCRF) | Admiralty Raster Chart (Hydrographic Chart Raster Format) |
ARD | Acquired Rights Directive (connected with TUPE) |
ARD | All Round Defence |
ARD | Anti-Radar Drone |
ARD | Applied Research Technology Demonstration |
ARD | Auxiliary Repair Dry dock |
ARDEC | Armament Research Development and Engineering Centre (US Army) |
ARDNOT | Automatic Day / Night Optical Tracker |
ARDS | Airborne Radar Demonstrator System |
ARE | Addressable Remote Encoder |
ARE | Admiralty Research Establishment |
ARE | Airborne Radar Extension |
AREN | Army Radio Engineered Network |
ARES | Active Relief Sensor |
ARETS | Armoured Remoted Target System |
ARF | Air Reserve Forces |
ARFA | Allied Radio Frequency Agency |
ARGS | Advanced Resolution Gunnery Simulator |
ARH | Active Radar Homing |
ARH | Anti-Radar / Radiation Homing |
ARI | Airborne Radio Installation |
ARI | Air-power Research Institute (USAF) |
ARI | US Army Research Institute |
ARIC | Air-borne Radio and Intercom Control system |
ARINC | Aeronautical Radio Incorporated |
ARJS | Air-borne Radar Jamming System |
AR-L | Airborne Reconnaissance - Low |
ARLT | Administrative Repair Lead Time |
ARM | Advanced RISC Machines |
ARM | Aerodrome Retroreflective Marker |
ARM | Anti-Radar Missile |
ARM | Anti-Radiation Measures |
ARM | Anti-Radiation Missile |
ARM | Artillery Re-arm Module |
ARM | Availability Reliability Maintainability |
ARM 1 | Armament 1 |
ARM&T | Availability Reliability Maintainability & Testability |
ARMA | Annual Report of Material Accounted |
ARMAD | Armoured and Mechanised Unit Air Defence |
ARMADAS | Anti-Radiation Missile Airborne Data Analysis System |
Armd | Armed |
ARMD | Armoured |
ARM-D | Anti-Radiation Missile Decoy |
ARMP | Allied Reliability and Maintainability Publication |
armr | armour |
Armr | Armourer |
Armrd | Armoured |
ARMS | Advanced Radar Missile Scoring System |
ARMS | Advanced Reconfigurable Mission Simulator |
ARMS | Advanced Remote Mine-hunting System |
Arms | Armaments |
ARMS | Armoured Re-supply Maintenance System |
ARMSCOR | Armament Manufacturing Corporation (South Africa) |
ARMVAL | Anti-Armour Vehicle Evaluation |
ARNE | ATM Network Research Environment |
ARNG | Army National Guard |
ARO | Accident Response Officer. |
ARO | Army Research Office |
ARO | Auxiliary Readout |
ARP | Address Resolution Protocol |
ARP | Aerodrome Reference Point |
ARP | Air Raid Precautions |
ARP | Anti-Radiation Projectile |
ARP | Applied Research Programme |
ARP | Attack Reference Point |
ARPA | Advanced Projects Research Agency (US) |
ARPA | Advanced Research Projects Agency |
ARPA | Automatic Radar Plotting Aid |
ARPANET | Advanced Research Projects Agency Network |
ARPS | Acoustic Range Prediction System |
ARPS | Advanced Radar Processing Subsystem |
Arpt | Airport |
ARPTT | Air-Refuelling Part-Task Trainer (USAF) |
ARQ | Automatic Repeat Request |
ARR | Audit Recommendations Report |
ARRADCOM | Armament Research and Development Command |
ARRC | ACE Rapid Reaction Corps |
ARRC | Allied command Europe Rapid Reaction Corps |
ARRC ACE | Rapid Reaction Corps |
ARRL | American Radio Relay League |
ARROW | ADP assistance to RAOC and REME Operations in Work |
ARRV | Armoured Repair and Recovery Vehicle |
ARS | Advanced Rocket System |
ARS | Air Reinforcement Squadron |
ARS | Alternate Route Select |
ARS | Attack Radar Set |
ARS | Automatic Reporting System |
ARSR | Air Route Surveillance Radar |
ARSV | Armoured Reconnaissance Scout Vehicle |
ART | Air Refuelling Transport |
ART | Air-Refuelling Transport |
Art | Artificer |
Art Ac | Artificer Aircraft |
Art Av | Artificer Avionics |
ARTADS | Army Tactical Data Systems |
ARTBASS | Army Training Battle Simulation System |
ARTCC | Air Route Traffic Control Centre |
ARTD | Applied Research Technology Demonstrator |
ARTEMIS | Array TEchnology for MIssile Seekers |
ARTHUR | Artillery Hunting Radar |
ARTI | Aeronautical Research and Test Institute |
ARTS | Agile Radar Target Simulator |
ARTS All-Round | Thermal Surveillance |
ARTY | Artillery |
Arty | Artillery Equipment |
ARTYSYS | Artillery Systems IPT |
ARV | Armoured Recovery Vehicle |
ARW | Airborne Rotary Wing |
ARW | Anti-Riot Weapons |
ARWAR | Advanced Radar Warning Receiver |
ARWS | Advanced Radar Warning System |
AS | Acquisition Stream |
AS | Air Staff |
AS | Air Station |
AS | Air Systems |
AS | Aircraft Support IPT |
AS | Air-to-Surface |
AS | Ammunition Storage |
AS | Anti-Scintillation or Air Superiority or Air System |
AS | Anti-Submarine |
AS | Armament Stores |
AS | Assistant Secretary |
As & As | Alterations & Additions |
AS1077/AS1092 | Types of RN Sonar Trainers |
AS90 | Artillery System for the Nineties |
ASA | Advanced Security Agency |
ASA | Advanced System Architecture |
ASA | Analogue Signature Analysis |
ASA | Appropriate Superior Authority |
ASA | Army Scaling Authority |
ASAAC | Allied Standard Avionics Architecture Council |
ASAAC | Allied Standardisation Avionics Architecture Council |
ASAC | Air-borne Surveillance Air-borne Control |
ASAC | All Source Analysis Cell |
ASACS | Air Surveillance And Control System |
ASaCS | Airborne Surveillance and Control System |
ASaCS | Airborne Surveillance and Control System |
ASALA | Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia |
ASALM | Advanced Strategic Air-Launched Missile |
ASAM | Advanced Surface-Air Missile |
ASAM | Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile |
ASAM | Advances Surface-to-Air Missile |
ASAP | Air-borne Shared Aperture Program |
ASAP | As Soon As Possible |
ASAR | Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar |
ASARC | Army Systems Acquisition Review Council |
ASARG | Autonomous Synthetic Aperture Radar Guidance |
ASARS | Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar System |
ASARS | Air-borne Search and Rescue System |
ASAS | All Source Analysis System |
AsAs | Alterations and Additions |
ASAT | Advanced Subsonic Aerial Target |
ASAT | Anti-SATellite |
ASAT | Anti-Satellite Missile |
ASAT | Avionics Situation Awareness Trainer |
ASB | All Stations Broadcast |
ASBM | Air-to-Surface Ballistic Missile |
ASC | Accredited Standards Committee |
ASC | Air Systems Controllerate |
ASC | Analytical Studies Committees |
ASC | Automatic Channel Selection |
ASC | Automatic Sensitivity Control |
ASC/PAM | Advanced System Control / Processor And Memory |
ASCA | Army Scaling and Cataloguing |
ASCA | Army Scaling and Codification Authority |
ASCAIPS | Army Scaling and Cataloguing Authority Initial Provisioning System |
ASCB | Aircraft Standard Communication Bus |
ASCC | Air Standardisation Coordinating Committee |
ASCC | Air Standardisation Co-ordinating Committee |
ASCC | Air Standardisation Co-ordination Committee |
ASCETT | Advisory Scottish Council for Education and Training Targets |
ASCII | American Standard Code for Information Interchange |
ASCL | Advanced Sonobuoy Communications Link |
ASCM | Advanced Space-borne Computer Module |
ASCM | Anti-Ship Cruise Missile |
ASCON | Automatic Switched Communications Network |
ASCOT | Accounting Software Catalogue Options |
ASCOT | Air Support Command On Transit |
ASCOT | Airspace Control and Operations Training simulator |
ASCU | Armament Station Control Unit |
ASD | Advanced System Development |
ASD | Aerospace and Defence |
ASD | Automatic Stopping Device |
ASDA | Accelerate-Stop Distance Available |
ASDAP | Army Sustainable Development Action Plan |
ASDAWC | Aircraft Self Damage from Air Weapons Committee |
ASDC | Alternative Space Defence Centre |
ASDC | Army Strategic Defence Command |
ASDI | Analogue Simple Data Interface set |
ASDIC | Allied Submarine Devices Investigation Committee (now sonar) |
ASDL | Air-borne Self-Defence Laser |
ASDP | Advanced Seeker Development Program |
ASDS | Advanced Seal Delivery System |
ASDs | Army Supply Depots |
ASDU | Armament Signal Data Converter |
ASE | Admiralty Signal Establishment |
ASE | Air Support Executive |
ASE | Aircraft Support Executive |
ASE | Aircraft Survivability Equipment |
ASE | Ancillary Support Equipment |
ASE | Automatic Stabilisation Equipment |
ASEAN | Association of Southeast Asian Countries |
ASEM | Anti-Ship Euro-missile consortium |
ASEMA | Advanced Special Electronics Mission Aircraft (US Army) |
ASEMS | Acquisition Safety and Environmental Management System |
ASES | Active Sonar for Entrance Surveillance |
ASET | Automatic Scoring Electronic Target |
ASETS | Air-borne Seeker Evaluation Test Set |
ASF | Additional Secondary Factors |
ASF | Anti-Surface Force |
ASF | Army Standard Family (shelters) |
ASG | Active Shaft Grounding |
ASG | Air Studies Group |
ASG | Air Systems Group |
ASG | Air-borne System Gun |
ASG | Assistant Secretary General |
ASG | Availability Steering Group |
ASGC | Air Surveillance and Gun Control console |
ASGC | Air-borne Surveillance Ground Control |
ASGW | Air-to-Surface Guided Weapon |
ASGW | Ant-Surface Guided Weapon |
ASH | Advanced Seeker Homing |
ASH | Advanced Support Helicopter |
ASHE | Approval to Store and Handle Explosives |
ASHFCG | Air Systems Human Factors Co-ordination Group |
ASI | Accounting Systems Integrator |
ASI | Aircraft Structural Integrity (a section in DGES(Air)) |
ASI | Airspeed Indicator |
ASIC | Aircraft Systems Integration Corporation |
ASIC | Application Specific Integrated Circuit |
ASIC | Applications Specific Integrated Circuit |
ASID | Application Specific Integrated device |
ASIG | Aviation Safety Implementation Group |
ASIL | American Society of International Law |
ASIP | Aircraft Structural Integrity Program |
ASIR | Airspeed Indicator Reading |
ASIS | Advanced Schedule Information Signal |
ASIT | Armament Systems IT |
ASJ | Automatic Search Jammer |
ASK | Amplitude Shift Keying |
ASL | Above Sea Level |
ASL | Applied Science Laboratories |
ASL | Authorised Stockage List |
ASLC | Accruing Superannuation Liability Contribution |
ASLO | Accident Site Liaison Officer |
ASLR | Air / Surface Laser Ranger |
ASM | Advanced Sea Mine |
ASM | Advisory Services Manager |
ASM | Aircraft Support Management |
ASM | Aircraft Systems Management |
ASM | Airfield Survivability Measures |
ASM | Airfield Survival Measures |
ASM | Airport Services Manual |
ASM | Air-to-Surface Missile |
ASM | Anti-Ship Missile |
ASM | Armoured Systems Modernisation programme |
ASM | Artificer Sergeant Major |
ASM | Attack Submarines IPT |
ASMA | Air Staff Management Aid |
ASMA | Air Staff Management Aid (ADP System) |
ASMA | Air Systems Management Authority |
ASMD | Anti Ship Missile Defence |
ASMD | Anti-Ship Missile Defence |
ASME | American Society of Mechanical Engineers |
ASMI | Airport Surface Movement Indicator (radar) |
ASMS | Advanced Surface Machinery System (US Navy) |
ASMS | Advanced Surface Missile System |
ASN | Advanced Secure Network. |
ASN-1 | Abstract Syntax Notation One |
ASNE | American Society of Naval Engineers |
ASNI | Ambient Sea Noise Indication |
ASNR | Air Senior National Representative |
Asnrc | Assurance |
ASOC | Air Support Operations Centre |
ASOM | Autonomous Stand-Off Missile |
ASP | Active Server Page |
ASP | Advanced Signal Processor |
ASP | Advanced Sound Ranging Program |
ASP | Advanced Soundranging Programme |
ASP | Air-base Survivability Program |
ASPC | Aircraft Self Protective Chaff |
ASPECT | A Set of Procurement Executive Computer Tools |
ASPECT | A Set of Procurement Executive Computing Tools |
ASPJ | Air-borne Self-Protection Jammer |
ASPO | Army Standing Operating Procedures |
ASPR | Armed Services Procurement Regulation |
ASPRO | Advanced Signal Processor |
ASPRO | Armament Supply Provisioning System |
ASQC | American Society of Quality Control |
ASR | Acoustic Self-Ranging system |
ASR | Air Staff Requirement |
ASR | Annual Staff Report |
ASR | Approach Surveillance Radar |
ASR | Automatic Send / Receive |
ASR | Automatic Send and Receive |
ASRAAM | Advanced Short Range Air-to-Air Missile |
ASRAAM | Advanced Short-Range Air-Air Missile |
ASRAMM | Advanced Short Range Air to Air Missile |
ASRAO | Advanced Systems Research and Analysis Office |
ASRAP | Acoustic Sensor Range And Prediction |
ASRAP | ASW Range Prediction |
ASROC | Anti-Submarine Rocket |
ASRP | Admiralty Service Raster Product. |
ASRP | ARC Standard Raster product. |
ASRP | Artillery Systems Research Programme |
ASRT | Air support Radar Team |
ASRV | Alternative Source of Relative Velocity |
ASS | Ammunition Storage Sites |
ASS | Anti-Shelter Sub-munitions |
ASS | Aviation Support Ship |
ASSAM | Active Sensors System Assessment Model |
ASSATS | Advanced Ship to Shore Automatic Telegraph System |
ASSATS | Advanced Ship-to-Shore Automatic Telegraph System |
ASSC | Aviation Systems Standardisation Committee |
ASSESSREP | Assessment Report |
ASSET | Association for Schools Science Engineering and Technology |
ASSG | Acoustic Sensor Signal Generator |
ASSID | Accelerated Army Support System Integration & Development |
ASSIGNMENT | The actual frequency being used on a certain network at a certain time |
AssltPnrWO | Assault Pioneer Warrant Officer |
ASSM | Anti-Ship Supersonic Missile |
ASSM | Anti-Surface Ship Missile |
ASSMs | Anti-Surface Ship Missiles |
ASSP | Airfield Services Support Programme |
AS-Spec | Armament Specialisation Specification |
ASSS | Active Search Sonobuoy System |
ASST | Anti-Ship Surveillance and Targeting |
Asst | Assistant |
ASSTASS | Advanced Surface Ship Towed Array Surveillance System |
ASSW | Anti-Surface Ship Warfare |
Assy | Assembly |
AST | Advanced Simulation Technology |
AST | Agreed Service Time |
AST | Air Staff Target |
AST | Atlantic Standard Time |
AST | Avionics Systems Trainers |
ASTA | Aircrew Synthetic Training Aids |
ASTABS | Automated Status Board |
ASTAR | Advanced Series of Tactical Air Defence Radars |
ASTAR | Air-borne Search Target Attack Radar |
ASTE | Aircraft Servicing Tools and Equipment |
ASTEC | Advanced Small Turbine Engine Core (Anglo-French) |
ASTM | American Society for Testing and Materials |
ASTO | Assistant Supply and Transport Officer |
ASTO(N) | Assistant STO(N) |
ASTOR | Airborne Stand Off Radar |
ASTOR | Airborne STandOff Radar |
ASTOR | Air-borne Stand-off Radar |
ASTOVL | Advanced Short Take Off Vertical Landing |
ASTOVL | Advanced Short Take-Off and Vertical Landing |
ASTRAL | Air Surveillance and Targeting Radar L-band |
ASTRAL | ASMA/SOMA Transaction Link |
ASTRID | Ammunition System Two Revision & Interactive Development |
ASTROS | Artillery Saturation Rocket System |
ASTT | Action Speed Tactical Trainer |
ASTT | Attack Submarine Team Trainer |
ASU | Accommodation Services Unit |
ASU | Acoustic Simulation Unit |
ASU | Active Sonar |
ASU | Automatic Switching Unit |
ASU | Aviation Supply Unit |
ASUs | Accommodation Services Units |
ASuW | Anti Surface Ship Warfare |
ASUW | Anti Surface Unit Warfare |
ASuW | Anti Surface Warfare |
ASUW | Anti-Surface Unit Warfare |
ASUW | Anti-Surface Warfare |
ASUWC | Anti-Surface Warfare Commander |
ASV | Air-to-Surface Vessel |
ASV | Ammunition Supply Vehicle |
ASV | Anti-Ship Variant radar |
ASV | Anti-Surface Vessel |
ASV | Auxiliary and Specialist Vessels IPT |
ASVEH | Air-Surveillance Vehicle |
ASVM | Anti-Surface Vessel Missile |
ASVU | Army Security Vetting Unit |
ASVW | Anti-Surface Vessel Warfare |
ASW | Anti Submarine Warfare |
ASW | Anti-Ship Weapon |
ASW | Anti-Submarine Warfare |
ASW | Area Suppression Weapon |
ASW/SOW | Anti-Submarine Warfare / Stand-Off Weapon |
ASWAC | Anti-Submarine Warfare Analysis Centre |
ASWACS | Anti-Submarine Warfare Air Control Ship/System |
ASWC | Anti-Submarine Warfare Commander |
ASWD | Anti-Submarine Warfare Director |
ASWDS | Anti-Submarine Warfare Data System |
ASWE | Admiralty Surface Weapons Establishment |
ASWHQ | Alternative Subordinate War Headquarters |
ASWT | Anti-Submarine Warfare Trainer |
ASXV | Air-launched Expendable Sound Velocimeter |
ASYD | Air SYstems Definition |
ASZ | Air Surface Zone |
AT | Acceptance Test |
AT | Advanced Technology |
AT | Advanced Trainer |
AT | Adventurous Training |
AT | Air Transport |
AT | Ammunition Technician |
AT | Anti-Tank |
AT&E | Aircraft Test and Evaluation |
AT&T | American Telephone & Telegraph Company |
ATA | Actual Time of Arrival |
ATA | Advanced Tactical Aircraft |
ATA | Advanced Test Accelerator |
ATA | Aerospace Technologies of Australia |
ATA | Air Transport Association of America |
ATA | Air Transport Auxiliary |
ATA | Atlantic Treaty Association |
ATA | Auxiliary Ocean Tug |
ATAAC | Anti-Torpedo Air-launched Acoustic Countermeasures |
ATAC | Air-Transportable Acoustic Communications buoy |
ATAC | All-Terrain All Climate |
ATAC | All-Terrain Amphibious Carrier |
ATAC | Applied Technology Advanced Computer |
ATACC | Advanced Tactical Command Central |
ATacCS | Army Tactical Command System |
ATACDIG | Army Tactical Digital Image Generator |
ATACMS | Army Tactical Communications Management System |
ATACMS | Army Tactical Missile System |
ATACO | Air Tactical Control Operator |
ATACS | Advanced Tank Cannon System |
ATACS | Advanced Target Acquisition Counter-fire System (US Army) |
ATAD | Advanced Towed Acoustic Decoy |
ATAF | Allied Tactical Air Force |
ATAFCS | Air-borne Target Acquisition and Fire Control System |
ATAGS | Advanced Technology Anti-G Suit |
ATAM | Air-to-Air Missile |
ATAR | Air-To-Air Recognition device |
ATAR | Air-To-Air Recovery |
ATARS | Advanced Tactical Air Reconnaissance System |
ATAS | Active Towed Array Sonar |
ATAS | Advanced Target Acquisition Sensor |
ATAS | Air-To-Air Stinger missile |
ATATS | Automatic Target Acquisition and Tracking System |
ATB | Advanced Technology Bomber |
ATBM | Anti-Tactical Ballistic Missile |
ATC | Acoustic Torpedo Countermeasures |
ATC | Acquisition Training Cell |
ATC | Air Traffic Control |
ATC | Air Training Corps |
ATC | Airborne Tactical Communications |
ATC | Automatic Threat Countering |
ATC | Automatic Tuning Control |
ATCA | Allied Tactical Communications Agency |
ATCAP | Army Telecommunications Automation Program |
ATCCS | Army Tactical Command and Control System |
ATCO | Air Traffic Control Officer |
ATCOM | US Army Troop Command |
ATCRBS | Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System |
ATCS | Advanced Tank Cannon System |
ATCS | Air Traffic Control Subsystem |
ATD | Actual Time of Departure |
ATD | Advanced Technology Demonstration |
ATD | Advanced Technology Demonstrator |
ATD | Agreed Target Date |
ATD | Annual Training Directive |
ATDB | Air Target Database |
ATDD | Acquisition Training Development Directory |
ATDL | Army Tactical Data Link |
ATDM | Asynchronous Time Division Multiplex(er) |
ATDS | Air-borne Tactical Data System |
ATDSIA | Allied Tactical Data Systems Inter-operability Age |
ATDT | Automatic Target Detection and Tracking |
ATDU | Acquisition and Tracking Detector Unit |
ATDU | Armoured Trials and Development Unit |
ATE | Aircraft Test and Evaluation |
ATE | Army Training Estate |
ATE | Automatic Test Equipment |
ATE SP | Army Training Estate Salisbury Plain |
ATEM | Air Total Engagement Model |
ATEMS | Advanced Threat Emitter Simulator |
ATER | Advanced Triple Ejector Rack |
Aterr | Anti-terrorist |
ATESS | Advanced Tactics and Engagement Simulation System |
ATF | Advanced Tactical Fighter |
ATF | Air Transport Force |
ATF | Amphibious Task Force |
ATFCS | Advanced Tank Fire Control System |
ATFOC | Air Transport Force Operations Centre |
ATG | Anti-Tank Gun |
ATG | Automatic Test Guide |
ATGM | Anti-Tank Guided Missile |
ATGW | Anti-Tank Guided Weapon |
ATH | Automatic Target Hand-over |
ATH | Autonomous Terminal Homing |
ATHS | Automatic Target Hand-over System |
ATI | Air Target Identification |
ATI | Automated Technical Information |
ATIM | Advanced Technology Insertion Module |
ATIRCM | Advanced Threat Infra-Red Countermeasures System |
ATIS | Anti-Tank Influence Sensor |
ATIS | Automatic Terminal Information Service |
Atk | Anti-tank |
ATL | Automated Tape Library |
ATLAS | Abbreviated Test Language for All Systems |
ATLAS | Advanced Technology LADAR System |
ATLAS | Azimuth Target Intelligence and Acquisition System |
ATLIS | Automatic Tracking Laser Illumination System |
ATLJ | Assault Troop Life Jacket |
ATLV | Artillery Target Location Vehicle |
ATM | Air Targeting Mode |
ATM | Air Task Message |
ATM | Air Tasking Message |
ATM | Anti-Tactical Missile |
ATM | Anti-Tank Mine |
ATM | Apprentice Training Manager |
ATM | Asynchronous Transfer Mode |
ATM | Automated Teller Machine (cash point) |
ATMA | Air Transport Management Aid |
ATMC | Air Transport Movement Control |
ATMDS | Anti-Tank Mine-Dispensing System |
ATMOS | Ammunition Toxic Material Open Space |
ATMP | All-Terrain Mobile Platform |
ATMS | ASW Track Management System |
ATN | Army Telephone Network |
ATO | Air Tasking Order |
ATO | Ammunition Technical Officer |
ATO | Ammunition Technical Officer/Operator |
ATO | Apprentice Training Officer |
ATO | Assemble To Order |
ATO | Authorised Telecommunications Officer |
ATO | Authorised Telephone Officer |
ATOC | Air Tactical Operations Centre |
ATOC | Allied Tactical Operations Centre |
ATOPS | Advanced Transport Operations System |
ATOS | Automated Technical Order System |
ATOTN | Air Traffic Operational Telephone Network |
ATOTN | Air Traffic Operations Telephone Network |
ATP | Acceptance Test Procedures |
ATP | Acquisition Tracking and Pointing |
ATP | Adenosine Triphosphate |
ATP | Agency Training Plan |
ATP | Air Technical Publications |
ATP | Air Turbine Pump |
ATP | Allied Tactical Publication |
ATP | Allied Technical Publications |
ATP | Anti-Tactical Patriot |
ATP | Attack Plot |
ATP | Australian Technical Publications |
ATP | Automatic Train Protection |
ATP | Available to Promise |
ATPFC | Acquisition Tracking and Pointing and Fire Control |
ATPG | Automatic Test Program Generation |
ATPG | Automatic Test Programme Generator |
ATR | Acceptance Test Reports |
ATR | Advanced Tactical Radar programme |
ATR | Air Transportable Racking |
ATR | Automatic Target Recognition |
ATR | Automotive Test Rig |
ATR/I | Automatic Target Recognition/Identification |
ATRA | Army Training and Recruiting Agency |
ATRAN | Automatic Terrain Radar And Navigator |
ATRJ | Advanced Threat Radar Jammer |
ATS | Accelerator Test Stand |
ATS | Acoustic Tracking System |
ATS | Advanced Tracking System |
ATS | Aerial Target Systems IPT |
ATS | Agile Target System |
ATS | Air Traffic Services |
ATS | Air Traffic System |
ATS | Air Transport Support |
ATS | Air Turbine Starter |
ATS | Aircrew Training Standard |
ATS | Air-crew Training System |
ATS | Applied Technology Services |
ATS | Assisted Travel Scheme |
ATS | Automatic Test System |
ATS | Auxiliary Territorial Service |
ATS | Aviation Training Ship (Royal Navy) |
ATSA | Army Technical Support Agency |
ATSC | Advanced Television Standards Committee |
ATSC | Aircraft Technician Supervisors Course |
ATSO | Automatic Test Systems Organisation |
AT-ST | Artillery survey vehicle |
ATSU | Accelerator Test Stand Upgrade |
ATT | Anti Torpedo Torpedo |
ATT | Anti-Torpedo Torpedo |
ATT | Artillery Tactical Terminals |
Att | Attachment |
ATT | Automatic Target Tracking |
ATTD | Advanced Technology Test Demonstrator |
ATTS | Air-Transportable Towed System |
ATTU | Atlantic To The Urals |
ATTV | All Terrain Tow Vehicle |
ATU | Aerial Tuning Unit |
ATU | Air Treatment Unit |
ATU | Aircraft Target Unit |
ATU | Antenna Tuning Unit |
ATUFT | Aircraft Taken Up From Trade |
ATV | All-Terrain Vehicle |
ATV(P) | All Terrain Vehicle (Protected) |
ATVS | Advanced TV Seeker |
ATW | Air Transport Wing |
ATW | Area Target Weapons |
ATWCS | Advanced Tomahawk Weapon Control System |
ATWM | Army Transition to War Measure |
AU | Access Unit |
AUASS | Automatic Upper Air Sounding System |
AUC | Accounting Unit Code |
AUI | Advanced User Interface |
AUI | Attachment Unit Interface |
AUM | Air-to-Underwater Missile |
AUM | All Up Mass |
AUM | All-up-Mass |
AUP | Acceptable User Policy |
AUR | All Up Round |
AUR | All Up Rounds |
AURA | Autonomous Unmanned Reconnaissance Aircraft |
AURORA | Automatic Recovery Of Remotely piloted Aircraft |
AUS | Assistant Under Secretary or Under Secretary |
AUS | Assumed Usage Spectrum |
AUS (H & O) | Assistant Under Secretary (Home and Overseas) |
AUS (SP Pol) | Assistant Under Secretary (Service Personnel Policy) |
AUS(EPF) | Assistant Under Secretary of State (Export Policy |
AUS(FS) | Assistant Under Secretary of State (Fleet Support) |
AUS(IL) | Assistant Under Secretary of State (Infrastructure and Logistics) |
AUSA | Association of the US Army |
AUSCANNZUKUS | Australia Canada New Zealand UK and US |
AUSLO | Australian Liaison Officer |
AUSO | Assistant Utilities Service Officer. |
AUSOM | Autonomous Stand Off Missile |
AUSTACCS | Australian Automatic Command and Control System |
AUTEC | Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Centre |
AUTEC | Atlantic Underwater / Undersea Test & Evaluation Centre |
AUTODIN | Automatic Digital Network |
AUTODIN | Automatic Distribution Network |
AUTOSEVOCOM | Automatic Secure Voice Communications System |
AUTOVON | Automatic Voice Network |
AUV | Autonomous Underwater Vehicle |
AUVS | Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems |
AUW | All Up Weight |
AUW | All-Up Weight |
AUWE | Admiralty Underwater Warfare Establishment |
Aux | Auxiliary |
AV | All View(s) |
AV | All Views |
AV | Anti-Vehicle |
AV | Audio-Video |
AV | Aviation |
AV | Avionics |
Av Tech | Avionic Technician |
AVA | Adaptive Vehicular Antenna |
AVAD | Automatic Voice Alerting System |
AvailMgr | Availability Manager |
AVC | Automatic Volume Control |
AVCAT | Aviation Carrier Air turbine Fuel |
AVCAT | Aviation Fuel (F44) |
AVCI | Association for Vocational Colleges International |
AVD | Atmospheric Vehicle Detection |
AVDS | Armoured Vehicle Driving Simulators |
AVE | Air-borne Vehicle Equipment |
AVG | Average |
AVGAS | Aviation Gasoline |
AVGP | Armoured Vehicle General Purpose |
AVH | Armoured Vehicle Heavy |
AVHRR | Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer |
AVI | Audio Video Interleave |
AVICOS | Available In Course Of Supply |
AVIM | Aviation Intermediate Maintenance |
AVIP | Avionics Integrity Program (USAF) |
AV-IT | Avionics Installation and Test |
AVL | Armoured Vehicle Light |
AVL | Automated Vehicle Location |
AVLB | Armoured Vehicle Launching Bridge |
AVLF | Airborne Very Low Frequency |
AVLF | Air-borne Very Low Frequency |
AVLP | Armoured Vehicle-Launched Bridge |
AVM | Air Vice Marshal |
AVM | Air-borne Vapour Monitor |
AVM | Application Virtual Machine |
AVM | Armoured Vehicle Medium |
AVMRL | Armoured Vehicle Multiple Rocket Launcher |
Avn | Aviation |
AVP | Advanced Video Processor |
AVP | Air Vehicle Performance |
AVR | Armoured Vehicle Reconnaissance |
AVR | Army Volunteer Reserves |
AVR | Automatic Voltage Regulator |
AVRE | Armoured Vehicle Royal Engineers |
AVRS | Air-borne Video Recording System |
AVS | Advanced Vertical Strike |
AVS | Air Vehicle Specification |
AVS | Avionics and Sensors Dept |
AVSCOM | U.S. Army Aviation Systems Command |
AVT | Analogue Voice Terminal |
AVT | Automatic Video Tracker |
AVT | Auxiliary Aircraft Landing Training Ship |
AVTR | Airborne Videocassette Tape Recorder |
AVTS | Armoured Vehicle Training Service |
AVTUR | Aviation Turbine Kerosene |
AVUM | Aviation Unit Maintenance |
AW | Above Water |
AW | All-Weather |
AW | Amphibious Warfare |
AW | Atomic Weight |
AW | Automatic Weapon |
AWACS | Airborne Warning & Control System |
AWACS | Airborne Warning and Control System |
AWADS | Adverse Weather Aerial Delivery System |
AWALS | Amphibious Warfare Airborne Laser System |
AWARDS | Advanced Wide-Angle Reflective Display System |
AWARE | Advanced Warning of Active Radar Emissions |
AWBC | Air Weapons Ballistic Committee |
AWC | Air Warfare Centre |
AWC | Air-Weapons Centre |
AWCCV | Advanced Weapons Carriage Configured Vehicle |
AWCLS | All-Weather Carrier Landing System |
AWCS | Automatic Weapons Control System |
AWDATS | Automatic Weapon Data Transmission System |
AWDREY | Atomic Weapon Detection Recognition and Estimation of Yield |
AWE | Atomic Weapons Establishment |
AWES | Area Weapons Effect Simulator |
AWESS | Automatic Weapons Effects Signature Simulator |
AWG | Air Weapons Group |
AWG | American Wire Gauge |
AWG | Armament Working Group |
AWHE | Air Weapon Handling Equipment |
AWHQ | Alternate War HQ |
AWHQ | Alternative War Headquarters |
AWI | Advanced Weapon Inspection |
AWILS | Abbey Wood Information & Library Service |
AwIS | Airworthiness Information Service |
AWKWARD | Operation for use against swimmer attack (MISCEX 840) |
AWLS | All-Weather Landing System |
AWNIS | Allied Warning Navigation Information System |
AWNIS | Allied Wartime Navigational Information System |
AWO | All Weather Operation |
AWO | All Weather Operations |
AWOC | Alternate War Operations Centre |
AWOL | Absent without Leave |
AWOP | All Weather Operations Panel |
AWR | Air Weapons Range |
AWRE | Atomic Weapons Research Establishment |
AWRS | Air Weapon Ranges Scoring |
AWS | Above water Systems |
AWS | Air Weather Service |
AWS | American Welding Society |
AWS | Area Weapon System |
AWS | Army Welfare Service |
AWSAS | All-Weather Stand-off Attack System |
AWSEM | Anti-ship Weapon System Engagement Model |
AWTLWG | Above Water Target Level Working Group |
AWTM | Above Water Threat Manual |
AWTSS | All-Weather Tactical Strike System |
AWW | Above Water Warfare |
AWX | All-weather fighter |
AWX | All-Weather Interceptor |
AX | Attack Experimental |
AXBT | Air-launched Expendable Bathythermograph |
AXCON | Axis Controller |
AXP | Allied Exercise Publication |
BA | Batchelor of Arts |
BA | Breathing Apparatus |
BA | Bring Alive |
BA | British Airways |
BA | British Association (for the Advancement of Science) |
BA | Business Analysis |
BA2000 | British Army 2000 (a new strategy for the Army) |
BAA | British Astronomical Association |
BAA | Broad Agency Announcement |
BABS | Beam / Blind Approach Beacon System |
BABT | British Approvals Board for Telecommunications |
BAC | Battlefield Area Clearance |
BAC | British Aircraft Corporation |
BAC | Business Assurance Co-ordinating |
BAC | Business Assurance Coordinator |
BAC | Business Assurance Co-ordinator |
BACS | Bankers Automated Clearance System |
BACS | Bankers Automated Clearing Service |
BADD | Battlefield Awareness and Data Dissemination |
BADGE | Base Air Defence Ground Equipment |
BADS | Battlefield Air Defence System |
BAE | Behind Armour Effect |
BAe | British Aerospace |
BAe | British Aerospace Company |
BAEE | British Army Equipment Exhibition |
BAEMMA | Brandt Aero-Engine Module Management Aid |
BAFO | Best and Final Offer |
BAGTT | Battlegroup Training Team |
BAI | Battlefield Air Interdiction |
BALMET | Meteorological Information required for Gunnery Ballistics |
BALO | Brigade Air Liaison Officer |
BALTAP | Baltic Approaches (NATO area) |
BALUN | Balancing Unit (antenna) |
BAMP | Base Assisted Maintenance Period |
BAMPS | BOWMAN APACHE Mission Planning System |
BAOR | British Army of the Rhine |
BAOS | Basic Artillery Observer Sub-system |
BAP | Bombs Anti-Personnel |
BAP | Bridge Adapter Pallet |
BARB | Boosted Anti-Radar Bomb |
BARC | Beach Amphibious Re-supply Cargo |
BARV | Beach Armoured Recovery Vehicle |
BAS | Battle Attrition Study |
BAS(W) | British Army Staff (Washington) |
BASCCA | Breathing Apparatus Self-Contained Compressed Air |
BASE | British Aerospace Systems Engineering Div |
BASEDAM | Base Damage Report |
BASEEFA | Atmospheres |
BASEEFA | British Approvals Service for Electrical Equipment |
BASIC | Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code |
BASIS | Budget and Accounting Structures Information System |
BASO | Brigade Air Support Officer |
BASS | Boats and Sea Survival IPT |
BAT | Basic Aviation Trainer |
BAT | Brilliant Anti-Tank guided anti-armour sub-munitions |
BATCIS | Bowman and Tactical Comms And Information Systems IPT |
BATCO | Battle Code |
BATES | Battlefield Artillery Target Engagement System |
BATMAN | BATtery MANagement expert system |
BATNEEC | Best Available Technique Not Entailing Excessive Costs |
BATNEEC | Best Available Techniques Not Entailing Excessive Costs |
BATR | Bullets At Target Range |
BATS | Ballistic Aerial Target System |
BATS | Battle Area Tactical Scenario |
BATS | Battle Area Tactical Simulation |
BATS | Biological Agent Treatment Set |
BATUS | British Army Training Unit Suffield |
BAU | Beacon Aerofoil Unit |
BAU | Business As Usual |
BBA | British Board of Agreement |
BBSAG | Battleship Surface Action Group |
BC2A | Bosnia Command and Control Augmentation |
BCA | Buoyant Cable Antenna |
BCAR | British Civil Air-worthiness Requirement |
BCAU | Backup Control and Audio Unit |
BDA | Battle Damage Assessment |
BDA | Bomb Damage Assessment |
BDAR | Battle Damage Assessment & Repair |
BEAB | British Electro-technical Approvals Board |
Beachmaster | Beach Master |
BEAMA | British Electro-technical and Allied Manufacturers |
BEAR | Beam Experiment Abroad Rocket |
BEAUTY | Multi-Level Security Device |
BECTa | British Educational Communications and Technology |
BELPA | Bond and Etch SOI for Low Power Applications |
BEMA | British Equipment Manufacturers Association |
BENECHAN | BENELUX-Sub Area Channel |
BETA | Battlefield Exploitation and Target Acquisition |
BFAP | British Forces Arabian Peninsula |
BFDAS | Basic Flight Data Acquisition System |
BFTA | Bulk Fuel Tank Assembly |
BIRADS | Bi-static Receiver And Display System |
BISA | Battlefield Information System Application |
BISPA | British Independent Steel Products Association |
BJA | Baseline Jamming Assets |
BLA | Batch Lot Acceptance |
BLAMS | Barrel Launched Adaptive MunitionS |
BLISAdmin | Bowman Logistics Information System Administrator |
BMA | Brigade Maintenance Area |
BMA | British Medical Association |
BMRA | Brigade Major RA |
BNA | British Naval Attach[M1]é |
BNAU | BOWMAN Network Access Unit |
BNEA | British Naval Equipment Association |
BNSA | Base Nuclear Safety Agency |
BOA | Basic Ordering Agreement |
BOA | Broad Ocean Area |
BOAT | Byway Open to All Traffic |
BOWMAN | Bearer for Digital Communications: future tactical combat net radio for the |
BOWMANSysMan | Bowman System Manager |
BOWTAG | BOWMAN Training Advisory Group |
BOWTAT | BOWMAN Training and Advisory Team |
BPA | British Ports Association |
BRACI(I) | Biological Radiological & Chemical IS (Integrated) |
BRACIS | Biological Radiological and Chemical Information System |
BRAMIS | Battle Readiness Automated Management Information |
BRAT | Basing Repair And Tanking |
BRAVE | Boeing Robotic Air Vehicle |
BREEAM | Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method |
BRISTANREP OTTAWA | British Standardisation Representative in Canada |
BSA | Basic Skills Agency |
BSA | Basic Standardisation Agreement 1964 |
BSA | Beach Support Area |
BSA | Boresight Assembly |
BSA | Business Software Alliance |
BSA | Business Support Applications |
BSAF | Bosnian Serb Air Force |
BSAM | BOWMAN Situational Awareness Module |
BSAP | Battle Staff Activities Plot |
BSIA | British Security Industry Association |
BTA | Best Technical Approach |
BTAM | Basic Telecommunications Access Method |
BVRAAM | Beyond Visual Range Air to Air Missile IPT |
BVRAM | Beyond Visual Range Air to Air Missile |
BWA | Buoyant Wire Aerial |
BYPASS | Bypassed Demand. |
C and E | Customs & Excise Department |
C&AG | Comptroller and Auditor General |
C/JFHQ(A) | Combined/Joint Headquarters (Afloat) |
CA/CD? | Contractual Acceptance/Concluding Development |
CA/FWA? | Contractual Acceptance/Fleet Weapon Acceptance |
CA? | Canada |
CA? | Close Armour IPT |
CA? | Coarse Acquisition |
CA? | Combined Arms |
CA? | Command Account |
CA? | Command Accountant |
CA? | Conformal-array Aerial |
CA? | Controller Aircraft |
CA? | Corrective Action |
CAA? | Civil Aviation Authority |
CAA? | Civil Aviation Authority (UK) |
CAA? | Civilian Aviation Authority |
CAA? | Clean Air Act |
CAAC? | Civil Aviation Administration of China |
CAAIS? | Computer Assisted Action Information System |
CAAT? | Commissioning and Advisory Team |
CAB? | Common Avionics Baseline |
CAB? | Corrective Action Board |
CABA? | Closed Air Breathing Apparatus |
CABE? | Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment |
CAC? | Coastal Artillery Computer |
CAC? | Combat Air Command |
CAC? | Combat Assessment capability |
CAC? | Combined Arms Centre |
CAC? | Computer-Aided Classification |
CAC? | Connection Access Control (ATM) |
CAC? | Control and Analysis Centre |
CAC? | Cost Accounts Code |
CAC? | Customer Account Code |
CAC2? | Combined Arms Command and Control programme |
CACCC? | Combat Air Command and Control Centre |
CACE? | Computer Aided Control Engineering |
CACM? | Central American Common Market |
CACOS? | Computer Aided Cable Optimisation System |
CACS? | Computer Assisted Command System |
CAD | Contract Acceptance Date |
CAD/CAM | Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing |
CAD/CAM | Computer-Aided Design and Manufacture |
CAD/CAM | Computeraided design/manufacturing |
CAD? | Central Ammunition Depot |
CAD? | Chemical Agent Decontaminant |
CAD? | Chemical Agent Detector |
CAD? | Close Air Defence |
CAD? | Close-in Air Defence |
CAD? | Collective Address |
CAD? | Combat Assault Dory |
CAD? | Computer Aided Design |
CAD? | Computer-Aided Detection |
CAD? | Computer-Aided Doodling |
CADA | Coordinated Air Defence Area |
CADB | Composite Air Defence Battalion |
CADD | Computer-Aided Design and Drafting |
CADDET | Centre for Analysis & Dissemination of Demonstration Energy Technologies |
CADE | Combined Allied Defence Experiment |
CADE | Computer-Aided Design Evaluation |
CADES | Computer-Aided Design Evaluation System |
CADF | Commutated Aerial Direction Finder |
CADIMS | Coordinated Air Defence in Mutual Support |
CADM | Clustered Airfield Defeat / Dispersed Munitions |
CADMAT | Computer-Aided Design Manufacture And Test |
CADMID | Concept Assessment Demonstration Manufacture In-Service Disposal |
CADMID | Concept Assessment Design Manufacture In-Service Disposal |
CADMID | Concept Assessment Development Manufacture In-Service Disposal |
CADMIN | The acronym for the SMART acquisition cycle which is comprised of six |
CADMIT | Concept Assessment Demonstration Migration In-Service Termination |
CADOLE | Cost saving Auto re-routing Data transparent OMB/P |
CADS | Chemical Agent Decontamination Simulant |
CADS | Chemical Agent Detection System |
CADS | Concept And Design Study |
CADS | Controlled Aerial Delivery System |
CADS | Cushion-Augmentation Device |
CADWS | Close-Air Defence Weapon System |
CAE | Chief Aircraft Engineer (in DEME(A)) |
CAE | Common Applications Environment |
CAE | Computer Aided Engineering |
CAEA | Central Air Equipment Authority |
CAESAR | Central Army Equipment Support data Analysis and Retrieval |
CAF | Canadian Armed Forces |
CAF | Citizens Air Force |
CAF | Confederate Air Force |
CAFACA | Computer Assistance For the Army Cataloguing Authority |
CAFATC | Canadian Air Transport Command (Canadian Air Force) |
CAFGU | Citizens Armed Force Geographical Unit |
CAG | Canadian Air Group |
CAG | Capability Assessment Group |
CAG | Carrier Air Group |
CAG | Commander Air Group/Customer Acceptance Group |
CAG | Customer Advisory Group |
CAGE | Commercial And Government Entity |
CAGS | Capability Assessment Groups |
CAH | Carrier Aircraft Hanger (RN) |
CAI | Close Approach Indicator |
CAI | Computer-Aided Instruction |
CAINS | Carrier Aircraft Inertial Navigation System |
CAIU | Cable Angle Indicator Unit |
CAIV | Cost As an Independent Variable |
CAL | Calibration |
CAL | Canadian Arsenals Limited |
CAL | Commercial Asset Levy |
CAL | Computer Assisted Learning |
CAL | Computer-Assisted Learning |
CAL | Consolidated Allowance List |
CAL/E list | Consolidated Allowance List/Equipment List (stores) |
CALA | Computer Aided Load Analysis |
CALAIS | Command Automated Logistics and Information System |
CALCM | Conventional Air-Launched Cruise Missile |
CALDEX | Calendar of Defence Exercise |
CALFAC | Calibration Facility |
CALFEX | Combined Arms Live Firing Exercise |
CALIB | Compact Air-Launched Ice Beacon |
CALM | Crane Attachment Lorry Mounted |
CALO | Canadian Liaison Officer |
CALS | Commerce At Light Speed |
CALS | Computer Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support |
CALS | Computer Aided Life-cycle Support |
CALS | Computer Aided Logistics Support |
CALS | Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistics support |
CALS | Computer-aided Acquisition and Logs System |
CALS | Computer-Aided Logistics Support system |
CALS | Continuous Acquisition & Lifecycle Support |
CALS | Continuous Acquisition & Life-cycle Support |
CALS | Continuous Acquisition and Life Cycle Support |
CALS | Continuous Acquisition Lifecycle support |
CAM | Chemical Agent Monitor |
CAM | Chemical Agent Munitions |
CAM | Cockpit-Angle Measure |
CAM | Computer Aided Manufacture |
CAM | Computer Aided Manufacturing |
CAM | Conventional Attack Missile |
CAM | Cost Allocation Model |
CAM/RV | Chemical Agent Monitor/ Residual Vapour Detector |
CAMAD | Computer-Aided Magnetic Anomaly Detection |
CAMBS | Command Activated Multi-Beam Sonobuoy |
CAMDS | Chemical Agent Munitions Disposal System |
CAMEL | Cartridge Active Miniature Electro-Magnetic |
CAMIS | Calibration Management Information System |
CAML | Cargo Aircraft Minelayer |
CAMMS | Computer Aided Maintenance Management System |
CAMPS | Computer Aided Message Processing System |
CAMPS | Computer Assisted Message Processing System |
CAMS | Calibration Recall and Maintenance System |
CAMS | Combat Aviation Management System |
CAMS | Configuration and Asset Management System |
CAMSIM | Camouflage Simulation System |
CAMU | Central Audio Management Unit |
CAN | Canada |
CANAL | Coded Meteorological Analysis |
CANTASS | Canadian Towed Array Sonar System |
CANVASS | CAPITAL NSC Valued Accounts for Stock System |
CANVASS CAPITAL | Naval Valued Accounting Supply System |
CAO | Contract Administration Office |
CAOC | Combined Air Operations Cell |
CAOC | Combined Air Operations Centre |
CAOR | Communications Area of Responsibility |
Cap | Capability |
CAP | Capability Area Plans |
CAP | Capability Assessment Panel |
CAP | Carrier Air Patrol |
CAP | Chloroacetophenon |
CAP | Civil Aviation Publication |
CAP | Class Ammunition Procedures |
CAP | Combat Air Patrol |
CAP | Combat Air Patrol (aircraft) |
CAP | Combat Ammunition Production (USAF) |
CAP | Combustible Augmented Plasma |
CAP | Common Agricultural Policy |
CAP | Control and Audio Panel |
CAP | Conventional Armaments Plan |
CAPES | Capability Evaluation System |
Capex | Capital Expenditure |
CAPFASFLOT | Captain Faslane Flotilla |
CAPITAL | Cost-based Accounting & Planning Implementation An |
CAPITAL | Cost-based Accounting and Planning Implementation |
CAPMIS | Capability Area Plan Management Information System |
CAPP | Computer Aided Process Planning |
CAPP | Computer Aided Production Planning |
CAPPS | Computer Aided Priority Progression System |
CAPS | Computer Aided Publication System |
CAPS | Computer Assistance to the Production System |
CAPS | Conventional Armaments Planning System |
CAPSS | Commuter Assistance to the Production and Stores System |
Capt | Captain |
Capt SM | Captain Submarine Squadron |
CAPWG | Communication Actions Plan Working Group |
CAR | Change Analysis Record |
CAR | Civilian Airworthiness Regulations |
CAR | Conformal-Array Radar |
CARA | Combined Altitude Radar Altimeter |
CARABAS | Coherent All Radio Band Sensing |
CARAD | Civil Aircraft Research And Demonstration |
CARAF | Carrier/Commando Ship/Airfield |
CARAFE | Computer Assisted Ration Accounting and Food Evaluation |
CARCAT | Capability And Requirements CATalogue |
CARDS | Capital Asset Reporting Database |
CARDS | Computer-Assisted Radar Display System |
CARDS | Conceptual Architecture Design Studies |
CARE | Command Agents Research Executive |
CARES | Cratering And Related Effects Simulation |
CARICOM | Caribbean Community |
CARIFTA | Caribbean Free Trade Association |
CARM | Chemical Agent Resistant Material |
CARM | Counter Anti-Radiation Missile |
C-ARM | Counter Anti-Radiation Missile |
CARMEN | Computerised Aircraft Repair & Maintenance Network |
CARMEN | Computerised Assisted Repair Management Engineering |
CARMS | Chemical Agent Remote Monitor System |
CARO | Computer Anti virus Research Organization |
CAROLS | Calibration and Retrieval On Line System |
carr | Carrier |
CARRFA | Computer-Aided Radio Relay Frequency Assignment system |
CARRIFF | Computer Assistance to RAOC and REME In the Field Force |
CARSTAT | Carrier State |
CART | Central Analysis and Reporting Team |
CART | Combat Aircraft Repair Team |
CAS | Calibrated Air Speed |
CAS | Casualty Assessment System |
CAS | Chief of the Air Staff |
CAS | Close Air Support |
CAS | Collision Avoidance System |
CAS | Combat Advice System |
CAS | Combined Antenna System |
CAS | Communicating Applications Specification |
CAS | Contract Administration Service |
CAS | Cost Account Standards |
CAS | Cost Allocation Statement |
CAS | Cost Assurance Service |
CAS | Crisis Action System |
CASAP | Canadian Submarine Acquisition Programme |
CASC | Customer Assured Service Centre |
CASCAD | Close Air Support Cargo Dispenser |
CASCADE | Computer Assistance to the Scaling and Cataloguing |
CASCOM | Combined Arms Support Command |
CASCOMEX | Close Air Support Communications Exercise |
CASE | Chief Above water Systems Executive |
CASE | Computer Aided Software Engineering |
CASE | Computer Assisted Software Engineering |
CASE | Computer-Aided Software Engineering |
CASEVAC | Casualty Evacuation |
CASEX | Combined Anti-Submarine Exercise |
CASEX | Co-ordinated Anti-Submarine Exercise |
CASF | Composite Air Strike Force |
CASH | CIS Assistance for Headquarters |
CASH | Command and Control Communications and Information |
CASH | Computer Assistance for Support Headquarters |
CASH | Computer Assistance to Subordinate HQs |
CASM | CESG Architecture for Secure Messaging |
CASM | Conventional Arms Stand-off Missile |
CASOM | Conventional Air-launched Stand-Off Missile |
CASOM | Conventionally Armed Stand-Off Missile |
CASP | Coordinated Air/Sea Procedures |
CASP | Coordinated Air-Sea Procedures |
CASREP | Casualty Report |
CASS | Camouflage Support System |
cass | Casualty |
CASS | Channel Associated Signalling System |
CASS | Close Air Support System |
CASS | Command Active Sonobuoy System |
CASS | Consolidated Automatic Support System |
CASS | Crypto And Secure Systems IPT |
CAST | Canadian Air-Sea Transportable Brigade |
CAST | Combined Arms Staff Trainer |
CAST | Command And Staff Trainer |
CAST | Computer Aided Software Testing |
CAST | Computer Assisted Supervision of Transmission |
CAST | Computer-Aided Search Technique |
CAST | Conventional Armament Study Team |
CAST | Conventional Armaments Study Team |
CASTE | Computer Aided Stock Taking – Enhancements |
CASTOR | Corps Air-borne Stand-Off Radar |
CASU | Compact Air Supply Unit |
CASWS | Close Air Support Weapon System |
CAT | Change Action Team |
CAT | Chemical Agents Tracer |
CAT | Clean Air Turbulence |
CAT | Combat Aircraft Technology |
CAT | Computer Assisted Training |
CAT | Configuration Accountancy Transmittal |
CAT/FCS | Command Adjusted Trajectory / Fire Control System |
CAT/LCV | Combined Arms Team / Lightweight Combat Vehicle |
CATARA | Centralisation of Air Transport and Air-to-Air Refuelling Assets |
CATCC | Carrier Air Traffic Control Centre |
CATCS | Central Air Traffic Control School |
CAT-D | Chemical Agent Training Dispenser |
CATE | Computer-Assisted Threat Evaluation |
CATEX | Categorical Exclusion |
CATF | Commander Amphibious Task Force |
CATFAE | Catapult Launched Fuel Air Explosive |
CATFAE | Catapult-launched Fuel-Air Explosive |
CATG | Computer-Aided Test Generator |
CATIES | Combined Arms Training Integrated Evaluation System |
CATIS | Computer Aided Technical Information System |
CATM | Chemical Agent Training Mixture |
CATNAP | Cheapest Available Technique Narrowly Avoiding Pro |
CATPAC | CATering Provision and Accounting |
CATS | Catamarans |
CATS | Comator Advanced Training System |
CATT | Combined Arms Tactical Trainer |
CATT | Combined Arms Tactical Training |
CATT-B | Component Advanced Technology Test-Bed |
CATTS | Combined Arms Tactical Training Simulator |
CATV | Community Antenna Television |
CAU | Central Alarm Unit |
cav | Cavalry |
CAWC | Combined Air-Warfare Course |
CAWS | Cannon Artillery Weapons Systems |
CAWS | Close Assault Weapon System |
CAWSEM | Countermeasures And Weapon Systems Engagement Mode |
CAX | Computer Aided (Assisted) Exercise |
CBA | Corporate Business Application |
CBA | Cost Benefit Analysis |
CBA | Cost Benefits Analysis |
CCA | Cable Communication Association |
CCA | Captains Combat Aid |
CCA | Carrier-Controlled Approach |
CCA | Central Control Agency |
CCA | Circuit Card Assembly |
CCA | Contamination Control Area |
CCA | Current Cost Accounting |
CCAF | Customer Consent & Acceptance Form. |
CCAI | Canadian Centre for Advanced Instrumentation |
CCAT | Carrier Control Approach Trainer |
CCATF | Commander of the Combined Amphibious Force |
CCATF | Commander Combined Amphibious Task Force |
CCATTD | Common Chassis Advanced Technology Transition Demonstrator |
C-CLAW | Close Combat Laser Weapon |
CCMEA | Charge Chief Marine Engineering Artificer |
CCMEA(ML) | Charge CPO Marine Engineering Artificer (Marine Propulsion & Electricity) |
CCSA | Command and Control Support Agency (DAMO) |
CCSSA | Combined Cryptographical Shore Support Activity |
CCSSA | Combined Cryptological Sigint Support Activity |
CCTA | Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency |
CCWAC | CINO Conventional Weapon Accident Committee |
CCWEA | Charge Chief Petty Officer Weapon Engineering Artificer |
CCWEA | Charge Chief Weapons Engineering Artificer |
CCWEA(AD/WD) | Charge Chief Weapon Engineering Artificer (Action |
CD/SSA | Commercial Director Ships Support Agency |
CDA | Centre for Defence Analysis |
CDA | Compound Document Architecture |
CDA | Co-ordinating Design Authority |
CDA | Cryptographic Distribution Agency |
CDA(HLS) | Centre for Defence Analysis (Higher Level Studies) |
CDAA | Circularly Disposed Antenna Array |
CDAS | Counter DAS |
CDBA | Clearance Diving Breathing Apparatus |
CDMA | Central Data Management Authority |
CDMA | Code Division Multiple Access |
CDMA | Command Decision Making Aid |
CDR AIR | CDR in charge of all aviation on board CVS |
CDRS ASST | Commanders Assistant |
CE (DSA) | Chief Executive/Disposal Sales Agency |
CE DPA | Chief Executive Defence Procurement Agency |
CE(RAF) | Chief Engineer (Royal Air Force) |
CEAC | Committee for European Airspace Co-ordination |
CEDA | Cost Effectiveness Decision Aid |
CEDAM | Combined Electronic Display and Map |
CEDAMAT | Cost-Effective manufacture of Defence and Aerospace MATerials |
CENTAF | Central Air Force |
CENTAG | Central Army Group |
CENTLANT | Central Sub-Area Eastern Atlantic Command |
CEOA | Central Europe Operating Agency |
CEPA | Common European Priority Area |
CEPA | Common European Priority Area - Western European Union (EUCLID) |
CEPA | Common European Priority Areas |
CESO(A) | Chief Environmental and Safety Officer (Army) |
CESO(RAF) | Chief Environmental and Safety Officer (Royal Air Force) |
CFA | Commander Field Army |
CFA | Corporate Finance & Accounting |
CfA | Council for Administration |
CFAC | Constant-Frequency Alternating Current |
CFAL | Combined Frequency Allocated List |
CFAR | Constant False Alarm Rate |
CG RAF Regt | Commandant General Royal Air Force Regiment |
CGA | Colour Graphics Array |
CGA | Consolidated Account for Central Government |
CGDA | Common Geographic Data Architecture |
CGHA | Compressed Gas Association |
CH ADM PILOT | Chief Admiralty Pilot |
CHA | Cylindrical Hydrophone Array |
CHAALS | Communications High Accuracy Air-borne Location System |
CHAIR | Control Handling Aid for Increase Range |
CHALS-X | Communication High-Accuracy Location System – Exploitable |
CHAMP | Configurable Hardware Algorithm Mappable Pre-processor |
CHANCOM | Channel Command |
Chap | Chaplain |
CHAPS | Chamberlain Armour Protection System |
CHAPS | Chaplains |
CHAPS(A) | Chaplains (Army) |
CHARITS | Casualty Handling and Reporting IT System |
CHARM | Challenger/Chieftain Armament |
CHASE | Chemical Agents Sensor |
CHASP | Central Health And Safety Project |
Chukar | Type of remote controlled AA Target |
CIA | Central Intelligence Agency |
CIA | Critical Impact Angle |
CIAP | Continuous Improvement Action Plan |
CICAT | Centre for Industry Co-operation and Trade |
CIDA | A Co-ordinating IDA overseeing the work on two or more IDAs at an estate |
CIDA | Central Installation Design Authority |
CIDA | Coordinating Installation Design Authority |
CIDA | Co-ordinating Installation Design Authority |
CIGARS | Console Internally Generated And Refreshed Symbols programme |
CIMAH | Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazards |
CinC UKAIR | Commander-in-Chief UK Air Forces |
CINCEASTLANT | C in C Eastern Atlantic |
CINCEASTLANT | Commander-in-chief Eastern Atlantic |
CINCHAN | C in C Channel |
CINCHAN | Commander-in-Chief Channel |
CINCIBERLANT | C in C Iberian Atlantic |
CINCIBERLANT | Commander-in-Chief Iberian Atlantic Area |
CINCLANT | Commander-in-Chief Atlantic Command |
CINCLANTFLT | Commander-in-Chief Atlantic Fleet |
CINCNAVHOME | Commander in Chief Naval Home Command |
CINCNAVHOME | Commander-in-Chief Naval Home Command |
CINCNORLANT | Commander-in-Chief North Atlantic |
CINCPAC | Commander-in-Chief Pacific Command |
CINCSAC | Commander-in-Chief Strategic Air Command |
CINCUKAIR | C in C UK Air Forces |
CINCUKAIR | Commander-in-Chief UK Air Forces |
CINCUSNAVEUR | Commander-in-Chief US Navy Europe |
CINCWESTLANT | C in C Western Atlantic Area |
CINCWESTLANT | Commander-in-Chief Western Atlantic |
CLAES | Cryogenic Limb Array Etalon Spectrometer |
Claim | any claim demand proceeding or liability |
CLAIT | Computer Literacy and Information Technology |
CLAMS | Clear Lane Marking System |
CLAN | Contracts Land Air & Navy (Contract IT system) |
CLAP | Close Air Picture |
CLARA | Compact Laser Radar |
CLARA | Compact LAser RAdar (UK/F demonstrator) |
CLAS | Coherent Laser radar Air-borne Shear Sensor |
CLASP | Comprehensive Logistics Automated Support Programme |
CLASP | Computer Linked Assistance to the Scaling Process |
CLASP | Consolidated Logistics Automated Support Programme |
CLASP | RCS code for UHF/VHF |
CLASS | Closed-Loop Artillery Simulation System |
CLASSIC | Covert Local Area Sensor System for Intruder Classification |
CLAW | Close Assault Weapon |
CLAW | Control of Lead at Work |
CLAWS | Close Combat Light Armour Weapon System |
CLDA | Closed Loop DeAmping |
CLDA | Closed Loop De-Amping |
CLRSTAR | Cueing L-band Rugged Search Track and Acquisition Radar |
CLSSA | Co-operative Logistics Supply Support Arrangement |
CMA | Communications Managers Association |
CMA | Continuation Material Assessment |
CMAG | Cruise Missile Advanced Guidance |
CMAS | Crisis Management ADP System |
CMEA | Council for Mutual Economic Assistance |
CMFA | Command Management Functional Area |
CMLSA | Commercial Microwave Landing System Avionics |
CMMCA | Cruise Missile Mission Control Aircraft |
CMRA | Cruise Missile Radar Altimeter |
CMSA | Certificate of Material State Assessment |
CMSA | Continuous Material State Assessment |
CMSA | Cruise Missile Support Activity |
CMSAF | Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force (USAF) |
CN ADMIN | Communications & Navigation Admin |
CNA | Centre for Naval Analyses |
CNA | Chief Naval Architect |
CNAC | Contractors’ Name and Address Code. |
CNAD | Conference of National Armament Directors |
CNAD | NATO Council of National Armament Directors |
CNAESPC | Conventional Naval Armament Explosive Stores Packaging Committee |
CNJA | Chief Naval Judge Advocate |
CNSA | Commodore Naval Ship Acceptance |
COA | Chart of Accounts |
COA | Concept of Analysis |
COA | Course of Action |
COATI | Committee On Awards To Inventors |
COBRA | Com Bureau Replacement Activity |
COBRA | COunter Battery RAdar |
CODAG | Combined Diesel and Gas Turbine |
CODLAG | Combined Diesel Electric and Gas Turbine |
CODLAG | Combined Diesel Electric and Gas Propulsion |
CODSIA | Council Of Defence and Space Industry |
COEA | Cost and Operational Effective Analysis |
COEA | Cost and Operational Effectiveness Analysis |
COEIA | Combined Operational Effectiveness & Investment Appraisal course |
COEIA | Combined Operational Effectiveness and Investment Appraisal |
COEIA | Combined Operational Evaluation and Investment Appraisal |
COEIA | Common Operational Effectiveness and Investment Appraisal |
CofA | Certificate of Airworthiness |
CofA | Controller of the Air Force |
COFAM | Computer Facility for Mine Warfare |
COGAG | Combined Gas and Gas Propulsion |
COJACS | Combat Jamming / Communication Support System |
COJAS | Coherent Jammer Simulator |
COLA | Cost of Living Allowance |
COMA | Civil Owned Military Aircraft |
COMA | Civil-Owned Military-type Aircraft |
COMA | Contractor Owned Military Aircraft |
COMAAFCE | Commander Allied Air Forces Central Europe |
COMAAFCE | Commander Allied Air Forces Central Europe |
COMAIRBALTAP | Commander Allied Air Forces Baltic Approaches |
COMAIRNON | Commander Air Northern Norway |
COMAIRSONOR | Commander Allied Air Forces South Norway |
COMAIRSOUTH | Commander Allied Air Forces Southern Europe |
COMAJF | Commander Allied Joint Force |
COMAL | Communications Analysis |
COMAMF(L) | Commander ACE Mobile Forces Land |
COMAN | Configuration Management |
COMAO | Composite Air Operations |
COMARAIRMED | Commander Maritime Air Forces Mediterranean |
COMASWSRTIKFOR | Commander ASW Strike Force |
COMATG | Commander Amphibious Task Group |
COMATG | Commodore Amphibious Task Group |
COMAW | Commodore Amphibious Warfare |
COMBALTAP | Commander Allied Forces Baltic Approaches |
ComBAT | Common Battlefield Applications Toolset |
ComBAT | Common Battlefield Toolset |
COMBAT-SIM | Computerised Battle Simulation |
COMBENECHAN | Commander Benelux Sub-Area Channel |
COMCAT | Computer Output Microfilm Catalogue System |
COMCENTAG | Commander Central Army Group |
COMCENTLANT | Commander Central Atlantic Sub-Area |
COMEDEAST | Commander Eastern Mediterranean |
COMEDNOREAST | Commander Northeast Mediterranean |
COMFAIRMED | Commander Fleet Air Arm Mediterranean |
COMFIVEATAF | Commander 5th Allied Tactical Air Force |
COMFOURATAF | Commander 4th Allied Tactical Air Force |
COMGRNORSEA | Commander German North Sea |
COMJAM | Common Jammer |
COMLANDJUT | Commander Allied Land Forces Jutland |
COMLANDNON | Commander Allied Land Forces North Norway |
COMLANDSONOR | Commander Allied Land Forces South Norway |
COMLANDSOUTH | Commander Allied Land Forces Southern Europe |
COMLANDSOUTHEAST | Commander Allied Land Forces South Eastern Europe |
COMLAND-ZEALAND | Commander Allied Land Forces Zealand |
COMMAIR(CHEL) | Commander Maritime Air (Channel East Atlantic) |
COMMAIRCENTLANT | Commander Maritime Air Central Atlantic |
COMMAIRCHAN | Commander Maritime Air Channel |
COMMAIREASTLANT | Commander Maritime Air Eastern Atlantic |
COMMAIRNORLANT | Commander Maritime Air Northern Atlantic |
COMMAIRPLYMCHAN | Commander Maritime Air Plymouth Channel |
COMMARRES | Commander Maritime Reserves |
COMNA | Commodore Naval Aviation |
COMNAEWF | Commander NATO Air-borne Early Warning Force |
COMNAVACTUK | Commander US Naval Activities United Kingdom |
COMNAVBALTAP | Commander Allied Naval Forces Baltic Approaches |
COMNAVNON | Commander Allied Naval Forces North Norway |
COMNAVSONOR | Commander Allied Naval Forces South Norway |
COMNAVSOUTH | Commander Allied Naval Forces Southern Europe |
COMNORECHAN | Commander Nore Sub-Area Channel |
COMNORLANT | Commander North Atlantic Sub-Area |
COMNORTHAG | Commander Northern Army Group |
COMPASS | Computer Assurance |
COMPLAN | Communications Plan |
COMPLYMCHAN | Commander Plymouth Sub-Area Channel |
Comptia | Computing Technology Industry Association USA |
COMPUSECRA | Computer Security Risk Analysis |
COMRFA | Commodore Royal Fleet Auxiliary |
COMSIXATAF | Commander 6th Allied Tactical Air Force |
COMSTANAV FORCHAN | Commander Standing Naval Force Channel |
COMSTRIKFLTLANT | Commander Strike Fleet Atlantic |
COMSUBACLANT | Commander Submarines Allied Command Atlantic |
COMSUBEASTLANT | Command Submarines Eastern Atlantic |
COMTWOATAF | Commander 2nd Allied Tactical Air Force |
COMUKAMPHIBFOR | Commander United Kingdom Amphibious Forces |
COMUKMARFOR | Commander United Kingdom Maritime Forces |
COMVAT | Combat Vehicles Armament Technology |
CONAS | Combined Nuclear And Steam |
CONMAROPS | Concept of Maritime Operations |
CONTMAN | CONTracts MANagement |
COPA74 | Control Of Pollution Act 1974 |
CORAD | Co-ordinated Roland Air Defence |
CORBA | Common Object Request Broker Architecture |
CORDA | Coronary Artery Disease Research Association |
CORSAIR | Computer Output for REME Support of AIRcraft |
COSAG | Combined Steam And Gas Turbine |
COSALX | Compressable Stability Analysis (version X) |
COSPAR | Committee for Space Research |
COSSACS | Computerised Stock Segregation and Control System |
CPA | Cabin Public Address |
CPA | Cardinal Point Specification |
CPA | Closest Point of Approach |
CPA | Consumer Protection Act |
CPA | Continuous Patrol Aircraft |
CPA | Control Panel Assembly |
CPA | Credit Protection Association |
CPA | Critical Path Analysis |
CPA/SG | Central Pulse Amplifier / Symbol Generator |
CPACS | Coded Pulse Anti-Clutter System |
CPCA | Central Plant Control Authority |
CPMA | Civilian Personnel Management Authority |
CPOMA | CPO Medical Assistant |
CPOMEA(L) | CPO Marine Engineering Artificer (Electrical) |
CPSA | Clay Pigeon Shooting Association |
CRA | Closure Risk Assessment |
CRAF | Civil Reserve Air Fleet |
CRAFFTS | Controller RAF Fixed Telegraphic System |
CRAFT | Commanders Review of Aircraft Fault Trends |
CRAFT | Computerised Rapid Assessment of Fragments against a Target |
CRAMM | CCTA Risk Analysis and Management Methodology |
CRAMM | CCTA Security Risk Analysis and Management Methodology |
CRAMS | Calibration Recall And Maintenance System |
CRAPP | Computerisation Regime Against Productivity and Plans |
CRARRV | Challenger Armoured Repair and Recovery Vehicle |
CRAST | Commanders Review of Aircraft Supply Trends |
CREAM | Cosmic Radiation Environment and Activation Monitor |
CREATE | Challenger 2 Equipment support Analysis Tool for Equipment managers |
CRI(SAF) | Critical (Safety) |
CRIAP | Central Region Initial ACCS Programme |
CROWCASS | Criminals of War Commission |
CRPA | Controlled Radiation Pattern Antenna |
CRPA | Controlled Reception Pattern Antenna |
CRSA | Contractors Requiring Special Attention |
CS/AUS(NP) | Command Secretary to 2SL/CNH and Assistant Under Secretary Of State |
CSA | Called Subscriber Answer |
CSA | Canadian Space Agency |
CSA | Canadian Standards Association |
CSA | Chief of Staff of the Army |
CSA | Chief Scientific Adviser |
CSA | Chlorosulphonic Acid |
CSA | Commercial System Application |
CSA | Common Support Authority |
CSA | Communications and Situational Awareness Team |
CSA | Computing Services Association |
CSA | Configuration Status Accounting |
CSA | Customer Service Agreement |
CSA | Customer Supplier Agreement |
CSA | Customer Supplier Agreements |
CSA | Customer Support Agreement |
CSA | Customer-Supplier Agreement |
CSAB | Civil Service Appeals Board |
CSAF | Chief of Staff (USAF) |
CSAR | Combat Search and Rescue |
CSAS | Command and Stability Augmentation System |
CSDA | Co-ordinating System Design Authority |
CSMA | Carrier Sense Multiple Access |
CSMA | Civil Service Motoring Association |
CSMA/CA | Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Avoidance network |
CSMA/CD | Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Detection network |
CSMA/CD | Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection |
CSNA | Careers Services National Association |
CSO(AE) | Chief Staff Officer(Air Engineering) - the SD authorising officer in ACOS(AV) |
CSRA | Combat System Requirements Analysis |
CSSA | Captain Surface and Submarine Acceptance |
CSSA | Computing Services and Software Association |
C-STAR | Counter Surveillance and Targeting |
CTA | Case Telescoped Ammunition |
CTA | Cased Telescopic Ammunition |
CTA | Circuit Technology |
CTAPS | Contingency Theatre Air Planning System |
CTAPS | Contingency Theatre Automated Planning System |
CTAS | Costed Technical Architecture Study (LITS) |
CTIA | Cellular Technology Industry Association |
CUA | Common User Access |
CUA | Computer Users Association |
CVAST | Combat Vehicle Armament System Technology |
CWAR | Continuous Wave Acquisition Radar |
CWARF | Conventional Weapon Accident Response Facility |
CWAs | Common Weak Areas |
CWTA | Captain Weapon Trials & Acceptance |
CWTA | Captain Weapons Trials and Acceptance |
D Air Arm | Directorate of Air Armament |
D and B | Design and Build |
D and C | Design and Construct |
D Def Acq | Directorate of Defence Acquisition |
D of C/Air1 | Directorate of Contracts/Air 1 |
D of C/Air2 | Directorate of Contracts/Air 2 |
D Pats | Director of Patents |
D Pkg A | Defence Packaging Authority |
D Stan | Director of Standardization |
D(A)AG | Deputy (Assistant) Adjutant-General |
D(F+S)Air1 | Directorate (Finance + Secretariat) Air 1 |
D(F+S)Air2 | Director (Finance + Secretariat) Air 2 |
D/Bowman | Director Bowman |
D/EFA | Directorate of Eurofighter Aircraft |
D/MAP | Directorate of Military Aircraft Projects |
D/Maritime | Directorate of Maritime Projects |
D/MCA | Directorate of Military Combat Aircraft |
D44A | Direct Delivery Note |
D83A | Stores Return Note |
DA | Decision Altitude |
DA | Defence Advisor/Attaché |
DA | Delayed Action |
DA | Denmark |
DA | Design Authority |
DA | Diphenylchloroarsin |
DA | Direct Action |
DA | Direct Action (Fuze) |
DA | Distribution Authority |
DA | District Attorney |
DA | Double Action (Revolvers) |
DA | Double-Action |
DA Ed | Director of Army Education |
DA/Z | Danger Area/Zone |
DAA | Defence Accounts Agency |
DAA | Digital / Analogue Adapter |
DAA | Divisional Administrative Area |
DAACM | Direct Airfield Attack Combined Munitions |
DAASC | Defence Automatic Addressing System Centre |
DAAT | Digital Angle of Attack Transmitter |
DAAvn | Director Army Aviation |
DAB | Defence Acquisition Board |
DAB | Digital Audio Broadcasting |
DABM | Defence Against Ballistic Missile |
DAC | Dangerous Air Cargo |
DAC | Defence Administrative Committee |
DAC | Digital to Analogue Converter |
DAC | Discretionary Access Control |
DAC | Dockyard Accounting Code |
DaCC | Display and Computer Console |
DACED | Days After Contract Effective Date |
DACM | Data Adapter Control Mode |
DACOS | Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff |
DACP | Defence Acquisition Change Programme |
DACS | Deployable Acoustic Calibration System |
DACS | Directorate of Aerospace Combat System |
DACT | Dissimilar Air Combat Training |
DACU | Defence Arms Control Unit |
DACU | Digital ACU |
DAD | Deep Air Defence |
DADC | Digital Air Data Computer |
DADR | Design Authority De-commissioning Requirement |
DADS | Digital Air Data System |
DADS | Digital Audio Distribution System |
DADS | Direct Air Discharge System |
DADS | Direct Application De-contamination System |
DAENG(N) | Director Aircraft Engineering |
DAEPC | Defence Ammunition & Explosives Packaging Committee |
DAER | Daily Ammunition Expenditure Rate |
DAF | Directory Amendment Form |
DAFCS | Digital Automatic Flight Control System |
DAFIS | Digital Aeronautical Flight Information System |
DAFSD | Directorate of Air Staff Duties |
DAG | Defence Administration Group |
DAG | Defence Air-worthiness Group |
DAIS | Digital Avionics Information System |
DAISY | Digital Action Information System |
DAL | Defence Acquisition Learning |
DALO | Divisional Air Liaison Officer |
DALP | Defence Advanced Lithography Program |
DALS | Director of Army Legal Services |
DAM | Draft Amendment (to an ISO standard) |
DAMA | Demand Assigned Multiple Access |
DAMA | Demand Assignment Multiple Access |
DAMASS | Damage Assessment |
DAMP | Docking & assisted Maintenance Period |
DAMP | Dockyard (Docking) Assisted Maintenance Period |
DAMS | Design Authority Maintenance Schedule |
DAMS | Drum Auxiliary Memory Sub-Unit |
DAMSON | Doppler And Multipath SOunding Network |
DAMTOS | DAMage TOlerant Sandwich Materials |
DAN | Drawing Alteration Number |
DANCER | Design Analysis Network Common Environment |
DANCS | Distributed Advanced Naval Combat System |
DAO | Dear Accounting Officer (letter) or Departmental Accounting Officer |
DAO | Director Air Operations |
DAO | Dockyard Advanced Orders |
DAOS | Design Approved Organisation Scheme |
DAP | Data Access Point |
DAP | Decontamination Apparatus Portable |
DAP | Directorate of Airspace Policy |
DAP | Directory Access Protocol |
DAP | Display Adjust Panel |
DAP | Distributed Array Processor |
DAP | Duly Appointed Person |
DAPS | Defence Administrative Planning Staff |
DAPS | Directorate of Army Personnel Strategy |
DAQ | Data AcQuisition |
DAQ | Directory of Army Quartering |
DAR | Defence Acquisition Regulation |
DAR | Design Authority Requirement |
DAR | Dynamic Adaptive Routing |
DARA | Defence Aviation and Repair Agency |
DARA | The German Space Agency |
DARCOM | Development and Readiness Command (US Army) |
DARIC | Defence Automatic Resources Information Centre |
DARIUS | Drawings and Raster Images for User Support |
DArmRD | Directorate of Armament Research and Development |
DARP | Defense Research Projects Agency (US) |
DARPA | Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency |
DARPA | Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency |
DARR | Design Authority Refit Requirement |
DARS | Digital Attitude-Reference System |
DART | Data Analysis & Retrieval System |
DART | Data And Remote control Terminal |
DART | Deployable Automatic Relay Terminal |
DART | Disappearing Automatic Retaliatory Target |
DARTS | Digital Air-borne Radar Threat Simulator |
DARTS | Distributed Architecture Robust Tactical System |
DAS | Decision Analysis System |
DAS | Defect Analysis System |
DAS | Defence Accommodation Stores |
DAS | Defence Agency Status |
DAS | Defensive Aid Suite |
DAS | Defensive Aids Suite (armoured vehicle technology) |
DAS | Defensive Aids Suite (or System) |
DAS | Defensive Avionics System |
DAS | Dual Attachment Station |
DASA | Daimler Benz Aerospace |
DASA | Defence Analytical Services Agency |
DASAR | Decimetric Airborne Solid-state Active-array Radar |
DASB | Defence Aviation Safety Board |
DASC | Defence Aviation Safety Centre |
DASC | Direct Air Support Central |
DASCU | Digital Automotive System Control Unit |
DASD | Directorate of Army Staff Duties |
DASE(N) | Directorate Aircraft Support Executive (Navy) |
DASH | Drone Anti-Submarine Helicopter |
DASO | Demonstration And Shakedown Operation |
DASP | Director Aircraft Support Policy |
DASP | Discrete Analogue Signal Processing |
DASP(N) | Directorate of Aircraft Support Policy (Navy) |
DASS | Defensive Aid Sub-System |
DASS | Defensive Aids Sub-System |
DASST | Defence Air Support Services Team |
DAST | Drones for Aerodynamic and Structural Testing |
DAT | Digital Audio Tape |
DATAR | Detection And Tactical Alert of Radar |
DATE | Depot Automatic Test Equipment |
DATEC | Data And Telecommunications |
DATO | Deputy Authorised Telecommunications Officer |
DAU | Data Acquisition Unit |
DAU | Digital Amplifier Unit |
DAU | Dominie Avionics Upgrade |
DAVE | Do Anything Very Easily |
DAW | Dedicated all-weather aircraft |
DAWN | Delivering the Abbey Wood Network |
DAWP | Design Authority Work Package |
dB (A) | Decibel A weighted |
DBA | Database Administrator |
DBA | Defence Billing Agency |
DBA | Defence Bills Agency |
DBAU | Data Bus Acquisition Unit |
DBSO (FAC) | Deputy Base Supply Officer (Fleet Accommodation Centre) |
DCA | Defence Codification Authority (Kentigern House) |
DCA | Defence Communications Agency |
DCA | Defence Co-operation Agreement |
DCA | Defence Cryptosecurity Authority |
DCA | Defensive Counter Air (also referred to as Air Defence (AD)) |
DCA | Defensive Counter-Air |
DCA | Defensive Counter-Air (operations) |
DCACAS | Data Collection Analysis and Corrective Action System |
DCADM | Defence Command and Army Data Model |
DCAL | Dynamic Consolidated Allowance List |
DCAP | Draft Conventional Armaments Plan |
DCBA | Defence Corporate Business Applications |
DCBA | Defence Corporate Business Applications (website) |
DCIS(A) | Director CIS (Army) |
DCIS(RAF) | Director CIS (RAF) |
DCISA | Defence CIS Agency |
DCISIA | Defence CIS Interoperability Agency |
DCISIA | Defence Communication and Information Systems Integration Authority |
DCMA | Defence Combined Material Agency |
DCOA | Defence Cryptosecurity Operating Authority |
DCOMMARRES | Deputy Commander Maritime Reserves |
DCPMA | Delegated Civilian Personnel Management Authorities |
DCS(A) | Defence Communications Services (Agency) |
DCSA | Defence Communication Services Agency |
DCSA | Defence Communications Service Agency |
DCSA | Defence Communications Services Agency |
DCSA | Defence Communications Support Agency |
DCSA | Deputy Chief Scientific Adviser |
DCSA(G) | Defence Communication Services Agency(Germany) |
DCTA | Defence Clothing & Textile Agency |
DCTA | Defence Clothing and Textiles Agency |
DD (Army) | Director of Doctrine (Army) |
DDA | Defence Dental Agency |
DDA | Defence Diversification Agency |
DDA | Delegated Design Authority |
DDA | Demolition Danger Area |
DDA | Detroit Diesel Allison |
DDA | Device Delayed Arming |
DDA | Disability Discrimination Act |
DDNBSA(Fin) | Deputy Director Naval Base Supply Agency (Finance) |
DDNBSA(Ops) | Deputy Director Naval Base Supply Agency (Operations) |
DDNBSA(SS) | Deputy Director Naval Base Supply Agency (Safety and Security) |
DDSA | Director for Deepening Smart Acquisition |
DEA | Data Encryption Algorithm |
DEA | Delegated Engineering Authority |
DEAMS | Defence Equipment Acquisition & Material Support |
DEAMS | Defence Equipment Acquisition and Materiel Support |
DEC (AWB) | Director Equipment Capability (Above Water Battlespace) |
DEC (ISTAR) | Director Equipment Capability (Intelligence Surveillance Target Acquisition |
DECA | Defence and Economic Co-operation Agreement |
DECA | Digital Electronic Control Assembly |
DECCA | Radio Navigational Aid |
DECODA | DEtection of COmposite DAmage of composites |
DEDAS | Decontamination Emulsion Direct Application System |
Def Stan | Defence Standard |
DEF STAN | Defence Standard |
DEFPA | Defence of Ports and Anchorages |
DEFRA | Department of Environment Food & Rural Affairs |
DEFSTAN | Defence Standard |
DEFSTATS | Defence Statistics |
DEME(A) | Director Electrical and Mechanical Engineering (Army) |
DERA | Defence Evaluation & Research Agency |
DERA | Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (from 1 Jul 01 split into DSTL and |
DERA | Defence Research Agency |
DES(OAE) | Director Equipment & Systems (Ordnance and Armament Engineering) |
DESA | Defence Explosives Safety Authority |
DESA | Devonport Explosive Safety Advisor |
DESAG | Devonport Explosive Safety Advisor Group |
DESAT | Dangerous Engineering Substances Advisory Team |
DETS(A) | Directorate Educational & Training Services (Army) |
DF/GA | Day Fighter / Ground Attack |
DFA | Duty First Aider |
DFAD | Digital Feature Analysis Data |
DFAU | Defence Fraud Analysis Unit |
DFDAU | Digital Flight Data Acquisitions Unit |
DFS(Air) | Directorate of Future Systems (Air) |
DGA | Dispersed Ground Alert |
DGA | Displacement Gyro Assembly |
DGA(N) | Director General Aircraft (Navy) |
DGALS | Director General Army Legal Services |
DGAMS | Director General Army Medical Service |
DGAS1 | Directorate General Aircraft Systems 1 |
DGAS2 | Directorate General Aircraft Systems 2 |
DGDA | Director General Defence Accounts |
DGDQA | Director General Defence Quality Assurance |
DGES(A) | Director General Equipment Support (Army) |
DGES(A) | Director General of Equipment Support (Army) |
DGES(Air) | Director General Equipment Support (Air) |
DGIA | Defence Geographic Imagery Intelligence Agency |
DGIA | Director General of Internal Audit |
DGME/AL(ES) | Director General Marine Engineering Area Leader in ES |
DGSAP | Director General Saudi Armed Forces Project |
DGSAP | Directorate General Saudi Armed Forces Projects |
DGSM(RAF) | Director General of Support Management (RAF) |
DHSA | Defence Helicopter Support Agency |
DIA | Defence Industry Association |
DIA | Defence Intelligence Agency |
DIA | Defence Internal Auditors |
DIA | Defense Intelligence Agency (US) |
DIA | Department of Internal Audit |
dia | diameter |
DIA | Director of Internal Audit |
DIA | Directorate of Internal Audit |
DIADEM | Data Input and Distribution on Exchangeable Media |
DIAM | Defense Intelligence Agency Manual |
DIANA | Digital Analog |
DIANE | Digital Integrated Attack Navigation Equipment |
DIAS | Distributed Information Architecture for Ships |
DIBUA | Defence In built-up Areas |
DICASS | Directional Command Active Sonobuoy System |
DICWA | Defence Industries Council of Western Australia |
DIDA | Defence Industry Development and Support Administration |
DIDA | Delegated Installation Design Authority |
DIFAR | Direction Frequency And Ranging |
DII(A) | Defence Information Infrastructure (Army) |
DILSA | Distributed Integrated Logistic Support Analysis |
DINAS | Digital Inertial Navigation / Attack System |
DINSA | Defence Interoperable Network Services Authority |
DIQAP | Defence Industry Quality Assurance Panel now DIQF |
DIRAMS | Dockyard Installed Reactor Accident Monitoring System |
DISA | Defence Information Security Agency |
DISA | Defence Information Systems Agency |
DISCAS | Depot Integrated Storage Control and Accounting System. Replaces former |
DISTAFF | Directing Staff |
DISTAN | Distributed Interactive Secure Telecom |
DITACS | Digital Tactical System |
DIVAD | Division Air Defence |
DIVADS | Division Air Defence Gun System |
DLA | Defence Land Agent |
DLA | Defence Logistics Agency |
DLS(Air) | Director Logistic Services (Air) in DGES(Air) DLO |
DLSA | Director Land Service Ammunition |
DLSA | Director of Land Service Ammunition |
DLSA | Director Land Service Ammunition |
DM(A) | Directorate of Manning (Army) |
DMA | Defence Manufacturers Association |
DMA | Defence Mapping Agency (US) |
DMA | Delay Arming Mechanism |
DMA | Direct Memory Access |
DMA | Directorate of Manpower Audit (now DMCS) |
DMA | Divisional Maintenance Area |
DMAB | Defended Modular Array Basing |
DMCA | Direct Maintenance Cost Analysis |
DMEA | Damage Mode and Effects Analysis |
DMETA | Defence Medical Education & Training Agency |
DNA | Defence Nuclear Agency |
DNA | Deoxyribo-Nucleic Acid |
DNA | Did Not Attend |
DNA | Director Naval Armament |
DNA | Documentation Needs Analysis |
DNA&FP | Director Naval Architecture & Future Projects |
DNA+FP | Director Naval Architecture + Future Projects |
DNAM | Deputy Nuclear Audit Manager |
DNAWE | Directorate North Atlantic and Western Europe |
DNBSA(BM) | Director Naval Basses + Supply Agency (Business Management) |
DOA | Dead On Arrival |
DOA | Direction of Arrival |
DOAC | Defence Operational Analysis Centre |
DOAE | Defence Operational Analysis Establishment |
DoDAF | Department of Defense Architectural Framework |
DofC(NBSA) | Director of Contracts (Naval Bases and Supply Agency) |
DOLRAM | Detection Of Laser Radar and Milli-metric Threats |
DOR(Sea) | Director of Operational Requirement (Sea Systems) |
DOR(Sea) | Directorate of Operational Requirements (Sea) |
DP Plans | Directorate of Procurement Plans |
DPA | Data Protection Act |
DPA | Defence Planning Assumptions |
DPA | Defence Procurement Agency (formerly MOD PE) |
DPA XD | Defence Procurement Agency Executive Director |
DPAs | Defence Planning Assumptions |
DPCA | Displace Phase Centre Antenna |
DPR(A) | Director of Public Relations (Army) |
DPRAG | Defence Procurement Risk Advisory Group |
DPS(A) | Directorate Personal Services (Army) |
DQA/TS | Directorate of Quality Assurance / Technical Support |
DQAB | Defence Quality Assurance Board |
DQAG | Defence Quality Assurance Group |
DR&A | Data Recording & Analysis |
DRA | Defence Research Agency |
DRA | Director Royal Artillery |
DRA | Malvern Defence Research Agency Malvern |
DRAc | Departmental Resource Account |
DRAC | Director Royal Armoured Corps |
DRACAS | Data Recording And Corrective Action System |
DRACAS | Data Reporting Analysis and Corrective Action System |
DRAGONFLY | Dual field-of-view IR imager |
DRAM | Dynamic Random Access Memory |
DRAMA | Digital Radio And Multiplex Acquisition |
DRAMATIC | DRA Mobile Armoured Target Interdiction Concepts |
DRAMS | Depot Recall And Maintenance System |
DRAP | Data Recording & Presentation system |
DRASH | Deployable Rapid Assembly Shelter |
DRASTIC | DRA Static Target Interdiction Concepts |
DRAT | Defect Reliability Analysis Tool |
DRAWS | DRA Workload Scales |
DRCA | Defence Root Certificate Authority |
DRDA | Distributed Relational Database Architecture |
DREA | Defence Research Establishment Atlantic |
DREAM | Defence Related Environmental Assessment Method |
DSA | Day Sensor Assembly |
DSA | Day Subsistence Allowance |
DSA | Defence Support Agency (now known as DA) |
DSA | Directory Service Agents |
DSA | Directory System Agent |
DSA | Directory System Agent (X500) |
DSA | Disposal Sales Agency |
DSA | Disposal Services Agency |
DSA | Divisional Supply Area |
DSAA | Defence Security Assistance Agency |
DSAAT | Direct Sensor Fuzed Attack of Area Targets Submunition |
DSABS | Defence Science Advisory Board |
DSAC | Defence Scientific Advisory Committee |
DSAC | Defence Scientific Advisory Council |
DSACEUR | Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe |
DSACS | Direct Support Armoured Cannon System |
DSAR | Defect Summary Analysis Report |
DSAR | Defence Supply Agency Regulation |
DSARC | Defence Systems Acquisition Review Council |
DSAWO | Divisional Supply Area Warrant Officer |
DSCA | Defence Secondary Care Agency |
DSDA | Defence Storage and Distribution Agency |
DSDA | Delegated System Design Authority |
DSMAC | Digital Scene-Matching Area Correlation |
DSPS(A) | Directorate of Staff and Personnel Services (Army) |
DSRA | Defence Sports and Recreational Association |
DSSA | Day Sensor Subassembly |
DSSCCA | Diving Set Self Contained Compressed Air |
DSSCCA | Diving System Self Contained Compressed Air |
DTA | Data Terminal Adaptors |
DTA | Defence Technical Architecture |
DTAM | Data Transfer Access and Manipulation |
DTAT | Development Test & Trials |
DTI QA REGISTER | Department of Trade & Industry Quality Assurance Register |
DTMA | Defence Transport & Movements Agency |
DTT/AUTOVON | Digital Telephone Transmission Network |
DUA | Directory User Agent |
DUA | Directory User Agents |
DUAD | Dual Air Defence |
DUSAS | Deployed Unit Supply and Accounting System |
DV/A | Doppler Velocimeter / Altimeter |
DVA | Defence Vetting Agency |
DVAL | Demonstration and Validation |
DWA | Duty Watch Accommodation |
DWAHSG | Devonport & Western Area Health & Safety Group. |
E&AM | Engineering & Asset Management |
E3A | NATO AEW Aircraft |
EA | each |
EA | Electric armour |
EA | Electronics Assembly |
EA | Enemy Aircraft |
EA | Engineering Authority |
EA | Environment Agency |
EA | Environmental Assessment |
EA | Estate Adviser (formerly DLA in the DEO) |
EA | External Assistance |
EA95 | The Environment Act 1995 |
EAA | Electro-Acoustic Subassembly |
EAA | Equipment Accounting Authority |
EAA | Experimental Aircraft Association |
EAB | External Access Box |
EAC | Environmental Audit Committee |
EAC | Equipment Accounting Centre |
EAC | Equipment Approval Committee |
EAC | Equipment Approvals Committee. Now IAB |
EAC | Equivalent Annual Cost |
EAC-MLA | European Accreditation of Certification MultiLateral Agreement |
EADI | Electronic Attitude Director Indicator |
EAF | External Accruals File |
EAG | Environmental Action Group |
EAI | Enterprise Application Integration |
EAI | Equipment Accounting Instructions |
EAL | Equipment Allowance List |
EAM | Emergency Action Message |
EAN | European Article Numbering (bar code) |
EAOS | Enhanced Artillery Observer Sub-system |
EAP | Experimental Aircraft Programme |
EAPC | Euro Atlantic Partnership Council |
EAPC | Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council |
EAPM | Environmental Audit Process Model |
EAROM | Electrically Alterable read-only Memory |
EAS | Eliminated Accounts Section |
EAS | Emergency Avionics System |
EAS | Engineering Administration System |
EAS | Equivalent Airspeed |
EASI | Electronic Automatic Sequencing Initiator |
EASTAXE | UK or French AEW Aircraft Exercise in the North Sea |
EASTLANT | Eastern Atlantic |
EASTLANT | Eastern Atlantic Area |
EAT | Electronically Agile Radar |
EAT | Employment Appeal Tribunal |
EAT | Estimated Approach Time |
EAT | European Advanced Technologies |
EATE | Enterprise Awareness in Teacher Education |
EAU | Emergency Action Unit |
EAU | Engine Analyser Unit |
EAZ | Education Action Zone |
EBA | Emergency Breakaway (in RAS) |
ECA | Electronic Control Amplifier |
ECA | European Combat Aircraft |
ECA | Experimental Combat Aircraft |
ECAB | Executive Committee of the Army Board |
ECAD | Electronic Computer Aided Design |
ECAM | Electronic Centralised Aircraft Monitor |
ECAOC | Experimental Combined Air Operations Centre |
ECAS | Electronic Chemical Agent Alarm System |
ECMA | European Computer Manufacturers Association |
EC-NC/AC | Earth Coverage to Narrow Coverage / Area Coverage |
ECOWAS | Economic Community of West African States |
ECSA | European Computing Services Association |
EDA | Electronic Design Automation |
EDA | Equipment Design Authority |
EDASE | Electronic Digital Automatic Stabilisation Equipment |
EDATS | Extra Deep Armed Team Sweep |
EDAU | Extended Data Acquisition Unit |
EDBA | Extended Duration Breathing Apparatus |
EDCARS | Engineering Data Computer Assisted Retrieval System |
EDIFACT | EDI For Administration Commerce & Transport |
EDIFACT | Electronic Data Interchange for Administration Co |
EDMAG | European Defence Manufacturers Group |
EEA | European Economic Area |
EEA | European Environment Agency |
EEAD | Extended Air Defence |
EEDA | East of England Development Agency |
EFA | European Fighter Aircraft |
EFA | Excess Fares Allowance |
EFAB | Extended Forward Avionic Bay |
EFDARS | Expansible Flight Data Acquisition and Recording System |
EFTA | European Free Trade Association |
EGA | Enhanced Graphics Array |
EHA | Electro-Hydrostatic Actuator |
EHFA | Early Human Factors analysis |
EHLLAPI | Extended High Level Language Application Programming Interface |
EIA | Electrical Industries Associates |
EIA | Electronics Industries Association |
EIA | Environmental Impact Analysis |
EIA | Environmental Impact Assessment |
EIA | Environmental Impact Audit |
EIAPM | Environmental Impact Assessment Process Model |
EIAW | Enhanced Imagery Analysis Workstation |
EICAR | European Institute for Computer Anti-virus Research |
EICAS | Engine Indication and Crew Alerting System |
E-in_C(A) | Engineer in Chief (Army) |
EinC(A) | Engineer in Chief (Army) |
EISA | Electronic Information Sharing Agreement |
EISA | Extended Industry Standard Architecture |
ELA | Electric Launcher Association (US) |
ELA | Engineering Logistics Advisor |
ELA | Extender Lens Assembly |
ELAC | Elevator and Aileron Computer |
ELCAS | Elevated Causeway |
ELPA | Eyring Low-Profile Antenna |
ELSA | Electronic Lobe-Switching Antenna |
ELSA | Emergency Life Support Apparatus |
ELSA | Emergency Lifesaving Apparatus (Personal Escape Breathing Apparatus) |
ELTA | EHF Lightweight Transportable Antenna |
ELVA | Emergency Low Visibility Approach (type of helicopter recovery) |
EMA | Ease of Maintenance Assessment |
EMA | Education Maintenance Allowance |
EMA | Electromagnetic armour |
EMA | Electronic Missile Acquisition |
EMA | European Monetary Agreement |
EMA | External Mounting Assembly |
Electronic Mail | |
EMAS | Eco-Management and Audit Scheme |
EMAS | Employment Medical Advisory Service |
EMATT | Expendable mobile ASW Training Target |
EMDA | East Midlands Development Agency |
EMIRALD | Evaluation Model for Infra Red Arrays and Long-linear Devices |
EMPAR | European Multi-function Phased Array Radar |
EMPASS | Electro-Magnetic Performance of Air and Ship System |
EMS(A) | Executive Manning Support System (Airmen) |
EMTA | NTO for Engineering Manufacture |
ENVISAT | Environmental Satellite |
EOAC | Equal Opportunities Awareness Course |
EORSAT | Electronic Ocean Reconnaissance Satellite |
EPA | Environmental Protection Act |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency |
EPA | Equipment Performance Analysis |
EPA90 | Environmental Protection Act 1990 |
EPAC | Engine Performance Analysis by Comparison |
EPAQS | Expert Panel on Air Quality Standards |
EPBA | European Portable Battery Association |
EPMaRV | Earth Penetrating Manoeuvring Re-entry Vehicle |
EQA | External Quality Audit |
ERA | Explosive Reactive Armour |
ERA | Extended Range Ammunition |
ERAAM | Extended Range Air-to-Air Missile |
ERADCOM | Electronics Research and Development Command |
ERAM | Extended Range Anti-armour Munition |
ERAM | Extended Range Anti-tank Mine |
ERAPDS | Enhanced Recognised Air Picture Dissemination System |
ERAPIDS | Extended Recognised Air Picture Display System |
ERAPS | Expendable Reliable Acoustic Path Sonobuoy |
ERASMUS | Canadian complementing tool |
ER-ATACMS | Extended-Range Army Tactical Missile System (US Army) |
ERATO | Extended Range Automatic Targeting of Otomat missile |
ERDA | European Radio Data Association |
ES (Air) | Equipment Support (Air) |
ES (Land) | Equipment Support (Land) |
ES(Air)(VL) | Equipment Support (Air) Yeovilton |
ESA | Electronic Signature Authentication |
ESA | End Stage Assessment |
ESA | Energy Services Association |
ESA | Environmental Support Application or European Space Agency |
ESA | Environmentally Sensitive Area |
ESA | Environmentally Special Area |
ESA | European Space Agency |
ESAS | Electronically Steerable Antenna System |
ESPADON | Environment for Signal Processing Applications Development and |
ESPAWS | Enhanced Self-propelled Artillery Weapon System |
ESPPA | Equipment Support Provision and Procurement Administration |
ESSAM | Equipment Support Sustainability Analysis Model |
ESTA | Energy Systems Trade Association |
ESTA | Entity Subject to Approval |
ESTACS | Establishment Authority Computer System |
ET(LDA)R | Electric Target (Limited Danger Area) Range |
ETA | Estimated Time of Acquisition |
ETA | Estimated Time of Arrival |
ETAG | Education and Training Action Group |
ETAP | Education and Training Action Plan |
EURATOM | European Atomic Energy Committee |
Euro-ART | European Advanced Radar Technology |
EUROCAE | EURopean Organisation for Civil Aircraft Equipment |
EUROSPACE | European Industrial Space Study Group |
EVA | Effectiveness and Vulnerability Assessment code |
EVA | Extra Vehicular Activity |
evac | Evacuation |
EVAS | Emergency Vision Assurance System |
EVGA | Enhanced Video Graphics Array (also known as SVGA) |
EVSA | Enterprise Value Stream Analysis |
EWAC | Electronic Warfare Analysis Centre |
EWAD | Electronic Warfare and Avionics Detachment |
EWAISF | Electronic Warfare Avionics Integrated Support Facility |
EWAM | Extended Window Addressable Memory |
EWAS | Electronic Warfare Analysis System |
EWAU | Electronic Warfare Avionics Unit (Royal Air Force) |
EXACT | EXercise Analysis for Collective Training |
EXJAM | Expendable Jamming System |
FA | Financial Advisor |
FA | Free Assets |
FA | Functional Area |
FAA | Federal Aviation Administration |
FAA | Fleet Air Arm |
FAA | Force Administration Area |
FAA | US Federal Aviation Administration |
FAACA | Force Anti-Air Co-ordination Area |
FAACO | First Aid Aircraft Outfit |
FAAD | Forward Area Air Defence |
FAADC21 | Forward Area Air Defence Command Control and Intelligence |
FAADS | Forward Area Air Defence System |
FAAIT | Fleet Air Arm Information Technology (system) |
FAAIT | Fleet Air Arm IT |
FAAITM | Fleet Air Arm Information Technology Management |
FAALS | Forward Area Armoured Logistic System |
FAAM | Family of Air-to-Air Missiles |
FAAR | Forward Area Alerting Radar |
FAASV | Field Artillery Ammunition Support Vehicle |
FAAWC | Force Anti-Air Warfare Commander |
FAAWC | Forces Anti-Air Warfare Coordinator |
FAB | Forward Air Base |
FAB | Forward Avionics Bay |
FAC | Fast Attack Craft |
FAC | Fleet Accommodation Centre. |
FAC | Fleet Audit Committee |
FAC | Flight Augmentation Computer |
FAC | Forward Air Control |
FAC | Forward Air Controller |
FACA | Force Air Coordination Area |
FACA | Future Attack and Combat Aircraft |
FACCWG | Future Air Command and Control Working Group |
FACCWG | Future Air Control Centre Working Group |
FACE | Field Artillery Computing Equipment |
FACETS | Physical optics prediction code |
FACON | Facilities Control |
FACP | Forward Air Control Post |
FACTS | FLIR Augmented Cobra TOW Sight |
FAD | First Aircraft Delivery |
FAD | Fleet Air Defence |
FAD | Forward Ammunition Depot |
FADAC | Field Artillery Digital Automatic Computer |
FADEC | Full Authority Digital Engine Control |
FAE or FAX | Fuel Air Explosive |
FAEM | Flexible Air Engagement Model |
FAESHED | Fuel-Air Explosive Helicopter Delivered |
FAFC | Full Authority Fuel Control |
FAI | First Article Inspection |
FAITS | Functional Area Information Technology Strategy |
FALCON | Fission Activated Laser Concept |
FALCON | Frequency-Agile Low Coverage Netted radar |
FALCON | Fuel and Lubricants Computer Opportunity Network |
Falcon EW/TS | Falcon Electronic Warfare/Target Support Aircraft |
FALCON I | Fuel and Lubricants Computer Operations Network (HQ Elements) |
FALCON II | Fuel and Lubricants Computer Operations Network (Depot Elements) |
FALW | Family of Air-Launched Weapons |
FALWA | Fleet Amphibious & Land Warfare Authority |
FAM | Field Alarm Module |
FAM | Fighter Attack Manoeuvring |
FAM | Flexible Attrition Mode |
FAM | Flexible Attrition Model |
FAM | Friendly Aircraft Movements |
FAMAS | Financial & Management Accounting System |
FAME | Feature Associated Mesh Embedding |
FAME | Frequency Assignment Management Equipment |
FAMG | Field Artillery Missile Group |
FAMS | Family of Air Missile Systems |
FAMS | Family of Anti-air Missile Systems |
FAMS | Field Automatic Message Switch |
FAMV | Forward Area Multi-purpose Vehicle |
FAN | Forward Air Navigator |
FandL | Fuel and Lubricants |
FANY | First Aid Nursing Yeomanry |
FAO | For the Attention Of |
FAOS | Future Air offensive System |
FAP | Fiche Air Publication |
FAP | Final Approach |
FAP | First Aid Post |
FAP | Fly Away Packs |
FAPDS | Frangible Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot |
FAPDS | Frangible Armour-Piercing Discarding Sabot |
FAPSM | Future Anti-Personnel Scatterable Mine |
FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions |
FAR | False Alarm Rate |
FAR | Fatal Accident Rate |
FAR | Federal Acquisition Regulation |
FAR | Federal Aviation Requirement |
FAR | Fixed Asset Register |
FAR | Flight Authorisation Release |
FAR | Fuel to Air Ratio |
FARC | Fuel to Air Ratio Controller |
FARCOS | Fast Adaptive HF Radio Communication System |
FARE | Forward Area Refuelling Equipment |
FARP | Forward Area Refuel Point |
FARP | Forward Arming/Refuel Point |
FARRP | Forward-Area Rearming and Refuelling Point |
FARS | Fast Acquisition Receiver System |
FARS | Field Artillery Rocket System |
FARS | Frequency Array Radar System |
FARSIGHT | Infrared staring-array imager system 3-5 mm FLIR |
FARV-A | Future Armoured Re-supply Vehicle Artillery |
FARVE | Fixed Asset Registration and Valuation Exercise |
FAS | Flank Array Sonar |
FAS | Forward Acquisition Sensor |
FAS | Frequency-Agile Subsystem |
FASCASM | Family of Scatterable Mines |
FASGW | Future Air to Surface Guided Weapon |
FASGW | Future Air-to-Surface Guided Weapon |
FASH | Future Amphibious Support Helicopter |
FASM | Future Attack SubMarine |
FASO | Forward Airfield Supply Organisation |
FASOC | Forward Air Support Operations Centre |
FASS | Field Artillery Systems Support |
FAST | Federation Against Software Theft |
FAST | Fly Away Satellite Terminal |
FAST | Forward Air Support Team |
FAST | Freight Automated Status Tracker |
FAST | Fully Automatic Scoring Target |
FAST | Fuze Activating Static Targets |
FASTAR | Forward Area Surveillance and Target Acquisition System |
FASTHAT | Fast High-Accuracy Tuneable receiver |
FASTNET | Fixed Army Strategic Telephone Network |
FASW | Force Anti-Submarine Warfare |
FAT | Factory Acceptance Test |
FAT | File Allocation Table (DOS) |
FAT | First Aid Team |
FAT | First Article Testing |
FAT | Flying Aptitude Test |
FATE | Floppy And Tape Exchange |
FATE | Fuzing Arming Test and Evaluation |
FATG | Fixed Air-To-Ground |
FATO | Final Approach and Take-Off Area |
FATS | Field Automatic Telephone Switch |
FATS | Firearms Training System |
FATS | Forward Air Transport Support |
FATS | Framework Agreement for Techical Support |
FATSO | First Aid Technical Stores Outfit |
FATT | Forward Area Tactical Teletype |
FAV | Fast Attack Vehicle |
FAW | Fighter All-Weather |
FAW | First Aid at Work |
FAW | Found At Work |
FAWEU | Force Answerable to the Western European Union |
FAWPSS | Forward Area Water Point Supply System |
FAWS | Future Artillery Weapons Systems IPT |
FAX | Facsimile |
FBEAG | Franco-British European Air Group |
FC radar | Fire Control radar |
FCA | Fire Control Application |
FCA | Functional Configuration Audit |
FCA | Future Combat Aircraft |
FCA BISA | Fire control BISA |
FCAD | Future Chemical Agent Detector |
FCAGT | Full Cover Anti G Trousers |
FCBA | Future Carrier Borne Aircraft |
FC-BISA | Fire Control BISA |
FCEA | Flight Control Electrical Assembly |
FDA | Full Danger Area |
FDAS | Flight Data Acquisition System |
FDAU | Flight Data Acquisition Unit |
FDMA | Fleet Date Material Assessment |
FDMA | Frequency Division Multiple Access |
FEA | Finite Element Analysis |
FEAF | Far East Air Force |
FEANI | Federation Europienne dAssociations Nationales dIngenieurs |
FEAS | Fleet Engineering Admin System |
FEAS | Fleet Engineering Administration System |
FEAS | Fleet Engineering Administrative System. |
FEBA | Forward Edge of Battle Area |
FEBA | Forward Edge of the Battle Area |
FEDA | Further Education Development Agency (now replaced by the Learning and |
FEFA | Future European Fighter Aircraft |
FEMA | Federal Emergency Management Agency |
FFA | Field Firing Area |
FFA | Free Fire Area |
FFAR | Folding Fin Aerial Rocket |
FFAR | Folding Fin Aircraft Rocket |
FFAR | Folding-Fin Aircraft Rocket |
FFAR | Forward-Firing Aircraft Rocket |
FFAR | Free Flight Aircraft Rocket |
FFAR | Free-Flight Aircraft Rocket |
FFLAV | Future Family of Light Armoured Vehicles |
FFTA | Towed Array Fitted FF |
FGA | Fighter Ground Attack (aircraft) |
FIA | Federation Internationale De LAuto-mobile (Grand Prix) |
FIA | Food and Incidentals Allowance |
FIAM | Flight In Air Material |
FIBUA | Fighting In a Built Up Area |
FIBUA | Fighting In Built Up Areas |
FIBUA | Fighting In built-up Areas |
FILA | Fighting Intruders at Low Altitude |
FILAD | Future Inner Layer Air Defence |
FINABS | Financial Accounting and Business System |
FIONA | FLIR imagery data fusion study |
FIRAMS | Flight Incident Recorder and Aircraft Monitoring System |
FIVEATAF | Fifth Allied Tactical Air Force |
FLA | Future Large Aircraft |
FLAB | Flag Lieutenant to the Admiralty Board |
FLAG | Flemish Aerospace Group |
FLAG | Flexible Lightweight Agile Guided (missile) |
FLAG PCS | Flag Port Control Station |
FLAGE | Flexible Lightweight Agile Guided Experiment |
FLAGO | Fleet Administrative & General Orders |
FLAGOs | Fleet Administrative & General Orders |
FLAIR | Field Low Altitude Intermediate-range Radar |
FLASH | Firebee Low-Altitude Ship-to-Ship Homing Missile |
FLASH | Folding Light Acoustic System for Helicopters |
FLAV | Family of Light Armoured Vehicles |
FLTSATCOM | Fleet Satellite Communications |
FMA | Flight Mode Annunciation |
FMA | Forward Maintenance Area |
FMA | Foundation Modern Apprenticeship |
FMEA | Failure Model & Effect Analysis |
FMEA | Failure Modes and Effects Analysis |
FMEA-MI | Failure Modes and Effects Analysis - Maintainability Information |
FMECA | Failure Modes Effect & Criticality Analysis |
FMECA | Failure Modes Effects and Criticality Analysis |
FMRAAM | Future Medium Range Air to Air Missile |
FMRAAM | Future Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile |
FMSAM | Future Medium range Surface-to-Air Missile |
FMSAM | Future Medium Surface to Air Missile |
FOA | Forecast Of Arisings |
FOA | Future Offensive Aircraft |
FOAC | Flag Officer Aircraft carrier |
FOAEW | Follow On Airborne Early Warning |
FOAEW | Future Organic Airborne Early Warning |
FOAM | Forecast Ocean Atmosphere Model |
FOAM | Forecast Ocean Atmospheric Model |
FOAS | Fleet Operational Analysis Staff |
FOAS | Future Offensive Air System |
FOAS | Future Offensive Aircraft System |
FOCA | Fibre Optic Cable Assembly |
FOCAS | Fibre Optical Communications for Aerospace Systems |
FOCAS | Flag Officer Carrier or Amphibious Ships |
FOCAS | Flag Officer Carriers and Amphibious Ships |
FOFA | Follow On Force Attack |
FOMA | Flag Officer Maritime Aviation |
FOMA | Flag Officer Maritime Aviation (also AOC 3 Group STC) |
FONA | Flag Officer Naval Air |
FONA | Flag Officer Naval Aviation |
FONAC | Flag Officer Naval Air Command |
FONAC | Flag Officer Naval Air Command |
FOPA | FOcal Plane Array |
FORACS | Fleet Operational Readiness Accuracy and Check System |
FORTRAN | Formula Translating System |
FORWARD | Feedback Of Repair Workshop And Reliability Data |
FOURATAF | Fourth Allied Tactical Air Force |
FPA | Fire Point Assembly |
FPA | Focal Plane Array |
FPA | Focal-Plane Array |
FPAA | Field Programmable Analogue Array |
FPAS | Focal-Plane Array Seeker |
FPDA | Five Power Defence Agreement |
FPDA | Five Power Defence Arrangements |
FPDA | Five Powers Defence Alliance |
FPGA | Field Programmable Gate Array |
FPIWA | First-Pass In-Weather Attack |
FPLA | Field Programmable Logic Array |
FRA | Fleet Readiness Assessment |
FRA | Flight Refuelling Aviation |
FRACAS | Failure Reporting Analysis and Corrective Action |
FRAG | Fragmentation |
Frag O | Fragmentary Order |
FRAM | Fire Risk Assessment Methodology |
FRAM | Fleet Rehabilitation And Modernisation programme (US Navy) |
Frame Relay | An X.25 transmission protocol |
FRAS | Free-Rocket Anti-Submarine |
FRASM | FRagmenting Airburst SubMunition |
FRITMA | Feasible Region Target Motion Analysis |
FRPA | Fixed Reception Pattern Antenna |
FRSA | Force Rear Support Area |
FRUSA | Flexible Rolled-Up Solar Array |
FSA | Field Support office |
FSA | Finite State Automata |
FSA | Future Security Architecture |
FSA | Future Surface-to-Air |
FSA/CAS | Fuel Savings Advisory and Cockpit Avionics System |
FSAA | Flight Simulator for Advanced Aircraft |
FSAC | Full Stern Arc Clearance |
FSAF | Future Surface to Air Family (Missile System |
FSAF | Future Surface-to-Air Family of weapon systems |
FSAG | Fleet Staff Authors Group |
FSAGA | First Sortie After Ground Alert |
FSAR | Failure Summary and Analysis Report |
FSAS | Fuel Savings Advisory Systems |
FSAS | Future Surface to Air systems |
FsAST | Flight Simulation and Synthetic Trainers |
FSAT | Full Scale Aerial Target |
FSTA | Future Strategic Tanker Aircraft IPT |
FSTA IPT | Future Strategic Tanker Aircraft IPT |
FTA | Fault Tree Analysis |
FTA | Field Training Area |
FTA | Fixed Term Appointee |
FTA | Frangible Training Ammunition |
FTA | Future Tanker Aircraft |
FTA | Future Transport Aircraft |
FTAAS | Fast Time Acoustic Analysis System |
FTAB | Flank Towed Array Broadband |
FTAM | File Transfer Access Method |
FTAM | File Transfer Access and Management |
FTCA | Future Tactical Combat Aircraft |
FTMA | Future Tank Main Armament |
FTTA | Future Transport and Tanker Aircraft |
FWA | Fleet Weapon Acceptance |
FWAM | Full Width Attack Mine |
FWAMG | Fixed Wing Airworthiness Management Group |
FXA | Fleet Exercise Area |
FXA | Fleet Exercise Variant (Spearfish Torpedo) |
G in A | Grant in Aid |
GA | General Alert |
GA | Government Accounting (Treasury publication) |
GA | Graduate Apprenticeship |
GA | Ground Attack |
GA | Gun Assembly |
GA | Tabun (chemical warfare agent) |
GAAP | Generally Accepted Accounting Practice |
GaAs | Gallium Arsenide |
GACC | Ground Attack Control Capability |
GAE | General Administrative Expenditure |
GAF | German Air Force (Luftwaffe) |
GAGE | GPS at GEO Experiment |
GAI | General Administrative Instruction |
GAI | General and Administrative Instruction |
gals | gallons |
Gambit | General Anti-Material Bomblet with Improved Terminal Effects |
GAN | Global Area Network |
GANDALF | General Algorithm for Numerical Determination of Aerofoil Life & Failure |
GAO | General Accounting Office (US) |
GAP | Glycidyl Azide Polymer |
GAP | Gun Aiming Point |
GAPA | Ground-to-Air Pilotless Aircraft |
gar | Garrison |
GAR | Generic Air-borne Radar |
GAR | German Air Force |
GAR | Government Accounting Rate |
GAR | Grand Army of the Republic |
GAR/I | Ground Acquisition Receiver / Interrogator |
GARDIAN | General Area Defence Integrated Anti-missile laser |
GARP | Generic Aircraft Release Procedure |
GARTEUR | Group for Aeronautical Research & Technology in Europe |
gas | Gasoline |
GAS | General Air Situation |
GAS | Government Accountancy Service |
GASC | Ground Air Support Command |
Gash | RN term for rubbish |
GASM | Generic Airborne SIGINT Model |
GASMA | Germany ASMA |
GASO | Group Air Staff Order |
GASS | General Air and Surface Situation |
GAT | General Aviation Traffic |
GATS/GAM | GPS-Aided Targeting System/GPS-aided Munitions |
GATT | General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade |
GATT | General Agreement on Tariffs and Trades |
GAU | Gun Aircraft Unit |
GAV | Global Assets Visibility |
GBAD | Ground Based Air Defence |
GBAD-BriC | Ground Based Air Defence Bridging Capability BISA |
GCA | Ground Controlled Approach |
GDA | Ground Defence Area |
GDAP | Government Document Application Profile |
GEADGE | German Air Defence Ground Environment |
GEANS | Gimballed Electrostatic Airborne inertial Navigation System |
GEMAG | General Electric Mobile Air Defence Gun |
GENASYS | General Administration System |
GESAMP | Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Protection |
GFA | Gun Fire Area |
GFAE | Government-Furnished Avionics Equipment |
GHBAU | Government Historic Buildings Advice Unit |
GIAM | Government Internal Audit Manual |
GLAADS | Gun Low Altitude Air Defence System |
GLOBAL | RLC Stock Control System for 2nd Line Units |
GLONASS | A Russian Navigation Satellite System |
GNATS | Graphic Navlink Aircraft Tracking System |
GOA | Gazelle Observation Aid |
GOALS | Government Out of Area Lines Service |
Gp Capt | Group Captain |
GPA | Government Procurement Agreement |
GPAGE | General Purpose Aerospace Ground Equipment |
GPALS | Global Protection Against Limited Strikes |
GPATE | General Purpose Automated Test Equipment |
GPATE | General Purpose Automatic Test Equipment |
GPATS | General Purpose Automatic Test System |
GPAU | General Purpose Acquisition Unit |
GQA | Government Quality Assurance |
GRAEL | General Research into Automatic Enhancement of Lofargrams |
GSA | General Security Arrangement |
GSA | Gun sight Surface-to-Air |
GSA 1/8 | RN Gunnery Systems |
GSSA | General Support Supply Activity |
GTA | Ground Test Accelerator |
GTA | Group Training Association |
GTACS | Ground Target Attack Control System |
GTDAR | GEC Thomson DASA Airborne Radars |
GTPA | Graph Theoretic Processing Algorithm |
GUARD | Air Safety Circuit (243.0 MHz) |
GUARDED | Enemy frequencies currently being exploited for combat information |
HA | Heavy Artillery |
Ha | Hectare(s) |
HAAL | Head of Attache & Adviser Administration and Liaison |
HAARS | High-Altitude Airdrop Re-supply System |
HAAS | High Altitude Active / semi-active Seeker |
HAB | Heavy Assault Bridge |
HAC | Honourable Artillery Company |
HAC | House Appropriations Committee |
HAC | Hover / Approach Coupler |
HACV | Heavy Armament Combat Vehicle |
HADAS | Helmet Air-borne Display and Sight |
HADF | High Accuracy Direction Finding |
HADR | Hughes Air Defence Radar |
HADS | Helicopter Air Data System |
HAFCS | Howitzer Advanced Fire Control System |
HAHST | High Altitude High-Speed Target |
HAINS | High Accuracy Inertial Navigation System |
HAIR | High Altitude IR |
HAIS | Hydro Acoustic Information System |
HAISS | High Altitude IR Sensor System |
HAL | Hard Array Logic |
HALE | High Altitude / Long Endurance (UAV) |
HALO | Hawk Aircraft Low Observable |
HALO | High Agility Low Observable |
HALO | High Altitude Low Observable |
HALO | High Altitude Low Opening (parachuting) |
HAMG | Helicopter Airworthiness Management Group |
HAMPA | Harrier Mission Planning Aid |
HAN | Hydroxyl Ammonium Nitrate a propellant |
HAP | Helicopter Assault Primary |
HAP | Hydroxyl Ammonium Perchlorate |
HAPS | Helicopter Acoustic Processing System |
HAPTM | Hazardous Area Personnel Test Meter |
har | Harbour |
HAR | Helicopter search and rescue |
HARA | Hazard And Risk Assessment |
HARD | Helicopter and Airplane Radio / Radar Detection |
HARM | High velocity Anti-Radiation Missile |
HARM | High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile |
HARP | High Altitude Research Programme |
Harpoon | System for securing Lynx helicopter to deck |
HARS | Heading / Attitude Reference System |
HARU | Heading and Attitude Reference Unit |
HAS | Hardened Aircraft Shelter |
HAS | Heavy Armoured System IPT |
HAS | Helicopter Assault Secondary |
HAS | Helicopter anti-submarine |
HAS | Hood Aircrew Survival |
HAS | Hover-Augmentation System |
HAS | Human Activity System |
HASAW | Health and Safety at Work |
HASAWA | Health And Safety At Work Act 1974 |
HASC | House Armed Services Committee |
HAST | Harrier Avionics System Trainer |
HAST | High Altitude Supersonic Target |
HAT | Harbour Acceptance Trial |
HATIS | Helmet Acquisition and Tracking Indication System |
HATS | Harbour Acceptance Trials |
HATS | HAWK Advanced Training Simulator |
HATS | Helicopter Automatic Targeting System |
HAV | Hand-Arm Vibration |
HAW | Heavy Anti-tank Weapon |
HAWC | Homing And Warning Computer |
HAWFCAR | Helicopter Adverse Weather Fire Control Radar |
HAWK | Homing All-the-Way Killer |
HAWK/HIP | Hawk Improvement Program |
Hawk-PIP | Hawk Product Improvement Program |
HAZAN | Hazard Analysis |
HAZCAT | Hazard Category of Explosives |
HAZOP | Hazard & Operability Study |
HAZOP | HAZard Operational analysis |
HBAG | Historic Buildings Advisory Group |
HBAR | Heavy Barrelled Automatic Rifle |
HDFPA | High Density Focal Plane Array |
HE/AP | High Explosive Armour Piercing |
HEA | Head Equipment Assembly (EF2000 helmet) |
HEAA | High Explosive Anti-Armour |
HEAD | High Explosive Air Defence |
HEAP | High Explosive Anti-Personnel |
HE-APERS-FRAG | High Explosive Anti-Personnel Fragmentation |
HEAP-T | High Explosive Anti-Personnel Tracer |
HEAT | High Explosive Anti-Tank |
HEAT | High Explosive Anti-Tank |
HEAT | Hostile Expendable Aerial Target |
HEAT-FS | High Explosive Anti-Tank Fin-Stabilised |
HEAT-FS | High Explosive Anti-Tank Fin-Stabilised |
HEAT-MP | High Explosive Anti-Tank Multi-Purpose |
HEAT-MP | High Explosive Anti-Tank Multi-Purpose |
HEAT-MP(P) | High Explosive Anti-Tank Multi-Purpose (Practice) |
HEAT-T | High Explosive Anti-Tank Tracer |
HEAT-T-HVY | High Explosive Anti-Tank Tracer Heavy |
HEAT-T-MP | High Explosive Anti-Tank Tracer Multi-Purpose |
HEAT-TP-T | High Explosive Anti-Tank Target Practice Tracer |
HE-FRAG | High Explosive Fragmentation |
HEISAP | High Explosive Incendiary Semi--Armour Piercing |
HEI-SAP | High Explosive Incendiary Semi-Armour-Piercing |
HELARM | Helicopter Armed Action |
HELBAT | Human Engineering Laboratory Battalion Artillery Test |
HELRAPS | Heliborne long-range Acoustic Path Sonar |
HELRAS | Helicopter long-range Sonar |
HELTADS | High Energy Laser Tactical Air Defence System |
HEMA | Heavy Engineering Manufacturers Association |
HEMAT | Heavy Expanded mobility Ammunition Trailer |
HERA | High Explosive Rocket-Assisted |
HERALD | Helicopter Equipment for Radar And Laser Detection |
HETA | Harpoon Engagement Training Aid |
Hexal | Hexal / aluminium powder |
HEXDAM | High Explosive Damage Assessment Model |
HFAC | Helicopter Flight Advisory Computer |
HFAJ | High Frequency Anti-Jam |
HFAQ | Human Factors Acceptance Questionnaire |
HFI-ASIST | Human factors Integration - Advanced Support And Information Storage |
HGAS | Head of Government Accountancy Service |
HGAS | High Gain Antenna System |
HIAT | Hazardous Impact Area Trace |
HIBAT | Helicopter Identification By Acoustic Techniques |
HIBRAD | Helicopter Identification By Radar Detection |
HIDAR | High Instantaneous Dynamic Range |
HIDAS | Helicopter Integrated Defensive Aid Suite |
HIMAD | High to Medium Altitude Air Defence |
HIMAG | High-Mobility Agility Test Vehicle |
HIMAT | Highly Manoeuvrable Aircraft Technology programme |
HIPACT | High Power Acoustic Coaxial Transducer |
HIPAD | High Performance Air Defence |
HIPAR | High Power Acquisition Radar |
HIPAS | High Performance Sonar |
HIRAM | Hycor Infra-Red Anti-Missile decoy |
HIRTA | High Intensity Radio transmission Area |
HIRTA | High Intensity Radio Transmission Areas |
HISTAR | Large towed surface target |
HLA | High Level Architecture |
HLAD | High Level Air Defence |
HMA | Her Majestys Ambassador |
HMA | High Memory Area |
HMAFV | Her Majestys Air Force Vessel |
HMAS | Her Majestys Australian Ship |
HMAV | Her Majestys Army Vessel |
HMT(RAF) | Health Monitoring Team (Royal Air Force) |
HNA | Host Nation Assistance |
HOA | Heads Of Agreement |
HOAN | Harbour Ops Admin Net (radio) |
HODA | Hydrographic Office Defence Agency |
HOTAS | Hands On Throttle And Stick |
HP(AS) | Health Physicist (Ashore) |
HPA | High Power Amplifier |
HPA | Horizontal Planar Array |
HPA-1 | High Performance Absorber-1 |
HPAC | High Pressure Air Compressor |
HPAG | High Power Amplifier Group |
HPNARC | Health Physics Nuclear Accident Response Course |
HQ AG | Headquarters Adjutant General |
HQ LAND | Headquarters Land Command |
HQAC | Headquarters Air Cadets |
HQACCS | HQ Air Cadets Computer System |
HQAS | HQ Ashore System |
HQSOA | Health Quality Services Organisational Audit |
HRA | Human Reliability Assessment |
HSA | Hazardous Substances Authority |
HSA | Horizontal Sextant Angles |
HSAW | Health & Safety At Work |
HSEA | Health Safety & Environmental Advisor |
HSW Act | Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 |
HSWA | Health and Safety at Work Act |
HTADS | Helmet Target Acquisition and Designating System |
HTAS | Hard Target Attack Submunition |
HUDWAC | Head-Up Display and Weapon Aiming Computer |
HUDWASS | Head-Up Display Weapon-Aiming Subsystem |
HVA | High Value Unit |
HVAP | High Velocity Armour-Piercing |
HVAPDS-T | High Velocity Armour-Piercing Discarding Sabot Tracer |
HVAP-T | High Velocity Armour-Piercing Tracer |
HVAR | High Velocity Aircraft Rocket |
HVMTA | High Value Mobile Target Attack |
HVTA | High Value Target Acquisition |
I&Dea | Improvement and Development Agency |
IA | Image Analyst |
IA | Immediate Action |
IA | Information Age |
IA | Information Assurance |
IA | Integration Authority |
IA | Internal Audit |
IA | Investment Appraisal |
IA | Irrespirable Atmosphere |
IA | Issuing Authority |
IA | The Integration Authority |
IAAFA | Inter-American Air Forces Academy |
IAB | Investment Appraisal Board |
IAB | Investment Appraisals Board formally EAC |
IAB | Investment Approvals Board |
IAC | Integrated Avionics Computer |
IAC | Intelligence Analysis Centre |
IAC | Internal Account Code |
IAC | Internal Accounting Code |
IAC | Internal Audit Code |
IACS | Integrated Avionics Control System |
IACS | International Association of Classification Societies |
IADB | Inter-American Defence Board US delegation |
IADC | Inter-American Defence College |
IADGES | Indian Air Defence Ground Environment System |
IADS | Iceland Air Defence System |
IADS | Integrated Air Defence System |
IADT | Integrated Automatic Detection and Tracking |
IAE | Institute for the Advancement of Engineering |
IAEA | International Atomic Energy Agency |
IAEM | Institute of Higher Military Studies |
IAF | Indian Air Force |
IAFP | Inter-American Forces of Peace |
IAFU | Improve Assault Fire Unit |
IAFV | Infantry Armoured Fighting Vehicle |
IAG | Information Advice and Guidance (Partnerships) |
IAL | Infra-red Aiming Light |
IAL | Interim Amendment Leaflet |
IALCE | International Airlift Control Element |
IAM | Inertially-Aided Munitions |
IAM | Initial Approach Mode |
IAM | Institute of Administrative Management |
IAM | Institute of Aviation Medicine |
IAMIS | Interim Army Management Information System |
IANEC | Inter-American Nuclear Energy Committee |
IAP | Initial Assessment Phase |
IAPP | International Air Pollution Prevention |
IAR | Information Asset Register |
IARA | Inter-Allied Reparation Agency |
Iarm | Inspectorate of Armaments |
IARRCIS | Interim ARRC Command and Information System |
IARRCIS | Interim ARRC Information System |
IAS | Improved Armour System |
IAS | Indicated Air Speed |
IAS | Integrated Acoustic Sensor |
IASD | Instant Ammunition Selection Device |
IAT | Image Automatic Tracking |
IAT | Installation Acceptance Test |
IATA | International Air Transport Association |
IATD | Integrated Airframe Technology Demonstrator |
IATI | Initial Air Target Identification |
IATP | Installation Acceptance Test Procedure |
IATP | Integrated Airborne Tracking Programme |
IAU | ISDN Access Unit |
IAV | Infantry Armoured Vehicle |
IAW | Imagery Analysis Workpoint |
IAW | In accordance with |
IAW | Indications And Warning |
IBA | Internal Business Agreement |
IBAHRS | Inflatable Body and Head Restraint System |
IBERLANT | Iberia-Atlantic Area |
IBERLANT | Iberian Atlantic Command |
ICA | International Communication Agency |
ICAAS | Integrated Controls and Avionics for Air Superiority |
ICAD | Individual Chemical Agent Detector |
ICAD | Information Coherence Authority for Defence |
ICAI | Intelligent Computer Assisted Courseware |
ICAM | Integrated Computer Assisted Manufacturing |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organisation |
ICS COEIA | Information and Communication Services Combined Operational |
ICWAR | Improved Continuous Wave Acquisition Radar |
ID&A | Identification & Authentication |
ID-1 card | An ID-1 Card has physical dimensions of 85.6mm X 54mm with a corner |
IDA | Installation Design Authority |
IDA | Installation Design Authority |
IDA | Institute for Defence Analysis |
IDA | International Development Association |
IDA (cycle) | Information/Decision/Action (cycle) |
IDACS | Integrated Digital Audio Control System |
IDAHEX | Defence Staff College High Level Wargame Facility |
IDAS | Integrated Defensive Aids System |
IDAS | Integrated Design Automation System |
IDAS | International Danger and Disaster Assistance |
IDCA | Integrated Detector and Cooling Assembly |
IDEA | International Defence Equipment and Aerospace Exhibition |
IDEAL | Interactive Database Editor And Linker |
IDSTATUS | Identification and Status |
IEA | Incidental Expenses Allowance |
IEA | Information Exchange Agreement |
IEA | International Energy Agency |
IECCA | Inter Establishment Committee on Computer Applications |
IECCA | Inter Establishment Co-ordinating Committee on ADP |
IEMATS | Improved Emergency Message Automation Transmission System |
IFA | International Finance Adviser |
IFAC | Information Fusion Architectures & Coordination |
IFANS | Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security |
IFPA | Indirect Fire Precision Attack |
IHADSS | Integrated Helmet And Display Sighting System |
IHAS | Integrated Helicopter Attack System |
IHAWK | Improved HAWK |
IIA | Items In Aid (MRPII) |
IIRA | Integrated Inertial Reference Assembly |
IISA | Intelligence Information Services Enhancement programme |
IKAT | Interactive Keyboard And Terminal |
ILA | Individual Learning Account |
ILAAS | Integrated Low Altitude Attack Subsystem |
ILAC | International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation |
ILAD | Inner Layer Air Defence system |
ILAs | Individual Learning Accounts |
ILOA | Interconnection Letter Of Agreement |
IMA | Integrated Modular Avionics |
IMA | Integrated Modular Avionics/Architectures |
IMAAWS | Infantry Man-Portable Anti-armour / Assault Weapon System |
IMAGE | Imagery And Geospatial Systems |
IMAIS | Integrated Magnetic and Acoustic Influence Sweep |
IMARCCIS | Interim MARitime CCIS |
IMAT | Information Management And Technology |
IMPA | Intelligent Multi-Port Adapter |
IMPAC | Integrated Message Processing And Communications system |
IMPACT | Industry & MOD Programme to Accelerate CALS Implementation Today |
IMPACT | Traffic accident-reporting system |
IMSA | Intelligence Multiple Source analysis |
INA | Integrated Network Architecture |
INAS | Integrated Nav/Attack System |
INAS | Integrated Navigation / Attack System |
INCA | Integrated Nuclear Communications Assessment |
INCSEA | Agreement to prevent Incidents at sea between Warships of different Nations |
INLA | Irish National Liberation Army |
INMARSAT | International Marine Satellite |
INMARSAT | INternational MARitime SATellite |
INMARSAT | International Maritime Satellite Organisation |
INSAA | Instructions for Service Attachés and Advisers |
INSAS | Indian Small Arms System |
INTACS | Integrated Tactical Communications Study |
INTELSAT | International Telecommunications Satellite Organisation |
INTELSAT | International Telecommunications Satellites |
INVAL | Internal Validation |
IP address | Internet protocol address |
IPA | Imagery Product Archive |
IPA | India Pale Ale |
IPA | Information Processing Architecture |
IPA | Interim Planning Assumption |
IPA | International Pharmaceutical Abstracts |
IPADS | Improved Processing And Display System |
IPAR | Improved Pulse Acquisition Radar |
IPAS | Integrated Pressurised Air System |
IPAT | Inertial Pointing Aided Tracking |
IPSA | Interactive Power System Analysis |
IPSAT | Identifiable Part Serialisation and Tracking |
IRA | Inertial Reference Assembly |
IRA | Instrument Rating Allowance |
IRA | Inventory Record Accuracy |
IRA | Irish Republican Army |
IRAN | Inspect and Repair as Necessary |
I-RAP | Infra-Red Augmented Projectile |
IRAS | Infra-Red Alerting System |
IRAS | Interdiction / Reconnaissance Attack System |
IRAWS | Infra-Red Attack Weapon System |
IRF(A) | Immediate Reaction Force (Air) |
IRFNA | Inhibited Red Funing Nitric Acid |
IR-RAP | Infra-Red / Radar Augmented Projectile |
IRROLA | Inflatable Radar-Reflective Optical Location Aid |
IRVAT | Infra-Red Video Automatic Tracking |
ISA | Independent Safety Audit |
ISA | Independent Safety Auditor |
ISA | Industry Standard Architecture |
ISA | Industry Standard Architecture (Bus System) |
ISA | Initial Site Acceptance |
ISA | Instruction Set Architecture |
ISA | International Standard Atmosphere |
ISA | Internet Security Association |
ISAC | Interim Stern Arc Clearance |
ISADS | Integrated Strapdown Air Data System |
ISAF | International Security Assistance Force |
ISAKMP | Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol |
ISAPI | Internet Server Application Programming Interface |
ISAQ | Interim Statement of Airworthiness Qualification |
ISAR | Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar |
ISAT | Intensified Standard Alternating Temperature |
ISAU | Ignition and Safety and Arming Unit |
ISCOMFAR | Island Commander The Faros |
ISQAA | In-Service Quality Assurance Authority |
ISSA | In-Service Support Agency |
ISTAR | Intelligence Surveillance Targeting Acquisition and Reconnaissance |
ISTAR | Intelligence Surveillance Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance |
ITA | Interface Test Adaptor |
ITA2 | International Telegraph Alphabet No 2 |
ITAC | Intelligence Threat Analysis Centre |
ITACS | Integrated Tactical Command System |
ITALD | Improved Tactical Air-Launched Decoy |
ITAS | Improved Tracking Adjunct System |
ITAS | Integrated Test Alignment System |
ITD(A) | Individual Training Directive (Army) |
ITEA | Integrated Test Evaluation & Acceptance Plan |
ITEAP | Integrated Test Evaluation & Acceptance Plan |
IUKADGE | Improved UK Air Defence Ground Environment (now UKADGE) |
IUKADGE | Improved United Kingdom Air Defence Ground Environment |
IWAC | Integrated Weapon-Aiming System |
JA | Junior Assistant |
JAA | Joint Airworthiness Authorities HQ in the Netherlands |
JAA | Joint Airworthiness Authority |
JAAC PUB | Joint Acoustic Analysis Centre Publication |
JAATT | Joint Air Attack Team Tactics |
JAAWSC | Joint Anti Air Warfare Shore Coordination |
JAAWSC | Joint Anti-Air Warfare Shore Control (circuit) |
JAAWSC | Joint Anti-Air Warfare Shore Co-ordination Network |
JAB | Joint Advisory Board |
JAC | Joint Acceptance Committee |
JAC | Joint Acoustic Centre |
JAC | Joint Airworthiness Committee |
JACIG | Joint Arms Control Implementation Group |
JACK | An anthropometric modelling tool |
JAD | Joint Action Development |
JAD | Joint Application Design |
JAD | Joint Application Development |
JADDIN | Joint Air Defence Digital Information System |
JADI | Japan Association of Defence Industries |
JAFE | Joint Advanced Fighter Engine |
JAG | Judge Advocate General |
JAGO | Joint Aeronautical and Geospatial Organisation |
JAIEG | Joint Atomic Information Exchange Group |
JAMCAT | Jammer Communications Attachment |
JAMES | Joint Asset Management and Engineering Solutions |
JAMREP | Jamming Report |
JAN | Joint Army Navy (US) |
JANAP | Joint Army Navy and Air Force Publication |
JANAP | Joint Army Navy Air Force Publication |
JANNAF | Joint Army Navy NASA and Air Force (US) |
JANSC | Joint Air Navigation Safety Committee |
JAP | Joint Aeronautical Programme |
JAP | Joint Air Publication |
JAPNMS | JTIDS Air Platform Network Management System |
JAPS | Joint Administrative Planning Staff |
JAR | Job Appraisal Review |
JAR | Joint Airworthiness Requirement |
JAR | Joint Airworthiness Requirements |
JARIB | Joint Air Reconnaissance Intelligence Board |
JARIC | Joint Air Reconnaissance Intelligence Centre |
JARIC | Joint Air Reconnaissance Interpretation Centre |
JARIC | National Imagery Exploitation Centre |
JASDF | Japan Air Self Defence Force |
JASIN | Joint Air-Sea Interaction |
JASORS | Joint Advanced Special Operations Radio System |
JASS | Joint Anti-Submarine School |
JASSM | Joint Air-to-Surface Stand-off Missile |
JAST | Joint Advanced Strike Technology |
JATCCCS | Joint Advanced Tactical C3 System |
JATE | Joint Air Transport Establishment |
JATEU | Joint Air Transport Evaluation Unit |
JATF | Joint Amphibious Task Force |
JATFOR | Joint Airborne Task Force |
JATO | Jet-Assisted Take-Off |
JATS | Jamming Analysis and Transmission Selection |
JAWS | Jamming And Warning System |
JAWS | Joint Attack Weapon Systems |
JBIA | Joint Battlefield Information Architecture |
JCA | Joint Combat Aircraft |
JCABS | Joint Cockpit Air Bag System |
JCALS | Joint Computer-aided Acquisition and Logistic Support system |
J-CATCH | Joint Countering Attack Helicopter program |
JDA | Japanese Defence Agency |
JDAM | Joint Direct Attack Munition |
JESA | Joint Equipment Support Authority |
JFAC | Joint Force Air Component |
JFACC | Joint Force Air Component Commander |
JFAI | Joint Formal Acceptance Inspection |
JFAmphCC | Joint Force Amphibious Component Commander |
JFAST | Joint Flow and Analysis System for Transport |
JFDA(EP) | Joint Force Development Agenda (Experimentation Priorities) |
JIA | Joint Information Architecture |
JIAWG | Joint Integrated Avionics Working Group |
JIFDATS | Joint-services In-Flight Data Transmission System |
JIGSAW | Joint Implementation Group for Systematic Automation of Work |
JINTACS | Joint Inter-operability of Tactical Command And Control System |
JITA | Japan Industrial Technology Association |
JMEA | Japan Machinery Exporters Association |
JMSA | Japan Maritime Safety Agency |
JOANNA | JOint Airborne NavigatioN and Attack |
Joint STARS | Joint Surveillance and Target Attack Radar System (also JSTARS) |
JPAS | Joint Personnel Administration System |
JPAS | Joint Personnel Administration System (JPASS - Study) |
JPATS | Joint Primary Aircraft Training System |
JRA | Jaguar Rover Australia |
JRA | Japanese Red Army |
JSA | Job Seekers Allowance |
JSATO | Joint Support Air Tasking Organisation |
JSDFA | Japan Self Defence Force Agency |
JSTARS | Joint Surveillance and Target Attack Radar System |
JSTARS | Joint Surveillance Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance System |
JSTARS | Joint Surveillance Target-Attack Radar System |
JTACMS | Joint Tactical Missile System |
JTC3A | Joint Tactical Command Control and Communications Agency |
JTSAC | Joint Training Simulation and Analysis Centre |
KA | Keep Alive |
KAG-22 | K-Action Group |
KAPSE | Kernel APSE |
KAS | Killed on Active Service |
KATIE | Killer Alert Threat Identification and Evasion |
kcas | Knots Calibrated Air Speed |
KIA | Killed In Action |
KIAS | Knots Indicated Air Speed |
KMA | Korea Military Academy |
KPAF | Korean Peoples Air Force |
KPAG | Key Partners Action Group (Scottish Office) |
KSAs | Key Support Areas |
KTA | Key Technical Area |
KTA | Key Technical Assumption |
ktas | Knots True Airspeed |
kVA | Kilo Volt Amps |
KVA | KiloVolt Amp |
kVA | Kilovolt Amperes |
LA | Local Authority |
LA | Locally Attractive |
LA IPT | Logistics Applications Intergrated Project Team |
LA21 | Local Agenda 21 |
LAA | Light Anti-Aircraft |
LAAAS | Low-Altitude Airfield Attack System |
LAAD | Low Altitude Air Defence |
LAADS | Low Altitude Aircraft Detection System |
LAAG | Light Anti-Aircraft Gun |
LAAM | Light Anti-Aircraft Missile |
LAAPC | Local Authority Air Pollution Control |
LAASH | LITEFs Analogue Air data System for Helicopters |
LAAT | Laser Augmented Air-borne TOW |
LAAV | Light Air-borne ASW Vehicle |
LAAWC | Local AAW Commander or Coordination circuit |
LAAWC | Local Anti-Air Warfare Coordinator |
lab | Laboratory |
LAB | Light Assault Bridge |
LABCOM | Laboratory Command (US Army) |
LABRV | Large Advanced Ballistic Re-entry Vehicle |
LABS | Low Altitude Bombing System |
LABS | Low-Altitude Bombing System |
LAC | Leading Aircraftman |
LAC | List of Assessed Contractors |
LACE | Landline Air defence Communications Encryption |
LACH | Lightweight Amphibious Container Handler |
LACW | Leading Aircraftwoman |
LAD | Large Area Display |
LAD | Laser Acquisition Device |
LAD | Laser Alignment Device |
LAD | Launch Assist Device |
LAD | Learning Analysis Document |
LAD | Liberation Army Daily (newspaper) |
LAD | Light Aid Detachment |
LAD | Local Air Defence |
LAD | Local Area Disc |
LAD | Local Area Domain |
LAD | Low Altitude Dispenser |
LADA | Logical Applications and Data Architecture |
LADAR | Laser Detection And Ranging |
LADAR | LAser raDAR |
LADD | Low Altitude Drogue Delivery |
LADS | Laser Air-borne Depth Sounder |
LADS | Light Air Defence System |
LADS | Local Area Depot System |
LAE | Low Altitude Extraction |
LAF | Light Assault Ferry |
LAF | Low Frequency Active System |
LAFIS | Ledger Accounting Financial Information System |
LAFIS | Ledger Accounts Financial Management Information System |
LAFIS | Local Area Financial Information System |
LAFT | Light Aircraft Flying Task |
LAFTA | Latin American Free Trade Association |
LAFTS | Laser And FLIR Test Set |
LAG | Local Award Group |
LAG | Local Award Group (GEMS) |
LAH | Light Attack Helicopter |
LAIA | Latin American Integration Association |
LAIR | Laser and Atomic Research and Development |
LAIRS | Light Aircraft Reconnaissance System |
LAIS | Lithium Aluminium Iron Sulphide |
LAIT | Land Accident and Investigation Team |
LAL | Launch And Leave |
LAM | Long Aerial Mine |
LAMP | Large Advanced Mirror Programme |
LAMP | Lockheed Adaptive Modular Payload |
LAMP | Long Assisted Maintenance Period |
LAMPS | Light Air-borne Multi-Purpose System |
LAMPS | Long Assisted Maintenance Period |
LAMS | Local Area Missile System |
LAN | Local Area Network |
LAN | Local Area Network (IT) |
LANA | Low Altitude Night Attack |
LANDSAT | A civilian surveillance satellite |
LANL | Los Alamos National Laboratory |
LANTIRN | Low Altitude Navigation Targeting Infra Red Night |
LANTIRN | Low-Altitude Navigation Targeting Infra-Red Night |
LAP | Local Air Plot |
LAPADS | Lightweight Acoustic Processing And Display System |
LAPC | Local Accident Procedure Course |
LAPES | Low Altitude Parachute Extraction System |
LAR | Light Artillery Rocket |
LAR | Light Automatic Rifle |
LARA | Large Aperture Research Array |
LARC | Lighter Amphibious Re-supply Cargo |
LARC | Logistics & Resource Cell |
LARC | Low Altitude Ride Control |
LARC | Low-Altitude Ride Control |
LARO | Logistic Analysis and Research Organisation |
LARS | Light Artillery Rocket System |
LARS | Lower Airspace Radar Service |
LAS | Local Area Sub-System |
LAS | Local Area System |
LASER | Learning Age Standards Evaluation and Review (the new IiP standard) |
LASER | Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation |
LASH | Lighter Aboard Ship |
LASHE | Low Altitude Simultaneous HAWK Engagement |
LASO | Latin American Solidarity Organisation |
LASR | Low Altitude Surveillance Radar |
LASS | Large Area Smoke Screening |
LASS | Light Armoured System Support |
LASS | Local Area Sensor System |
LASS | Low Altitude Surveillance System |
LASSIE | Low Airspeed Sensing and Indicating Equipment |
LASSO | Light Anti-Surface Semi-automatic Optical missile |
LAST | Local Area System Transport |
LAST | Low Altitude Supersonic Target |
LASTE | Low Altitude Safety and Targeting Enhancement |
lat | Latitude |
LAT | Light Anti-Tank |
LAT | Local Area Transport |
LATAR | Laser-Augmented Target Acquisition and Recognition |
LATAS | Laser True Airspeed System |
LATCC | London Air Traffic Control Centre |
LATCP | Local Area Transport Control Programme |
LATIS | Lightweight Air-borne Thermal Imaging System |
LATS | Light Armoured Turret System |
LAV | Light Armoured Vehicle |
LAV | Light Assault Vehicle |
LAVA | Low-profile Adaptive Vehicular Antenna |
LAV-AD | Light Armoured Vehicle - Air Defence |
LAV-AG | Light Armoured Vehicle - Assault Gun |
LAW | Light Anti-armour Weapon |
LAW | Light Anti-tank Weapon |
LAX | Limited Area automatic Extraction (radar tracking) |
LBA | Longbow Apache |
LCA | Landing Craft Assault |
LCA | Life Cycle Analysis |
LCA | Light Combat Aircraft |
LCAC | Landing Craft Air-Cushion |
LCAD | Lightweight Chemical Agent Detector |
LCAJ | Low-cost Anti-Jam system |
LCAS | Light Close Air Support |
LCIA | Logistics Coherence Information Architecture |
LDA | Landing Distance Available |
LDA | Laser Doppler Anemometry |
LDA | Latent Damage Act |
LDA | Learning and Development Adviser |
LDA | Learning and Development Advisor |
LDA | Limited Danger Area |
LDA | Logistics Data Analysis |
LDA | Logistics Functional Area |
LDA | London Development Agency |
LDAH | Landing Distance Available (Helicopter) |
LDT/SCAM | Laser Detector and Tracker-Strike Camera |
LE(A) | Logistics Executive (Army) |
LEA | Local Education Authority |
LEA | Local Exercise Area |
LEAD | Launched Expendable Acoustic Decoy |
LEAP | Lightweight Exoatmospheric Advanced Projectile |
LEBA | Long Endurance Breathing Apparatus |
LFA | Logistics Functional Area |
LFA | Low Frequency Active |
LFA | Low Frequency Active sensor |
LFAS | Low Frequency Active Sonar |
LHA | Laser Hazard Area |
LHAT | Laser Hazard Area Trace |
LIA | Linear Induction Accelerator |
LICAS | Low Intensity Conflict Aircraft System |
LIDAR | Light Detection and Ranging |
LIMAS | Lightweight Marking System |
LIMAWS | Light Mobile Artillery Weapon System |
LIMAWS | Light Mobile Artillery Weapons System |
LINAC | Linear Accelerator |
LINAS | Laser-Inertial Navigation / Attack System |
LIRA | Low Intensity Reconnaissance Aircraft |
LISA | Logical Information Systems Architecture |
LITAL | Litton Italia SpA |
LKA | Landing Ship |
LLA | Long Linear Arrays |
LLAD | Low Level Air Defence |
LMA | Leading Medical Assistant |
LMA | Leading Medical Assistant (Royal Navy) |
LMAW | Light Multi-purpose Assault Weapon |
LMMSA | Lightweight Modular Multi-purpose Spanning Assembly |
LNA | Low Noise Amplifier |
LNA | Low Noise Amplifiers |
LOA | Launch On Assessment |
LOA | Letter of Offer & Acceptance |
LOAC | Law of Armed Conflict |
LOAD | Low Altitude Defence |
LOADEO | Loading of Explosive Ordnance |
LOADS | Low-Altitude Air Defence System |
LOAL | Lock on After Launch |
LOCAAS | Low-cost Anti-Armour Sub-munitions programme |
LOCAP | Lo Combat Air Patrol |
LOCAT | Low Cost Artillery Trainer |
LOCAT | Low-cost Aerial Trainer |
LOCATM | Low-cost Advanced Technology Missile |
LOCATS | Low Cost Air Target System |
LOCLAD | Low Altitude Dispenser System |
LOCLAD | Low-cost Low Altitude Dispenser |
LOCSTAT | Location State |
LOFAADS | Lo-Altitude Forward Area Air Defence System |
LOFARGRAM | Low Frequency Recording and Analysis Gram |
LOGMAN | Logistics and Manpower Division SHAPE |
LOGSTAT | Logistics State |
LOMADS | Low Altitude Missile Air Defence System |
LOMAH | Location of Miss And Hit |
LORA | Level Of Repair Analysis |
LORAAS | Long-range Air-borne ASW System |
LORAN | Long Range Aid to Navigation |
LORAN | Long Range Navigation |
LORAP | Level of Repair Analysis Plan |
LOSACA | Liaison Officer to the Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic |
LOSAT | Line-Of-Sight Anti-Tank |
LOTAWS | Laser Obstacle Terrain-Avoidance Warning System |
LOVA | Low Vulnerability |
LOVA | Low-Vulnerability Ammunition |
LPA | Linear Power Amplifier |
LPA | Local Planning Authority |
LPAR | Large Phased Array Radar |
LPRA | Low Power Radio Association |
LQA | Land Quality Assessment |
LQA | Link Quality Analysis |
LRA | Lowest Replacement Assembly |
LRAACA | Long-range Air Anti-Submarine Capability Aircraft |
LRAAS | Long-range Air-borne ASW System |
LRAS3 | Long-range Advanced Scout Surveillance System |
LRAT | Large Radar Array Technology |
LRAT | Long-range Anti-Tank |
LRATGW | Long Range Anti-Tank Guided Weapon |
LRCA | Long Range Combat Aircraft |
LRPA | Long-range Patrol Aircraft |
LRQA | Lloyds Register Quality Assurance |
LRSAM | Long Range Surface-to-Air Missile |
LSA | Layered Security Architecture |
LSA | Life Saving Appliances |
LSA | Link State Advertisement ( from OSPF Protocol) |
LSA | Local Stores Administrator |
LSA | Local System Administrator |
LSA | Logistic Support Analysis |
LSA | Logistics Support Analysis |
LSAM | Logistic Support Analysis Manager |
LSAP | Logistic Support Analysis Plan |
LSAR | Logistic Support Analysis Record |
LSAR | Logistics Support Analysis Record |
LSAT | Logistic Shelter Air-Transportable |
LSCAM | Local Sea Clearance Acceptance Meeting |
LSD(A) | Landing Ship Dock (Auxiliary) |
LSDA | Learning and Skills Development Agency |
LSFFAR | Low-Speed Folding-Fin Aircraft Rocket |
LTA | Light Transport Aircraft |
LTA | Logistics Technical Analysis |
LTAR | Lands Training Areas & Ranges |
LTAV | Lighter Than Air Vehicle |
LTWA | Long Trailing Wire Antenna |
LUA | Launch Under Attack |
LUMAT | Limitations in the Use of Missiles and Ammunition at Training |
LVA | Landing Vehicle Assault |
LVA | Large Vertical Aperture radar |
LVA | Loud Vocal Alarm |
LWA | Laser Warning Analyser |
LYCHGATE | Intelligence System for Head Quarters Strike Command |
LYDIA | LTC Year-on-year Data and Information Analysis |
MA | Maintenance Area |
MA | Management Accountant or Manpower Audit |
MA | Marketing Agreement |
MA | Master of Arts |
MA | Material Accounting |
MA | Mechanical Alloying |
MA | Medical Assistant |
MA | Military Attaché/Military Assistant |
MA | Modern Apprenticeship (Foundation and Advanced levels) |
MA | Release Military Aircraft Release |
MAA | Master At Arms (Royal Navy) |
MAA | Master-at-Arms |
MAA | Mission Area Analysis |
MAA | Monitoring Angle of Attack |
MAAP | Master Air Attack Plan |
MAB | Marine Amphibious Brigade |
MAB | Mobile Assault Bridge |
MAC | Maintenance Allocation Chart |
MAC | Mandatory Access Control |
MAC | Mean Aerodynamic Chord |
MAC | Media Access Control |
MAC | Medium Access Control (ATM) |
MAC | Medium Armoured Car |
MAC | Military Airlift Command (USAF) |
MAC | Multi Activity Contract |
MAC | Multi Activity Contracts |
MACA | Military Aid to the Civil Authorities |
MACA | Military Assistance to the Civil Authorities |
MACA/C/M/P | Military Aid to the Civil Authority/Community/Ministry/Power |
MACC | Military Aid to the Civil Commander |
MACC | Military Aid to the Civil Community |
MACC | Military Aid to the Civilian Community |
MACC | Military Area Control Centre |
MACC | Military Assistance to the Civil Community |
MACCS | Marine Air Command Control System |
MACCSM | Mobile Adaptable Communications Countermeasures System |
MACD | Maintenance Analysis and Computer Division |
MACE | Manpower Analysis & Constraints Evaluation Model or Multi-static Active |
MACED | Month After Contract Effective Date |
MACEX | Military Air Control Exercise |
MACI | Military Adaption of Commercial Items |
MACIMS | Military Airlift Command Integrated Management System |
MACM | Military Aid to the Civil Ministries |
MACM | Military Assistance to Civil Ministries |
MACM | Military Assistance to the Civil Ministries |
MACMT | Mean Active Corrective Maintenance Time |
MACP | Military Aid to the Civil Power |
MACP | Military Assistance to Civil Power |
MACR | Major Accident Control Regulations |
MACS | Magnetic Countermine System |
MACS | Management Accountants Computer System |
MACS | Marine Air Control Squadron |
MACS | Multi-Altitude Control System |
MACS | Multiple Acceleration Control System |
MACS | Multiple Access Communications System |
MACS | Multiple Applications Control System |
MACTIS | Mine-hunting Action Information Subsystem |
MAD | Magnetic Anomaly Detection |
MAD | Magnetic Anomaly Detector |
MAD | Mass Air Delivery |
MAD | Mutually Assured Destruction |
MADAR | Maintenance Analysis Detection and Recording |
Madar | Maintenance Analysis Detection and Recording |
MADC | Miniature Air Data Computer |
MADGE | Malaysian Air Defence Ground Environment |
MADGE | Microwave Aircraft Digital Guidance Equipment |
MADLS | Mobile Air Defence Launching System |
MADS | Military Advanced Disk System |
MADS | MPS Air Defence Simulator |
MAE | Mean Area of Effect |
MAE | Mean Area of Effectiveness (USAF) |
MAE | Military Air Environment |
MAEMIS | Modular Aero-Engine Management Information System |
MAEO | Master Air Electronics Officer (Royal Air Force) |
MAES | Marine Auxiliaries Environmental and Steam systems |
MAESTRO | Managing Assets for Equipment Support Transactions Records and |
MAESTRO | MEEAsset Earmarking and Shortfall Recognition |
MAF | Malaysian Armed Forces |
MAF | Manual Acquisition Facility |
MAF | Marine Amphibious Force |
MAF | Maritime Amphibious Force |
MAFF | Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food |
MAFIS | Management Accounting Financial Information System |
MAFLIR | Modified Advanced Forward Looking Infra-Red |
MAFR | Month of Annual / First Return |
mag | Magnetic |
MAG | Main Award Group |
MAG | Maintenance Advisory Group |
MAG | Marine Air Group |
MAG | Military Assistance Group |
mag var | Magnetic Variation |
MAGICS | Modular Architecture for Graphics and Image Control System |
MAGIK | Merit Automated Graphics Interface Kit for simulation system |
MAGLAD | Marksman And Gunnery Laser Device |
MAGR | Miniature Air-borne GPS Receiver |
MAGTF | Marine Air Ground Task Force (USMC) |
MAHRS | Microfiche Attitude and Heading Reference System |
MAHRU | Microflex Attitude and Heading Reference Unit |
MAI | Ministry of Armament Industry |
MAID | Mobile Autonomous Intelligent Device |
MAINREQ | Maintenance Requirement |
MAIR | Maritime Air |
MAIREASTLANT | Maritime Air Eastern Atlantic Command |
Maj | Major |
Maj Gen | Major General |
MAJ(ICY F) | Major (Inter-changeability Functional) |
MAJ(ICY P) | Major (Interchangeability Physical) |
MAJ(PER) | Major (Performance) |
MALM | Master Air Loadmaster (Royal Air Force) |
MALOS | Miniature Optical Laser Sight |
MAMS | Mobile Air Movement Squadron |
MAMS | Mobile Air Movements Squadron |
MAMT | Mobile Air Movements Team |
MAN | Metropolitan Area Network |
Man S (Org) | Management Services Organisation. Subsumed by Director General |
MANCLOS | Manual Command to Line-Of-Sight |
MANDATE | Management Database for Army Test Equip (also issue & procurement) |
MANDATE | MCCIS Austere Northwood Database and Terminal Equipment |
MANDI | Multiple Array Panoramic Imager |
MANDUS | MANagement of Design for Upkeep Support |
MANPADS | Man Portable Air Defence System |
MANPADS | Man-Portable Air Defence Missile Systems |
MANPADS | Manportable Air Defence System |
MANPRINT | Manpower & Personnel Integration |
MANPRINT | MANpower and PeRsonnel INTegration |
MAN-Q | Software product to support configuration management of MANPRINT |
MANS | Missile And Nudet Surveillance |
MANSORG | Management Services Organisation (Man S Org) |
MANTIS | MAN-in-loop Target Interdiction System |
MANTIS | Man-in-the-loop Target Interdiction System |
MANTIS | Manpack Tactical Intelligence System |
MANTRA | Modern Apprenticeship and National Traineeship Steering Group |
MAOT | Ministerially Approved Operational Task |
MAOT | Mobile Air Operations Team |
MAOV | Mobile Artillery Observation Vehicle |
MAP | Manufacturing Automation Protocol |
MAP | Military Aid Program |
MAP | Military Air Programme |
MAP | Military Assistance Program |
MAP | MILSTAR Advanced Processor |
MAP | Multiple Aim Point (USAF) |
MAP | Mutual Assistance Programme |
MAPAD | Military Assistance Program Address Directory System |
MAPCO | Map Code |
MAPI | Messaging Application Programming Interface |
MAPLINS | MAnpower PLannINg |
MAPPS | Mobile Access PTARMIGAN Packet Switch |
MAPS | Manpower Analysis and Planning System |
MAPS | Maritime Asset Planning System |
MAPS | Mobile Aerial Port Squadron (USMAC) |
MAPS | Modular Azimuth Positioning System |
MAPS | The MODs Manpower Analysis and Planning System |
MAPSP | Map Supply Point |
MAR | Medium Anti-Aircraft Radar |
MAR | Military Aircraft Release |
MAR | Military Airworthiness Release |
MAR | Minimally Attended Radar |
MAR | Multiple / Multi-function Array Radar |
MARA | Modular Architecture for Real-time Applications |
MARAD | Maritime Administration |
MARAIRMED | Maritime Air Forces Mediterranean |
MARCLIP | Maritime Commands long-term Infrastructure Plan |
MARCOM | Maritime Command |
MARCONFORLANT | Maritime Contingency Forces Atlantic |
MARCOT | Canadian Maritime Surveillance Exercise |
MARCS | MAC Airlift Reaction Communications System |
MARDI | Mobile Advanced Robotic Defence Initiative |
MARE | Miniature Analogue Recording Electronics |
MAREC | Maritime Reconnaissance radar |
MAREQ | Military Assistance Requirement |
MARETS | Military Airfield Remote Entry Terminal System |
MARIN | Maritime Research Institute Netherlands |
MARINTSUM | Maritime Intelligence Summary |
MARL | MARitime Leadership |
MARMOSET | Marconi Mobile Satellite Earth Terminal |
MARO | Maritime Air Radio Organisation |
MARPAC | Maritime Forces Pacific |
MARPOL | Marine Pollution |
MARREP | Maritime Report |
MARREP | MARitime REPorting |
MARRES | Manual Radar-Reconnaissance Exploitation System |
MARRS | Modular Armoured Repair and Recovery System |
MARS | Magnetic Array Sensor System |
MARS | Maintenance Analysis and Reporting System |
MARS | Manpower Analysis and Reporting System |
MARS | MAPPER Replacement System |
MARS | Matra road to Air transportable Reconnaissance System |
MARS | Mid-Air Recovery System (US Navy) |
MARS | Mid-Air Retrieval System |
MARS | Military Affiliate Radio System |
MARS | Military Afloat Reach and Sustainability |
MARS | Military Amphibious Reconnaissance System |
MARS | Military Archive and Research Services |
MARS | Minimally Attended Radar Station |
MARS | Mobile Automatic Reporting Station |
MARS | Modular Adaptable Radar Simulator |
MARS | Modular Air-borne Recording System |
MARS | Multi-Access Retrieval System |
MART | Mean Active Repair Time |
MART | Modular Air / Ground Remote Terminal |
MARTEL | Missile Anti-Radar and Television |
MARTIS | Management of Resources Tactical Information Systems |
MARV | Manoeuvrable Re-entry Vehicle |
MARV | Manoeuvring Re-entry Vehicle |
MAS | Main Access Switch |
MAS | Military Agency for Standardisation |
MAS | Military Agency for Standardisation (NATO) |
MAS | Military Area Services |
MAS | Mine Avoidance Sonar (Sonar 193M) |
MASAAG | Military Aircraft Structural Airworthiness Advisory Group |
MASCOT | Modular Approach to Software Construction Operation and Test |
MASE | Multi-Aegis Site Emulator |
MASER | Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation |
MASH | Mobile Army Surgical Hospital |
MASINT | Measuring and Signature Intelligence |
MASIS | Management and Support of Information Systems in Ships |
MASR | Mission Avionics Software Rig |
MASR | Mission Avionics Systems Rig |
MASR | Multiple Antenna Surveillance Radar |
MASRCLIP | Maritime Commanders Long-term Infrastructure Plan |
MaSS | Machinery Surveillance System |
MASS | Marine Air Support Squadron |
MASS | Maritime Air Surveillance Sortie |
MASS | Mission Avionics Sensor Synergism |
MASST | Major Ship Satellite Terminal |
MAST | Military Anti-Shock Trousers |
MAST | Modular Adjustable Stowage & Transport unit |
MAST | Multi-Application Sonar Trainer |
MAST | Multi-static Active Sonar Technology |
MASTACS | Manoeuvrability Augmentation System for Tactical Air Combat Simulation |
MASTER | Military Aircraft Satcoms Terminal |
MASTER | Modular Acoustic Stimulator / Emulator |
MASTT | MPS Action Speed Tactical Trainer |
MASU | Mobile Air Support Unit |
MASU | Mobile Aircraft Salvage Unit |
MASU | Mobile Aircraft Support Unit |
MASU | Multiple Acceleration Sensor Unit |
MASWT | MPS Anti-Submarine Warfare Trainer |
MAT | Management Acceptance Trial |
MATCALS | Marine Air Traffic Control And Landing System |
MATCH | Manned Anti-submarine Troop-Carrying Helicopter |
MATCH | Medium Range Anti-Submarine Torpedo-carrying Helicopter |
MATCONOFF | Material Control Officer |
MATDEM | MATerial DEMand |
MATDEM | Material Demand - By Signal |
MATEL | Multiplexed Automatic Telephone Equipment |
MATELO | Maritime Air Telecomms Organisation |
MATISM | Management and Training for Information Systems in the Royal Marines |
MATO | Military Air Traffic Operations |
MATS | Marconi Acoustic Training System |
MATS | Military Aircraft Target System |
MATS | Mobile Automatic Telephone System |
MATS | Model Aircraft Target System |
MATS | Multiple Array Test Set |
MATTR | Mean Active Time To Repair |
MATTS | Multiple Air-borne Target Trajectory System |
MATY | Multiple Array Towing Yoke |
MATZ | Military Air Traffic Zone |
MAU | Marine Amphibious Unit |
MAUV | Maritime Unmanned Air Vehicle |
MAV | Maintenance Assist Vehicle |
MAVDs | Materially Available Vessel Days |
MAVID | Modular Architecture for Video and Image Distribution system |
MAVIS | Management Admin and VME Interface System |
MAW | Medium Anti-Tank Weapon |
MAW | Military Airlift Wing (USAF) |
MAW | Missile Approach Warning |
MAW | Missile Approach Warning system |
MAW | Mission Adaptive Wing |
MAW | Modular Abstands WAFFE |
MAW | Mountain and Artic Warfare |
MAWTS | Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron |
MAWW | Maritime Above Water Warfare |
max | maximum |
MAXAL | MAXimum Assets Level |
MaxFax | Maxillo-Facial [Surgeon Department Specialty] |
MBA | Main Battle Area |
MBA | Management Budgeting and Accounting |
MBA | Master Batchelor of Arts |
MBAD | Material Budgetary Analysis Document |
MBAR | Multiple Beam Acquisition Radar |
MBAT | Multi-Beam Array Transmitter |
MC of A | Military Certificate of Airworthiness |
MCA | Management Consultancies Association |
MCA | Maritime and Coastguard Agency |
MCA | Micro Channel Architecture |
MCA | Military Co-ordinating Authority |
MCA | Motor Cycling Association |
MCAD | Man-Portable Chemical Agent Detector |
MCAS | Machinery Control And Surveillance |
MCATT | Multi-weapon Combined Arms Tactical Trainer |
MCDA | Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis |
MCMTA | Mine CounterMeasures Tasking Authority |
MCTA | Maritime Commissioning Trials and Assessments |
MDA | Maintainers Diagnostic Aid |
MDA | Mechanical Design Authority |
MDA | Minimum Descent Altitude |
MDA | Model Driven Architecture |
MDA | Monochrome Display Adapter |
MDAL | Master Data Assumptions List |
MDAP | Mutual Defence Assistance Program |
MDF(A) | Main Defence Force (Air) |
MDPA | Minister of Defence Procurement Approval |
MDPGA | Ministry of Defence Police and Guarding Agency |
MDSA | Multi Sensor Deployed Array |
MEA | MonoEthanolAmine |
MEADS | Medium Extended Air Defence System |
MEAS | Mechanical Engineering Aircraft Squadron (Royal Air Force) |
MECA | Missile Electronics and Computer Assembly |
MECCA | Modular Equipped and Configured Calibration Analyser |
MEDA | Military Emergency Diversion Airfield |
MEDAX | Message Data Exchange terminal |
MEDEVAC | Medical Evacuation |
MEIDAS | Model of the Effectiveness of Integrated DAS |
MERA | Molecular-Electronics Radar |
MERADCOM | Mobility Equipment Research and Development Command |
MESAR | Microwave Electronically Scanned Adaptive Radar |
MESAR | Multi-function Electronically Scanned Adaptive Radar |
MESAR | Multifunction Electronically Scanned Array/Adaptable Radar |
MESRAS | Man-mounted Eye/Scene Recording and Analysis System (Eye pointing |
METSATNET | Meteorological Satellite Network |
MEVA | Modular version of EVA code |
MFA | Movements Financial Authority |
MFAR | Multi-Function Array Radar |
MFASIS | Movements Finance Audit Information System |
MFMA | Multi-Function Microwave Aperture |
MGARJS | Mobile Ground-to-Air Radar Jamming System |
MGDA RAF | Maintenance Group Defence Agency. See DARA. |
MIA | Missing In Action |
MIAMI | Microwave Ice Accretion Measurement Instrument |
MIAS | Management Information and Accounting system |
MICA | Media Independent Communication Architecture |
MIDAS | Maintenance Information and Defect Analysis System |
MIDAS | Make Ideas Develop Assets Successfully (Suggestion scheme) |
MIDAS | Management Information Data and Accounting System |
MIDAS | Marine Inclination Differential Alignment System |
MIDAS | Maritime Integrated Defensive Aids Suite |
MIDAS | Maritime Intelligence Dissemination & Analysis System (RAN Command |
MIDAS | Mine and Ice Detection/Avoidance System |
MIDAS | Missile Defence Alarm System |
MIDAS | Mobile Integrated Digital Automatic System |
MIDAS | Motorway Island Detection and Automatic Signalling System |
MIEA | Master Information Exchange Agreement |
MIEA | Master Information Exchange Arrangement |
MIFASS | Marine Integrated Fire and Air Support System |
MILAN | Missile dInfanterie Leger ANtichor |
MILCAP | Military Capability |
MILCAP | MILitary CAPability report |
MILSATCOM | MILitary SATellite COMmunications |
MILSTAMP | Military Standard Transportation And Movement Procedures |
MILSTAN | Military Standard |
Milstar | Military Strategic Tactical and Relay |
MILTRACS | Military Air Traffic Control System |
Min AF | Minister Armed Forces |
MIN(AF) | Minister for the Armed Forces |
Min(AF) | Minister of State for the Armed Forces |
MIRA | MILAN Infra--Red Adapter |
MIRA | MILAN Infra-Red Attachment |
MIRA | Miniature Infra-Red Alarm |
MIRACL | Mid Infra-Red Advanced Chemical Laser |
MIRADCOM | Missile R&D Command (US Army) |
MIRADOR | Minefield Reconnaissance and Detector System |
MIRAGE | Microelectronics Indicator for Radar Ground Equipment |
MIRCAT | Multispectral Infra-Red Cueing And Tracking |
MIS(CAT) | Proposed Army Catering Management Information System |
MITAS | Multi-sensor Imaging Technology for Air-borne Surveillance |
MLA | Manufacturing License Agreement |
MLA | Mean Line of Advance |
MLAW | Missile Launch and Approach Warner |
MLSAM | MOD Logistic Support Analysis Manager |
MLTAA | Manufacturing License and Technical Assistance Agreement |
MMA | Main Management Area |
MMA | Manual Metal Arc (welding) |
MMA | Mast Mounted Assembly |
MMA | Motor Mileage Allowance |
MMA | Multi-mission Aircraft |
MMARS | Military Movement and Reporting System |
MMARS | Movement Management and Air Reservation System |
MMARS | Movements Management Air Reservation System |
MMS 6A | Maintenance Management System |
MOA | Memorandum Of Agreement |
MOA | Memorandum of Agreement (binding) |
MOA | Military Operations Area |
MOAD | Maritime Operational Analysis Database |
MOAT | Mineware Operations Analysis Tool |
MOBA | Mobility Operations For Built-up Areas (US Army) |
MOCRAT | Members of the Central Region Air Tasking |
MODA | Ministry Of Defence and Aviation |
MODAF | Ministry Of Defence Architectural Framework |
MODAR | MOD Architectural Repository |
MODAS | Modular Data Acquisition System |
MODSAF | MODular Semi Autonomous Forces |
MOFA | Multi-Option Fuze Artillery |
MOGAS | Mechanical Transport Gasoline |
MOLAR | Mortar/Artillery Locating Radar |
MONAB | Mobile Naval Air-base on shore (US Army) |
MOPTAR | Multiple-Object Phase Tracking And Ranging |
MORAN | Management Of Resources And Networks |
MOVTAS | Modified Visual Target Acquisition System |
MOWAM | Mobile Water Mine |
MPA | Man Powered Aircraft |
MPA | Man-Powered Aircraft |
MPA | Maritime Patrol Aircraft |
MPA | Medium Power Amplifier |
MPA | Modular Protocol Architecture |
MPA | Multi-Port Adapter |
MPAA | Multifunctional / Multi-beam Phased-Array Antenna |
MPAT | Multi-Purpose Anti-Tank |
MPBA | Multiple Practice Bomb Adapter |
MPCA | Multiple Phase Centre Antenna |
MR SAM | Medium range Surface to Air Missile system |
MR TRIGAT | Medium Range ThiRd Generation Anti-Tank |
MRA | Main Responsibility Area |
MRA | Multiple Receiving Array |
MRAAM | Medium Range Air-Air Missile |
MRAAM | Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile |
mrad | milli radians |
MRAD | Multiple Range Alignment Device |
MRAF | Marshal of the Royal Air Force |
MRASM | Medium Range Air-to-Surface Missile |
MRATGW | MILAN Medium Range Anti--Tank Guided Weapon |
MRATGWS | Medium Range Anti-Tank Guided Weapon System |
MRAV | Multi-Role Armoured Vehicle |
MRCA | Multi-Role Combat Aircraft |
MRSAM | Medium-Range Surface-to-Air-Missile |
MRSASS | Medium Range SAM in the Surface to Surface mode |
MRTRIGAT | Medium Range TRIGAT |
MS EA | Microsoft Enterprise Agreement |
MSA | Marine Safety Agency |
MSA | Maritime Safety Agency |
MSA | Medical Supplies Agency |
MSA | Mid-Stage Assessment |
MSA | Mobile Subscriber Access |
MSA | Mutual Security Area |
MSAM | Medium (range) Surface to Air Missile |
MSAM | Medium Range Surface-Air Missile |
MSAM | Medium Range Surface-to-Air Missile |
MSAM | Medium Surface-to-Air-Missile |
MSAM | Medium-range Surface-to-Air-Missile |
MSAR | Miniature Synthetic Aperture Radar |
MSAT-Air | Multi-Sensor Aided Targeting - Air-borne |
MSAW | Minimum Safe Altitude Warning |
MSHATF | Medium Support Helicopter Advanced Training Facility |
MSSA | Mine Sweeping System Acoustic |
MSSAS | MERLIN Support & Spares Availability System |
MSTAR | Manportable Surveillance and Target Acquisition Radar |
MSTART | Missile System To Attack Relocatable Targets |
MT(Ops)Manager | Motor Transport(Operations)Manager |
MTA | Memorandum Trading Account |
MTA | Message Transfer Agent (X400) |
MTA | Military Training Area |
MTACC/IAS | Marine Corp Tactical C2 System/Intelligence C2 System |
MTACS | Marine Tactical Air Control System |
MTAD | Multi-Trace Analysis Display |
MTAE | Multiple Time Around Echoes |
MTAS | Millimetric Target Acquisition System |
MTAS | Modular Target Acquisition System |
MTAS | Multi-sensor Target Acquisition System |
MTAU | Machinery Trials Assessment Unit |
MTBAF | Mean Time Between Attributable Faults |
MTBMA | Mean Time Between Maintenance Actions |
MTBMA | Mean Time Between Maintenance Activities |
MTCAS | Marine Corps Tactical Command And Control System |
MTDA | Mean Time Data Availability |
MTIA | Metal Trades Industry Association of Australia |
MTIAC | Manufacturing Technology Information Analysis Centre |
MTMA | Military Terminal Manoeuvring Area |
MTRACS | Multiple input Tracking Control System |
MUA | Military User Agent |
MUAV | Maritime Unmanned Air Vehicle |
MUDAS | Modular Universal Data Acquisition System |
MuFAR | Multi-target Field Artillery Radar |
Multi-agent CGF | Multi Agent Computer Generated Forces |
MULTIFAB | Type of waterproof suit for working in cold & wet conditions |
MWA | Minor Warships & Auxiliaries |
MWA | Multiple Weapons Adapter |
MWAB | Minor Warships Auxiliaries and Boats |
MWAN | Megastream Wide Area Network |
MYRAnn | Milestone (M) designation |
N/A | Not Applicable |
NA | Naval Advisor/Attaché |
NA | Not Applicable |
NA | Not Available |
NA | Numerical Aperture |
NA TAB | Not Available Tabulation |
NAA | North Atlantic Assembly |
NAAB | Not Available Any Base |
NAADM | North American Air Defence Modernisation |
NAAFI | Navy Army and Air Force Institutes |
NAAG | NATO Armies Armaments Group |
NAAIHTO | Not Available Action In Hand To Obtain |
NAAWS | NATO Anti-Air Warfare System |
NAB | Nickel Alloy Bronze |
NABK | NATO Artillery Ballistic Kernel |
NABS | NATO Air Base Satcom |
NABSE | Norwegian Artillery Battery Survey |
NABUST | Nuclear Accident Back-Up Support Team |
NABW | North Atlantic Bottom Water |
NAC | National Accounts Classification |
NAC | NATO Alert Committee |
NAC | Naval Air Command |
NAC | Naval Avionics Centre |
NAC | Network Access Controller |
NAC | North Atlantic Council |
NACCB | National Accreditation Council for Certification Bodies |
NACCIS | North Atlantic Command & Control Information System |
NACETT | National Advisory Council for Education and Training Targets |
NACNOC | No Acceptable / Appropriate Certification - NO Contract |
NACNOC | No Appropriate Certification No Contract |
NACOSA | NATO Communications Organisation Support Agency |
NAD | National Armaments Director |
NAD | NATO Ammunition Depot |
NAD | Naval Armaments Director |
NAD | Non Acoustic Detection |
NADC | NATO Air Defence Committee |
NADEEC | NATO Air Defence Electronic Environment Committee |
NADEFCOL | NATO Defence College |
NADEP | Naval Aviation Depot |
NADGE | NATO Air Defence Ground Environment |
NADGERS | NATO Air Defence Ground Environment Routine Servicing |
NADL | Navy Avionics Development Laboratory |
NADREPs | National Armament Directors Representatives |
NADS | National Armaments Directors |
NADS | Naval Air Data System |
NAE | Nuclear Accident & Emergency Arrangements |
NAEDS | Non-Aqueous Equipment Decontamination System |
NAEW | NATO Air-borne Early Warning |
NAEW | NATO Airborne Early Warning Force |
NAEW | NATO Early Warning |
NAEWF | NATO Air-borne Early Warning Force |
NAF | NATO Architecture Framework |
NAF | Naval Air Facility |
NAFAG | NATO Air Force Armaments Group |
NAG | Naval Advisory Group |
NAG | Netherlands Aerospace Group |
NAHEMA | NATO Helicopter Management Agency |
NAHQ | Nuclear Accident Headquarters |
NAIAD | Nerve Agent Immobilised Enzyme Alarm and Detection |
NAIAD | Nerve Agent Immobilised Enzyme Alarm and Detector |
NAIC | NATO Intelligence Centre |
NAIR | Naval Air Systems Command headquarters |
NAK | Negative acknowledgement |
NALLADS | Norwegian Army Low Level Air Defence System |
NAM | Nuclear Audit Manager |
NAM(A) | Nuclear Assurance Manager (Authorisation) |
NAMAS | National Association of Measurements and Standards |
NAMC | Navy Address Management Centre |
NAMC | Nuclear Accident Monitoring Course |
NAMFI | NATO Missile Firing Installation |
NAML | Naval Air Maintenance Laboratory |
NAML | Naval Aircraft Materials Laboratory |
NAML | Naval Aircraft Materiels Laboratory |
NAMMA | NATO MRCA Development and Production Management Agency |
NAMMs | Naval Aircraft Maintenance Manuals |
NAMOPS | Naval Air Maritime Operations (circuit) |
NAMOs | Naval Aircraft Maintenance Orders |
NAMSA | NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency |
NAMSO | NATO Maintenance and Supply Organisation |
NAO | National Audit Office |
NAP | Naval Application Plan |
NAP | Non Availability Period |
NAPATMO | NATO Patriot Management Office |
NAPB | Naval Armament Package Book |
NAPC | Naval Air Projects Co-ordination office |
NAPC | Nuclear Accident Procedures Course |
NAPNOC | No Acceptable Price - NO Contract |
NAPO | NATO Production |
NAPR | NATO Armaments Planning Review |
NAPs | NBC tablets (Nerve Agent Prophylactic) |
NAPS | Nerve Agent Pretreatment Set |
NAPS | Nerve Agent Pre-Treatment Set |
NAPS | Nerve Agent Pre-treatment Tablets |
NAQS | National Air Quality Strategy |
NaRCoSiS | Naval Radar Computer Simulation Suite |
NARF | Naval Air Reserve Force |
NARIMS | Nuclear Accident Response Information Management System |
NARO | Naval Aircraft Repair Organisation |
NARO | Nuclear Accident Response Organisation |
NAROTC | Nuclear Accident Response Organisation Training Committee |
NARPICC | Naval Radiation Protection Instrument Calibration Centre |
NAS | National Aerospace Standards |
NAS | Naval Air Squadron |
NAS | Naval Air Station |
NAS | Naval Armament Stores |
NAS | Network Application Support |
NAS | Non Acoustic Sensor |
NASA | National Aeronautical and Space Administration |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
NASAMS | Norwegian Advanced Surface-to-Air-Missile System |
NASC | Naval Air Systems Command |
NASCOM | NASA Communications network |
NASDA | National Space Development Agency |
NASF | Navigation and Attack Systems Flight (Royal Air Force) |
NASH | Navigation and Attack System for Helicopters |
NASIS | NATO Subject Indicator System |
NASP | NATO Atomic Supply Point |
NASP | Navy Air-Ship Program |
NASPO | Naval Air System Program Office |
NASR | Naval and Air Staff Requirements |
NASS | Naval Anti-Submarine School |
NASS | Naval Armament Stores System |
NASSHE | Naval Armament Specification for the Stowage and Handling of Explosives |
NAST | Naval and Air Staff Target |
NASU | Naval Aerial/Antenna Switching unit |
NASWDU | Naval Air/Sea Warfare Development Unit |
NAT | Name Address Translator |
NATC | Naval Air Training Command |
NATC | Nevada Automotive Test Centre |
NATESC | Naval Automatic Test Equipment Steering Committee |
NATINADS | NATO Integrated Air Defence System |
NATIP | NATO Information and Press office |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organisation |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organization |
NATO C3 | Consultation Command and Control |
NATO FMB | NATO Frequency Management Branch |
NATS | National Air Traffic Services |
NAU | Network Access Unit |
NAURC | Near All Up Round Container |
NAUTIC | Naval Autonomous Intelligent Console |
NAUTIS | Naval Autonomous Information System |
NAV | Navigation |
NAVAID | Navigation Aid |
NAVAIDS | Navigation Aids |
NAVAIDS | Navigational Aids |
NAVAIRSYSCOM | Naval Air Systems Command |
NAVB | Navy Board |
NAVCOMPARS | Naval Communications Processing And Routing System |
NAVDAC | Naval Data Automation Command |
NAVEX | Navigation Exercise |
NAVFACENGCOM | Naval Facilities Engineering Command |
NAVHARS | Navigation Heading and Attitude Reference System |
NAVHOME | Naval Home Command |
NAVICERT | Navy Certificate |
NAVICP | NAVal Inventory Control Point |
NAVMACS | Naval Modular Automated Communications System |
NAVMATINST | Naval Materiel Command Instruction |
NAVMIC | Naval Maritime Intelligence Centre |
NAVMOVE | Navigational Movements |
NAVOBSY | Naval Observatory |
NAVOCFORMED | Naval On-Call-Force Mediterranean |
NAVR | NAVigation Radar |
NAVS | NAVigation System |
NAVSEA | NAVal SEA Systems Command (US) |
NAVSEASYSCOM | Naval Sea Systems Command |
NAVSITSUM | Naval (own) Situation Summary |
NAVSOUTH | NAVal command SOUTH |
NAVSPASUR | Naval Space Surveillance System |
NAVSSES | Naval Ship System Engineering Station |
NAVSTAR | Navigation Satellite Timing and Ranging (see GPS) |
NAVSTARCODE | Naval Staff Target And Requirement Code |
NAVSUPSYSCOM | Naval Supply Systems Command |
NAVTAG | Naval Tactical Game |
NAVTEX | Navigational Telex |
NavWar | Navigation Warfare Programme |
NavWASS | Navigation and Weapon Aiming Subsystem |
NAW | Night/Adverse Weather |
NAWAS | National Warning System |
NAWBS | Naval Armament Weapon Business System |
NAWBUS | Naval Armaments and Weapons Business System |
NAWC | Naval Air Warfare Center (US) |
NAWC | Naval Air Warfare Centre |
NAWDAS | Naval Armament Weapon Data Base Analysis System |
NAWDAS | Naval Armament Weapons Database Analysis System |
NAWEL | Naval Above Water Exploitation Laboratory |
NAWEL | Naval Above Water Exploration Laboratory |
NAWST | Night Attack Weapon Systems Trainer |
NAWX | Nigh to All Weather |
NBRPA | Naval Base Radiological Protection Advisor |
NBSA | Naval Base & Supply Agency |
NBSA | Naval Bases and Supplies Agency |
NBSA | Naval Bases and Supply Agency (part of the DLO) |
NBSA/CB/PROC14 | Commercial Branch Naval Bases & Supply Agency & DEF Log Support |
NC/AC-EC | Narrow Coverage / Area Coverage to Earth Coverage |
NC3A | NATO Command Control and Communication Agency |
NCA | National Command Authority |
NCA | National Control Authority |
NCAGE | NATO Contractor and/or Government Entity |
NCAGS | Naval Coordination and Guidance to Shipping |
NCAP | Night Combat Air Patrol |
NCAPC | NATO Conventional Armaments Planning Committee |
NCARC | NATO Conventional Armament Review Committee |
NCISA | NATO Communications and Information Systems Agency |
NCSA | National Computer Security Association |
NCWA | NATO Wartime Civil Agencies |
NDA | Naval Discipline Act |
NDA | Network Design Authority |
NDA | No Danger Area |
NDA | Non-Disclosure Agreement |
NDAC | Nuclear Defence Affairs Committee |
NEARTIP | Near-Term Improvement Programme |
NEFAMA | NATO EFA Management Agency |
NEOTAM | NATO EO TArget Model |
NEPA | National Environmental Policy Act |
NERVA | Nuclear Energy for Rocket Vehicle Applications |
NETMA | NATO Eurofighter & Tornado Management Agency |
NEWAC | NATO Electronic Warfare Advisory Committee |
NEXRAD | Next-generation Radar |
NFA | No Fire Area |
NFA | Non-Firing Assessment |
NFAP | National Frequency Assignment Panel |
NGA | National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (US) |
NGAS | Naval Gunfire Air Spotting |
NGASR | Navy Army and Air Staff Requirements |
NGAST | Navy Army and Air Staff Target |
NIACE | National Institute of Adult Continuing Education |
NIAG | NATO Industrial Advisory Group |
NICS COA | NICS Control Operating Authority |
NILTA | National Information and Learning Technologies Association |
NIMA | National Imagery and Mapping Agency (US) |
NIPSSA | Naval Intelligence Processing Systems Support Activity office |
NIRATAM | NATO InfraRed Air TArget Model (IR Signature Prediction Code) |
NJFA | NATO Joint Frequency Agreement |
NLABS | US Army Natick Laboratories Natick Massachusetts |
NLAW | New Light Anti-armour Weapon |
NLFA | Naval Logistics Functional Area |
NLOS-CA | Non-Line-Of-Sight-Combined Arms |
NMA | Naval Manning Agency |
NNAG | NATO Naval Armaments Group |
NOA | Non-Operational Aircraft |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
NOAH | Norwegian Adapted Hawk |
NOE/APPR | Nap-of-the-Earth/Approach |
NOMAD | Naval Operations and Maintenance Aviation Deck (US Navy) |
NORAD | North American Air Defence (NATO) |
NORAD | North American Air Defense Command |
NORLANT | Northern Sub-Area Eastern Atlantic Command |
NORTHAG | Northern Army Group |
NORTHAG | Northern Army Group (NATO) |
NORTHAXE | Exercise in the NW Approaches to the UK |
NOSA | NATO Open Systems Security Architecture |
NOTAL | Not To All Addressees |
NOTAM | Notice to Airmen |
NOTAR | No Tail Rotor |
NOVRAM | Non-volatile Random Access Memory |
NPA | National Pistol Association |
NPA | Network Point of Attachment |
NPACC | Nominated Primary Alternate Command Centre |
NQA | Network Quality Analyser |
NQAA | National Quality Assurance Authority |
NRA | National Rifle Association |
NRA | National Rivers Authority |
NRA | Nuclear Reaction Analysis |
NRA | Nuclear Reserved Area |
NRAD | US Navy Laboratory |
NRC(Central) | Nato Regional Conflict (Central) |
NRTA | Naval Recruiting & Training Agency |
NRTA | Naval Recruiting and Training Agency |
NSA | National Security Agency |
NSA | National Standards Association |
NSA | NATO Standardisation Agency |
NSA | Network Security Architecture |
NSA | New Shipborne Aircraft programme |
NSA | Night Sensor Assembly |
NSA | Night Subsistence Allowance |
NSA | Nitrate Sensitive Area |
NSA | No Standing Arrangement |
NSA/CSS | National Security Agency Central Security Service |
NSAG | Nuclear Services Authorisation Group |
NSAP | Naval Sector Application Portfolio |
NSAP | Network Service Access Point |
NSAPI | Netscape Server Application Programming Interface |
NSEA | Naval Sea system command headquarters |
NSIA | National Security Industrial Association |
NSMA | Nuclear Safety Management Arrangements |
NSRA | National Small--bore Rifle Association |
NSSA | Naval Sector Strategic/Systems Architecture |
NSTAP | National Strategic Technology Acquisition Plan |
NTA | National Training Awards |
NTA | Not in Target Area |
NTAS | NORAD Tactical Autovon System(USAF) |
NTAS | Norwegian Tracking Adjunct System |
NTAT | Near Term ACME Technology |
NTSA | Navy Tactical Support Activity office |
NUA | Network User Address |
NUFAS | NATO UHF Frequency Assignment System |
NUSAFE | Nuclear Safety Instructions |
NVAR | Non-Value Added Retailer/Re-Seller |
NVRAM | Non-volatile Random Access Memory |
NWA | Nuclear Weapon Accident |
NWAG | Naval Weld Acceptance Group |
NWAPPS | North West Approaches |
NWARC | Navy Weapon Assessment Research Centre |
NWDA | North West Development Agency |
NWTAA | Naval Weapon Trials & Assessment Authority |
NZDSU(SEA) | New Zealand Defence Support Unit (south East Asia) |
OA | Office Automation |
OA | Offset Adviser |
oa | on application |
OA | Operational Analysis |
OA | Operational Availability |
OA | Order Administration |
OAB | Outer Air Battle |
OAC | Operational Analysis Committee |
OAC | Operator Assistance Centre |
OADS | Omnidirectional Air-Data System |
OAK | Over the Air Keying |
OAL | Officers Appointment List |
OAM | Offensive Air Missions |
OAMP | Optical Air-borne Measurement Platform |
OAN | Office Automation Network |
OAP | Old Age Pensioner |
OAPEC | Organisation of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries |
OAR | Office of Aerospace Research (USAF) |
OAR | Operational Analysis and Research |
OAS | Obstacle Avoidance Sonar |
OAS | Offensive Air Support |
OAS | Offensive Avionics System |
OAS | On Active Service |
OAS | Organisation of American States |
OASC | Officer and Aircrew Selection Centre |
OASD | Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defence |
OASIS | Onboard ADP Support in Ships |
OASIS | Onboard ADP Support in Ships - RN ADP System in ships |
OASIS | On-board ADP Support in Ships & Submarines |
OASIS | On-board Automated Ships Information System. RN stores accounting |
OASIS | Operational Applications of Special Intelligence Systems |
OASM | Omni directional Airspeed Sensor Mechanism |
OASP | Operational Analysis Supporting Paper |
OAT | Operational Air Traffic |
OAT | Outside Air Temperature |
OATS | Out of Area TreatmentS |
OATS | Oxford Air Training School |
OAU | Organisation of African Unity |
OBUA | Operations in Built Up Area |
OBVACT | On-Board Visual Aimer Continuation Trainer |
OBVACT | Onboard Visual Aimer Continuation Trainer (for CR guns) |
OCA | Offensive Counter Air |
OCA | Offensive Counter-Air (operations) |
OCA | Operational Control Authority |
OCCAR | Quadrilateral Armaments Agency |
OCEANAV | Oceanographer of the Navy(US Navy) |
OCEANLANT | Ocean Sub-Area Atlantic |
OCIDAS | Ocean Intervention & Data Assimilation System |
ODA | Office (or Open) Document Architecture |
ODA | Office Document Architecture |
ODA | Official Development Assistance |
ODA | Open Document Architecture |
ODA | Overseas Development Administration |
ODA | Overseas Development Office |
ODAS | Omni Directional Airspeed Sensor |
ODLA | Fibre Optic Deployable Line Arrays |
ODMA | Operational Date Material Assessment |
OFA | Oracle Financial Manager |
OFFAS | Ocean Fronts Feature Analysis System |
OFSA | Optical Fire Sensor Assembly |
OIRA | Official Irish Republican Army |
OJAR | Officers Joint Appraisal Report |
OLA | Operational Level Agreement |
OMA | Object Management Architecture |
OMAC | On-Line Manufacturing And Control |
ONERA | Office Nationale dEtudes et de Recherches Aerospatiale (France) |
OOA | Object Oriented Analysis |
OOA | Out-Of-Area (NATO) |
OODA | Observation Orientation Decision and Action |
OPBAT | Operation Bahamas And Turks |
OPCA | Office of Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration |
OPEVAL | Operational Evaluation |
OPLAN | Operational Plan |
OPNAVINST | Operational Naval Instruction |
OPRAS | Operational RAS (i.e. not for training) |
OPSTAT | Operational Status |
ORAC | On-board RFA Accounting Computer system |
ORAC | Operational Resources Allocation Computer. BAOR control of 3rd line |
ORAC-AOR | On-Board RFA Accounting Computer - Auxiliary Oiler Replenishment |
ORACLE | Operational Research and Critical-Link Evaluation |
ORADS | Optical Ranging and Detecting Systems (US Army) |
ORATMS | Off-Route Anti-Tank Mine System |
ORBAT | Order of Battle |
OSA | Operational Support Aircraft |
OSAF | Office of the Secretary of the Air Force |
OSCAD | Office of the Scientific Advisor to SACEUR SHAPE |
OSCAM | Operating and Support Cost Analysis Model |
OSCAR | Optical Submarine Communications by Aerospace Relay |
OSLAN | Open Systems Local Area Network |
OSPAC | Open System Packet Access Controller |
OSPAR | Oslo-Paris Convention |
OSWALD | On-line System for World-wide Access to Logistic Data |
OTA | Open Target Architecture |
OTA | Over The Air |
OTA | Overfly Top Attack |
OTAN | Organisation du Traite de lAtlantique du Nord (NATO in French) |
OTAR | Over-the Air Rekeying |
OTDMA | Optical Time Division Multiple Access |
OTEA | Operational Test and Evaluation Agency |
P/TSA | Pressure/Temperature Swing Adsorption |
PA | Personal Assistant |
PA | Pilots Associate |
PA | Planned Alteration |
PA | Power Amplifier |
PA | Procurement Authority |
PA | Project Activity |
PA | Project Agreement or Phased Array |
PA | Provisioning Acceptance |
PA | Public Address |
PA | Public Address (system) |
PA | Publication Authority |
PA Cert | Planned Alteration Control/Completion Certificate |
PA L | Permissive Action Link |
PAA | Precision Approach Aid |
PAAC | Provisioning Alternative and Amalgamation Code |
PAAMS | Principal Anti Air Missile System |
PAAMS | Principal Anti-Air Missile System |
PAAT | Passive Acoustics Analysis Trainer |
PAB | Projected Available Balance(MRPII) |
PABX | Private Automatic Branch Exchange |
PAC | Penetration Aid Carrier |
PAC | Policy Advisory Committee |
PAC | Pre-Action Calibration |
PAC | Procurement Authority Code |
PAC | Programmable Armament Control |
PAC | Public Accounts Committee |
PACAF | Pacific Air Forces (US 7th Air Force) |
PACC | Primary Alternative Command Centre |
PACCS | Post Attack Command and Control System |
PACE | Performance Assessment of Combustion Emission |
PACE | Performance Agility Confidence Efficiency |
PACE | Property Advisors to the Civil Estate |
PACS | Project Authorisation and Control System |
PACS | Proliferation and Arms Control Secretariat |
PAD | Packet Assembler & Disassembler |
PAD | Packet Assembler/Dissembler |
PAD | Planning Analysis Document |
PAD | Point Air Defence |
PAD | Post Attack Doctrine (ASW) |
PAD | Preliminary Analysis Document |
PAD | Programme/Project Acceptance Date |
PAD | Projector Area Defence (mine) |
PADMR | Performance and Development Management Review |
PADS | Passive Advanced Sonobuoy |
PADS | Position and Azimuth Determining System |
PADS | Position Attack Defence System |
PADs | Primary Access Device |
PADT | Point Air Defence Trainer |
PAE | Power Added Efficiency |
PAF | Philippine Air Force |
PAF | Project Approval File |
PAF | Provisioning Action Figure |
PAFWG | Project Alexander Financial Working Group |
PAG | Procedure Authorisation Group |
PAG | Procedures Authorisation Group |
PAGA | PNVS azimuth gimbal assembly |
PAGODA | Profile Alignment Group for ODA |
PAH | Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons |
PAH | Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon |
PAHO | Pan-American Health Organisation |
PAI | Polaris Applicable Indicator |
PAIT | Project Alexander Implementation Team |
PAK | Projector Alignment Kit |
PAL | Phase Alternating Line |
PAL | Portable Advanced Laser |
PALS | Portable Airfield Light Set (USAF) |
PALS | Positioning and Locating System |
PALT | Production Authority Lead Time |
PAM | Payload Augmented Munition |
PAM | Penetration Augmented Munitions |
PAM | Percentage Availability Minimum |
PAM | Pre-Assessment Meeting |
PAM | Pulse Amplitude Modulation |
PAMPAS | Personnel Administrative Microcomputer Pilot Automatic Data Processing |
PAMS | Point Anti-Missile System |
PANA | Pan-African Press Agency |
PANDORA | Pilot and Occurrence Report Analysis |
PANGS | Planning Aid for Naval Gunfire Support |
PAO | Principal Accounting Officer |
PAO | Principal Administrative Officer |
PAO | Public Affairs Officer |
PAOC | Principal Administrative Officers Committee |
PAOCCS2 | Portuguese Air Command and Control System 2 |
PAP | Plans Activation Party |
PAP | Poisson Auto Propulse |
PAP | Post Acceptance Period |
PAP | Preparatory Action for Production |
PAPI | Precision Approach Path Indicator |
PAPS | Periodic Armaments Planning System |
PAPS | Phased Armaments Programme Systems |
PAR | Performance Appraisal Report |
PAR | Performance Appraisal Review |
PAR | Phased Array Radar |
PAR | Power Analyser and Recorder |
PAR | Precision Approach Radar |
PAR | Product Assurance Record |
PAR | Professional All-Rounder |
PAR | Progressive Aircraft Rework |
PAR | Project Acceptance Review |
PAR | Project Approval Record |
PAR | Project Approval Request |
PAR | Pulse Acquisition Radar |
para | Parachute |
PARCOM | Paris Commission |
PARCS | Perimeter Acquisition Radar Characterisation System |
PARES | Passive Radar ESM System |
PARLT | Production Authority Repair Lead Time |
PARM | Persistent Anti-Radiation Missile |
PARM | Project Accounting and Resource Management |
PARMOD | Progressive Aircraft Rework Modification |
PARP | Planning and Review Process |
PARS | Primary attitude Reference Systems |
PART | PUMA Airworthiness Review Team |
PAS | Patient Administration System |
PAS | Performance Appraisal/Advisory System |
PAS | Personnel Administration System |
PAS | Primary Alerting System |
PAS | Programmable Audio Synthesiser |
PAS | Programme Analysis System |
PAS | Provision Action State |
PAS | Publicly Available Specification. |
PAS | Pulse Analysis System |
PASARS | Podded Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar System |
PASC | Peacetime Activity Sub Committee |
PASCO | Project to replace NSTN/MHS (Pasco - Nelson’s signals officer) |
PASE | Planning Assumption for Service Entry |
PASS | Passive Aircraft Surveillance System |
PASS | Passive and Active Sensor Subsystem |
PASSEP | Passed Separately |
PASU | Pure Air Supply Unit |
PASW | Passive ASW |
PAT | Permanent maritime exercise Analysis Team |
PAT | Pointing Acquisition and Tracking |
PAT | Postal Advisory Team |
PAT | Power Assisted Traverse |
PAT | Production Acceptance Test |
PAT | Project Acceptance Test |
PAT | Project Assurance Team |
PATCH | Precision Approach To Coupled Hover |
PATCHIT | Personnel & Training Command Headquarters IT System |
PATE | Pointing And Tracking Experiment |
PATHS | Precursor Above-the-Horizon Sensor |
PATN | Personnel & Administration Temporary Notice |
PATO | Principal Ammunition Technical Officer |
PATRON | MoD Secret Voice Network |
PATS | Precision Automated Tracking Station |
PATS | Prototype Automatic Target Screener |
PAVE-PAWS | Phased-Array Radars |
PAWS | Phased-Array Warning System |
pax | Passengers |
PAYD | Pay As You Dine |
PAYE | Pay As You Earn (Tax System) |
PB teams | Planning and Budgeting teams |
PBAA | Polybutadiene Acrylic Acid |
PBAN | Polybutadiene-Acrylonitrile |
PB-AP | Plastic Banded Armour Piercing |
PB-APDS | Plastic Banded Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot |
PBATS | Portable Battlefield Attack System |
P-BISA | Platform BISA |
PCA | Physical Configuration Audit |
PCA | Port Controllers Assistant |
PCA | Psychological Consolidation Activities |
PCADDS | Panoramic Cockpit Display System |
PCAE | Pre-Contract Award Evaluation |
PCAS | Persistent Chemical Agent Stimulant |
PCMCIA | Standard PC Interface for peripherals |
PCTA | Plastic Cased Telescoped Ammunition |
PD/ARM SYS | Programme Director Armoured Systems |
PD/ARTY SYS | Programme Director Artillery Systems |
PDA | Personal Digital Assistant (hand-held PCs) |
PDA | Port Defence Area |
PDA | Primary Access Device |
PDAM | Provisional Draft Amendment |
PDAS | Principal Director of Accounting Services |
PDC/Air | Principal Director of Contracts (Air) |
PDST(AS) | Principal Director Supplies and Transport (Armament Supplies) |
PEA | Professional Engineering Authority |
PECA | PNVS Electronic Control Amplifier |
PENETRATE | Sensor augmentation TDP |
PERA | Procurement Executive Resource Accounting |
PERA | Production Engineering Research Association |
PERAC | Project Estimating and Risk Analysis Committee |
PEXA | Practice and Exercise Area |
PFA | Preparation For Acceptance |
PFWA | Provisional Fleet Weapon Acceptance |
PHARUS | Phased Array System |
PHAT(E) | Part Harbour Acceptance Trial (Equipments) |
PI(A) | Photographic Interpreter (Assistant) |
PIA | Privacy Impact Assessment |
PIAU | Primary Indicator & Alarm Unit |
PINDAR | A Control Centre |
PIRA | Provisional Irish Republican Army |
PISA | Ptarmigan Individual Subscriber Access |
PIVADS | Product Improve Vulcan Air Defense System (US) |
P-JFACHQ | Pilot-Joint Force Air Component HeadQuarters |
PLA | Pre-Launch Activity |
PLANET | Personal Location Allocation NETwork |
PLARS | Position Location and Reporting System |
PM(A) | Provost Marshall (Army) |
PMA | Personnel Management Authority |
PMA | Portable Maintenance Aid |
PMAC | Preliminary Maintenance Allocation Chart |
PMAs | Preventative Maintenance Actions |
PMRAFNC | Princess Marys Royal Air Force Nursing Service |
PNSA | PNVS Night Sensor Assembly |
POA | Point of Aim |
poa | price on Application |
POLAD | Political Adviser |
POLAD | Political Advisor |
POMA | PO Medical Assistant |
POMEA | PO Marine Engineering Artificer |
POSA | Petty Officer Stores Assistant |
PPA | Pay and Personnel Agency |
PPA | Principal Publications Authority/Power Performance Index |
PPAG | Pond Procedure Authorisation Group |
PPPA | People Pay and Pensions Agency |
PQAO | Project Quality Assurance Officer |
PR&A | Project Review & Assurance |
PRA | Pre-Refit Assessment/Acceptance |
prac practice | prac practice |
PRAMS | Pegasus Repairable Asset Management System |
PRODAS | PROjection DisplAy System |
PRODAT | Product Data Message |
PROPMAN | Property Management |
PSA | Plant State A |
PSA | Polaris Sales Agreement |
PSA | Potential Serviceable Arising |
PSA | Pressure Swing Adsorption |
PSA | Probabilistic Safety Analysis |
PSA | Probalistic Safety Assessment |
PSA | Property Services Agency |
PSA | Public Service Agreement |
PSAG | Projects and Standards Approval Group QCA |
psia | Pounds per Square Inch (Absolute) |
psia | pounds per square inch absolute |
PSPA | Peace Support Psychological Activities |
PTA | Permanent Training Range |
Ptarmigan | UK tactical mobile digital switched telephone system with mobile access |
PTSA | Pressure and Temperature Swing Adsorption |
PUMA | Pre Upkeep Material Assessment |
PUMAS | Purchase Management and Accounting System |
PWA | Project Works Adviser |
PWAG | Primary Weld Acceptance Group |
PWO(A) | Principal Warfare Officer (for Above Water warfare) |
QA | Quality Accreditation (CFQ) |
QA | Quality Assurance |
QAA | Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education |
QAA | Quality Assurance Authority |
QAFMIS | Q Area Financial and Management Information System |
QAG | Quality Assurance Group |
QAMS | Quality Assurance Management System |
QAO | Quality Assurance Officer |
QAO | Quality Auditing Officer |
QAR | Quality Assurance Representative |
QAR | Quality Assurance Review |
QARANC | Queen Alexandras Royal Army Nursing Corps |
QARel | QinetiQ Aircraft Release Statement |
QARNNS | Queen Alexandras Royal Naval Nursing Service |
QAS | Quality Assurance Services |
QASG | Quality Assurance Steering Group |
QASO | Quality Assurance Support Officer |
QCA | Qualifications and Curriculum Authority |
QCA | Quality Control A |
QCA | Quick Change Assembly |
QDAO | Quality Documentation & Auditing Officer |
QMAC | Quadriparite Material and Agreements Committee |
QMAC | Questionnaire on the Method of Allocation of Costs |
QRA | Quantified Risk Assessment |
QRA | Quick Reaction Alert |
QSTAG | Quadripartite Standing Agreement |
QSTAGS | Quadripartite STandardisation AGreementS (US/Canada/ Australia/UK) |
R & A | Review and Approval Process |
R SIGNALS | Royal Signals |
R&A form | Review and Approval Form |
RA | Radiocommunications Agency |
RA | Rear Admiral |
RA | Reinforced Alert |
RA | Royal Artillery |
RAA | Range Allocating Authority |
RAA | Rapid Area Assessment |
RAAMS | Remote Anti-Armour Mine System |
RAAON | Remain at Anchor Overnight |
RAB | Resource Accounting and Budgeting |
RABS | REME Aircraft Branch System |
RAC | Resource Accounting Code |
RAC | Returns Acceptance Code |
RAD | ALT Radar Altimeter |
rad | Radiation Absorbed Dose |
RAD | Rapid Application Development |
RAD | Recorded Announcement Device |
rad A | Radioactive |
RAD ALT | Radar Altimeter |
Rad/Haz | Radiation Hazard |
RADAG | Radar Area Guidance |
RADARSAT | A civilian surveillance satellite |
RADHAZ | Hazard from Radio or Radar |
RADHAZ | Radiation Hazard |
Radhaz | Radio Frequency Hazard |
RADIAC | RAdiation Detection Indication And Computation |
RADIAC GRP | RADIAC Generic Research Programme |
RADIG | Rapid Application Development Interest Group |
RADIRS | Rapid Deployment Multiple Rocket System |
Radm | Rear Admiral |
rads | Radians |
RAE | Royal Aerospace Establishment |
RAF | CCIS RAF Command and Control Information System |
RAF | Royal Air Force |
RAF IHMT | RAF Institute of Health and Medical Training |
RAF IIR | Royal Air Force Independent Inspector of Ranges |
RAFAN | RAF Airmove Network |
RAFAN | Royal Air Force Airmove Network |
RAFAT | Royal Air Force Aerobatic Team |
RAFCCIS | RAF Command and Control System |
RAFCIS | RAF Command Information System |
RAFCSS | RAF Command Support System |
RAFFTS | RAF Fixed Telecommunications System |
RAFIO | RAF Infrastructure Organisation |
RAFIO | Royal Air Force Infrastructure Organisation |
RAFLC | RAF Logistics Command |
RAFLO | RAF Liaison Officer |
RAFP | Royal Air Force Police |
RAFR | Royal Air Force Reserve |
RAFSADPS | RAF Supply Automated Data Processing System |
RAFSC | Royal Air Force Support Command |
RAFSCCS | RAF Supply Central Computer System |
RAFSCOC | Royal Air Force Support Command Operations Centre |
RAFSEE | RAF Signals Engineering Establishment |
RAFSO | Royal Air Force Staff Officer (on naval staff) |
RAFT | Remote Ammunitioning Facility Tamar |
RAH | Reactor Access House |
RAID | Random Array of Inexpensive Disks |
RAID | Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks |
RAID | Ruggedised Array of Independent Disks |
RAIDS | Rangeless Airborne Instrumented Debriefing System |
RAL | Rutherton Appleton Laboratory |
RALONGS | Royal Artillery Liaison Officer for NGS |
RAM | Inert ammunition round for testing gun loading mechanism |
RAM | Radar Absorbent Material |
RAM | Radiation/Radar Absorbent Material |
RAM | Radioactive Material |
RAM | Random Access Memory |
RAM | Reliability Availability and Maintainability |
RAM | Repairable Asset Management |
RAM | Residual Assets Manager |
RAM | Resource Allocation Module |
RAM | Rolling Airframe Missile |
RAM-D | Reliability Availability Maintainability and Durability |
RAMP | Rapid Acquisition of Manufactured Parts |
RAMP | Repair and Modification Procedures |
RAMP | Revalidation Assisted Maintenance Period |
RAMS | Replenishment and Movements (Operations) Scheduling |
RAMT | Reliability Availability Maintainability and Testability |
RAN | Recorded Announcement |
RAN | Royal Australian Navy |
RANDI | Research Ambient Noise Directionality Model |
RANS | Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes |
RAO | Range Authorising Officer |
RAP | Radar Absorbent Paint |
RAP | Reactor Assembly Procedures |
RAP | Recognised Air Picture |
RAP | Recognized Air Picture |
RAP | Ring Access Point |
RAP | Rocket Assisted Projectile |
RAPS | Reduced Aircraft Propulsion Signatures |
RAR | Real Aperture Radar |
RARDE | Royal Armament Research and Development Establishment |
RARI | Requirement for Airborne Radio Installation |
RARS | Review of Ammunition Rates and Scales |
RAS | Radar Absorbent Structure |
RAS | RAFCSS Access Server |
RAS | Rectified Airspeed |
RAS | Replenishment at Sea |
RAS(A) | RAS(Ammunition) |
RAS(A) | Replenishment at Sea (Ammunition) |
RAS(F) | RAS(Fuel) |
RAS(FA) | Astern RAS(Fuel) |
RAS(L) | Replenishment at Sea (Liquids) |
RAS(S) | RAS(Stores) |
RASH | Radar Absorbent Sheet |
RASO | Rear Airfield Supply Organisation |
RASON | Remain At Sea OverNight |
RASP | Recognised Air Sea Picture |
RAST | Replacement Aerial Subsonic Target |
RAT | Reliability Assessment Trial |
RATAC | Radar for Field Artillery Fire |
RATS | Rationalised Allocation of Tools System |
RATS | Repairable Asset Tracking System |
RATT | Radio Automatic Teletype |
RATT | Radio Teletype |
RATTAM | Response Against Attack on Munitions |
RAU | Range Administering Unit |
RAuxAF | Royal Auxiliary Air Force |
RCA | Request for Contract Action |
RCA | Return Call and Address (to Ships Company) |
RCAAS | Remote-Controlled Anti-Armour System |
RCO(ATC) | Range Control Officer (Air Traffic Control) |
RDA | Range Danger Area |
RDA | Regional Development Agency |
REA | Rapid Environmental Assessment |
REDACS | REgenerated DAta Communications System |
REMAPS | Re-Engineered Manpower Allocation and Planning System |
REMBASS | Remotely Monitored Battlefield Sensor System |
REPAC | Regional Environmental Protection Advisory Committee |
REQADEX | Request for Small Area Air Defence Exercise |
RESA | Runway End Safety Area |
RFA | Restrictive Fire Area |
RFA | Royal Fleet Auxiliary |
RFA | Royal Fleet Auxiliary (Ship and/or Organisation) |
RFA 80 | Reserve Forces Act 1980 |
RFA 96 | Reserve Forces Act 1996 |
RFA Sup | Royal Fleet Auxiliary Support |
RFAB | Right Forward Avionics Bay |
RFAC | Regional Fisheries Advisory Committee |
RFACCY | RFA CPO Communications Yeoman |
RFAF | Radio Frequency Application Form |
RFANSU | Royal Fleet Auxiliary Naval Support Unit |
RFCA | Reserve Forces and Cadets Associations |
RFDAP | Running Fleet Design Assistance Programme |
RHA | Rolled Homogeneous Armour |
RHAG | Rotary Hydraulic Arrestor Gear |
RHAG | Runway Hydraulic Arrestor Gear |
RISTA | Reconnaissance Intelligence Surveillance and Target Acquisition |
RISTA | Reconnaissance Intelligence Surveillance and Target Acquisition |
RLA | Repair Level Analysis |
RLI RA | RESTRICTED LAN Interconnect Remote Access |
RMA | Real Maintenance Area |
RMA | Regional Marketing Agreement |
RMA | Reliability Maintainability & Availability |
RMA | Reliability Maintainability and Availability |
RMA | Remote Manipulator Arm |
RMAS | Royal Maritime Auxiliary Service |
RMAS | Royal Military Academy Sandhurst |
RMPA | Replacement Maritime Patrol Aircraft |
RNAAIU | Royal Naval Aircraft Accident Investigation Unit |
RNAD | Royal Naval Armament Depot |
RNAESS | Royal Naval Air Engineering and Survival Equipment School |
RNAS | Royal Naval Air Station |
RNAW | Royal Naval Aircraft Workshop |
RNAY | Royal Naval Aircraft Yard |
RNCA | Royal Naval Codification Authority |
RNDA | RN Distribution Authority (for classified books crypto etc) |
RNEAWC | Royal Naval Element: Air Warfare Centre (Waddington) |
RNFSAIC | Royal Naval Flight Safety & Accident Investigation Centre |
RNNARCS | RN Nuclear Accident Response Communications System |
ROBAT | Robot Counter-Obstacle Vehicle |
ROLAND | Revised On-Line Ammunition Development. Ammunition issues. Replaced by |
RORSAT | Radar Ocean Reconnaissance Satellite |
ROTA | Release Other Than (NBC) Attack |
RP(Navy) | Resources and Programmes (Navy) |
RPA | Radiation Protection Advisor |
RPA | Risk Potential Assessment |
RPAG | Refuelling Procedure Authorisation Group |
RR&A | Rolls Royce & Associates |
RRA | Rolls Royce & Associates |
RRADAR | Rolls-Royce and Associates Defect Analysis Report |
RRDA | Rotor Running De Arm (For helicopter) |
RRRA | Rotor Running Re Arm (For helicopter) |
RSA | Repair and Salvage Authority |
RSA | Reverse Saturable Absorption |
RSA | Royal Society of Arts |
RSAF | Royal Small Arms Factory |
RSIT(A) | Range Safety Inspection Team (Army) |
RSTA | Reconnaissance Surveillance and Target Acquisition |
RTA | Reelable Towed Array |
RTA | Research and Technology Agency |
RTADB | Range and Training Area Development Board |
RTCA | Radio & Technical Committee of America |
RTODAH | Rejected Take-Off Distance Available (Helicopter) |
RTSA | Release to Service Authority |
RUMA | Reinforced Units Marshalling Area |
RUMTAC | Regional Utilities Management Tariff Analysis Cell |
S&EA | Sustainability and Environmental Advisory Team |
SA | Schedule Authority |
SA | Selective Availability |
SA | Simple Alert |
SA | Siting Authority |
SA | Situational Awareness |
SA | Small Arm(s) |
SA | Small Arms |
SA | South Atlantic |
SA | Stores Accountant. |
SA | Support Authority |
SA-80 | Personnel Weapon |
SAA | Small Arms Ammunition |
SAAR | Ships A&A Register |
SAAvn | School of Army Aviation |
SAAWC | Shore Anti-Aircraft Weapon Control |
SAB | Spares Advice Book |
SABRE | Statistical Assessment of Beam Engagement Response |
SaBRE | Supporting Britains Reservists and Employers |
SABRE | System for Aircraft Branch REME Equipment Section |
SAC | Scene of Action Commander |
SAC | Senior Aircraftman / Aircraftwoman |
SAC | Special Area of Conservation |
SAC | Strategic Air Command |
SAC(T) | Senior Aircraftman or Aircraftwoman Technician |
SACC | Support Arms Coordinating Centre |
SACC | Supporting Arms Coordination Centre |
SACEUR | Supreme Allied Commander Europe |
SACLANT | Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic |
SACLOS | Semi-Active Command to Line Of Sight |
SACLOS | Semi--Automatic Command to Line Of Sight |
SACRU | Semi Automatic Cargo Release Unit |
SACS | Service Air Cargo System |
SAD | Surface-to-Air Defence |
SAD | Survey & Docking |
SADA | Search and Destroy Armour |
SADA | Standard Advanced Dewar Assembly |
SADARM | Search And Destroy Armour |
SADARM | Seek and Destroy Armour |
SADE | Solar Array Drive Electronics |
SAE | Society of Automotive Engineers |
SAEO | Staff Air Engineering Officer |
SAF | Semi-Automated Forces |
SAFARI | Supply for Accounting For Army Rations and Issues |
SAFFRON | Passive ASW Sonar |
SAG | Scenarios Assessment Group |
SAG | Search & Attack Group (ASUW) |
SAG | Service Award Group |
SAG | Simulation/Special Advisory Group or Scenario Approval Group |
SAG | Studies Assumption Group |
SAG | Surface Action Group |
SAGE | Ship Acoustic Gathering Equipment |
SAGOP | Semi-Automatic General Operations Plot |
SAGW | Surface-Air Guided Weapon |
SAGW | Surface-to-Air Guided Weapon |
SAGW/M | Surface To Air Guided Weapon/Missile |
SAINT | Satellite Interceptor |
SAINT | Sonar Analysis INitial Trainer |
SAL | Semi-Active Laser |
SAL VEX | Salvage Exercise |
SALOME | System for the Accounting Location and On-line Management of |
SALT | Strategic Arms Control Treaty |
SALT | Strategic Arms Limitation Talks |
SAM | Scheduled Ancient Monument |
SAM | School of Aviation Medicine |
SAM | Sickness Absence Management |
SAM | Specialist in Aviation Medicine |
SAM | Surface to Air Missile |
SAM | Surface-Air Missile |
SAM | Surface-to-Air Missile |
SAMA | Station Administration Management Aid |
SAMHADS | Submarine Automated Message Handling And Distribution System |
SAMIS | Stock Accounting Management Information Systems |
SAMM | Security Assistance Management Manual |
SAMS | Satellite Access Management System |
SAMS | Supplier Approval Management System |
SANDF | South African National Defence Force |
SANDS | Sea ANimal Database System |
SANE | Synthetic Ambient Noise Environment |
SANS | Sensor Avionic and Navigation Systems |
SANS | Sensors Avionics and Navigation Systems |
SAO | Secure Area of Operations |
SAP | Safety Air Plot |
SAP | Semi-Armour Piercing |
SAPC | Stand Alone Prime Contract |
SAPC | Submarine Air Purification Committee |
SAPC | Submarine Atmosphere Purification Committee |
SAPHEI | Semi Armour Piercing High Explosive Incendiary |
SAPI | Semi-Armour Piercing Incendiary |
SAPPHIRE | IR signature prediction code |
SAR | Safety Assessment Report |
SAR | Search & Rescue |
SAR | Search and Rescue |
SAR | Ship Activity Return |
SAR | Software Action Reports |
SAR | Synthetic Aperture Radar |
SARA | Skynet AOCS Recovery Assistant |
SARE | Sonar Aural Recording Equipment |
SARO | Supply Aero-Engine Record Office |
SARS | Ship Activity Returns System |
SARSAT | Search and Rescue Aided Tracking |
SAS | Single Attached Station |
SAS | Special Air Service |
SAS | Stability Augmentation System |
SAS | Statistical Analysis System |
SAS | Subsidiary Access Switch |
SAS | Surface to Air Missile in the Surface to Surface M |
SASC | Small Arms School Corps |
SASG | Secure Air Systems Group |
SASO | Secretary and Assistant Supply Officer |
SASO | Senior Air Staff Officer |
SASO | Staff Air Standards Officer |
SASS | Sonar Array Sounding System |
SAT | Satisfactory Assessment |
SAT | Sea Acceptance Trial |
SAT | Small Arms Trainer |
SAT | Systems Approach to Training |
SATCO | Senior Air Traffic Control Officer |
SATCO | Senior Air Traffic Controller |
SATCOM | Satellite Communications |
SATNAV | SATellite NAVigation |
SATO | Senior Ammunition Technical Officer |
SATRO | Science and Technology Regional Organisation |
SATS | Small Airfield for Tactical Support |
SATS | Small Arms Target System |
SAU | Safety and Arming Unit |
SAU | Search & Attack Unit (ASW) |
SAU | Search Attack Unit |
SAUNA | Structured and Unstructured Numerical Analysis |
SAVE | Systematic Approach to Vehicle Electronics |
SAW | Squad Automatic Weapons |
SAW | Stand-Alone Workstation |
SAW | Surface Acoustic Wave |
SAWCS | Submarine Acoustic Warfare Control System |
SAWG | Safety Assessment Working Group |
SAWS | Submarine Acoustic Warfare Suite |
SAXON | Mechanised Infantry Vehicle |
SBA | Sovereign Base Area |
SBA | Sovereign Base Area Cyprus |
SBAA | Sovereign Base Areas Administration Cyprus |
SBAC | Society of British Aerospace Companies |
SCA | Ship Controlled Approach (type of helicopter recovery) |
SCA | Specialist Conservation Advisor |
SCA | Static Code Analysis |
SCAD | Submarine/Sonar Countermeasures Acoustic Device |
SCAD | Subsonic Cruise Armed Decoy |
SCADS | Seaboard Containerised Air Defence System |
SCAHC | Space Components Ad Hoc Committee |
SCAID | Submarine Classification Aid |
SCAM | Subsonic Cruise Attack Missile |
SCAMBL | Simulator Chemical Attack Multi--Barrelled Launcher |
SCAMP | Sealless Centrifugal Axial Magnetic Pump |
SCAO | Staff Catering Officer |
SCAR | Sonar Central Archive Recorder |
SCARF | STC Change Action Review Forum |
SCARS | Status Control Alerting & Reporting System |
SCAS | Stability and Control Augmentation System |
SCATCC | Scottish Air Traffic Control Centre |
SCCAR | Set up Control Coaching and Analysis Reporting |
SCIAD | Scientific Advisor |
SCIDA | Site Coordinating Installation Design Authority |
SCIDA | Site Co-ordinating Installation Design Authority |
SCIDA | Systems Coordination Installation Design Agency |
SCOTS(A) | Standing Committee On Training Safety (Army) |
SCPOMA | Staff CPO Medical Assistant |
SCRA | Single Channel Radio Access |
SCRA(T) | Single Channel Radio Access (Terminal) |
SCRIA | Supply Chain Relationships in Action |
SCSAP | Satellite Communications System Analysis Package |
SDA | Senior Defence Auditor |
SDA | Service Delivery Agreement |
SDA | System Design Authority |
SDA/Z | Sea Danger Area/Zone |
SDAP | Sustainable Development Action Plan |
SEA | Statistical Energy Analysis |
SEA | Strategic Environmental Assessment |
Sea WIFS | Sea Viewing Wide Field of View Sensor |
SEACL | Ship Engineering Assessment Consolidated List |
SEAD | Ship Engineering Assessment Document |
SEAD | Suppression of Enemy Air Defence |
SEAD | Suppression of Enemy Air Defences |
SEAE | School of Electronic and Aeronautical Engineering |
SEAGNAT | Decoy Launching System |
SEAL | Sea Air Land (US Special Forces) |
SEALITE | Code name for a pointing mirror |
SEAMEX | Seamanship Exercise |
SEASAT | Oceanographic Satellite |
SeaSTAR | A satellite |
SEATO | South East Asia Treaty Organisation |
SeaWiFS | Sea Viewing Wide Field Sensor |
SECRET-Capable | A subset of the System designed to handle data at SECRET protective |
SEEDA | South East England Development Agency |
SEMA | Station Engineering Management Aid |
SEMC(AE) | Air Engineering Systems Engineering and Management Course |
SEPA | Scottish Environment Protection Agency |
SEPADS | Sonar Environment Prediction And Display System |
SEPADS | Sonar Prediction & Display System |
SESAME | Supply Executive System and Automated Management Environment |
SFA | Safe Firing Arc |
SFA | Senior Finance Adviser |
SFIA | Skills Framework for the Information Age |
SFPA | Starting Focal Plane Array |
SGPA | Sortie Generation Planning Aid |
SH/PRAC | Squash Head Practice |
SHA | Safe Handling Area |
SHA | Special Handling Area |
SHA | Statutory Harbour Authority. |
SHA | System Hazard Analysis |
SHAPE | Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe |
SHAR | Sea Harrier |
SHORAD | Short Range Air Defence |
SHORAN | Short Range Navigation (radio) |
SIA | Sector Integration Authority |
SIA | Systems Integration Architecture |
SIAM | Submarine Interactive Attack Model |
SIBCA | Sampling and Identification of Biological and Chemical Agents |
SIBCRA | Sampling and Identification of Biological Chemical or Radiological Agents |
SICA | Systems Information Co-ordinating Agency |
SIDFAC | Shore Integration & Demonstration FACility |
SINCGARS | Single Channel Ground & Airborne Comms System |
SINCGARS | Single Channel Ground and Air Radio System |
SIRSA | Specification for an IR Seeker for an Autonomous guided bomb |
SKA | Amphibious support Seaking |
SLA | Sea Land Air |
SLA | Service Level Agreement |
SLA | Site Licence Arrangement |
SLA | Supply Loading Airfield |
SLAB | Submarine Locator Acoustic Beacon |
SLAB | Subsonic Low-Altitude Bomber |
SLAM | Single Living Accommodation Modernisation |
SLAM | Standoff Land Attack Missile |
SLAM | Submarine Launched Attack Missile |
SLAM-ER | Standoff Land Attack - Expanded Response |
SLANT | South Atlantic |
SLAP | Saboted Light Armour Penetrator |
SLAPI | Software Licensing Application Programming Interface |
SLAR | Sideways Looking Airborne Radar |
SLARR | Sideways Looking Airborne Reconnaissance Radar |
SLAT | Supersonic Low Altitude Target |
SLCSAT | Submarine Laser Communication Satellite |
SLUFAE | Surface Launched Unit FAE |
SM (QA) | Support Manager (Quality Assurance) |
SMA | Safety Management Arrangements |
SMA | Signal Message Address |
SMA | Stealthy Missile Airframe |
SMAC | Scene Matching by Area Correlation |
SMAC | Short Miscellaneous Air Course |
SMAG | Spectrum Management Advisory Group |
SMART | Specific Measurable Agreed Realistic Timely |
SMART | Symbolic Method Aiding Representation of Tactics |
SMARTI | Simulation and Modelling of ARray Thermal Imagers |
SMARTIS | Stock Management And Repair Transaction Information Service |
SMMAS | Sub Marine Mine Avoidance Sonar |
SMQA | Section Manager Quality Assurance |
SMRA | Submarine Maintenance & Refit Authority |
SNA | Systems Network Architecture |
SNAC | Secure Net Alongside Communication |
SNAC | Secure Network Alongside Communications |
SNAM | Senior Nuclear Assurance Manager |
SNAP | Ships Navigation And Processing System |
SNAPS | Ship Navigation & Plotting System - Automated Plotting Table |
SNARK | Semi-strapdowN Autonomous Reliable Killer |
SNAS | Secure Network Access Service (CSV6) |
SNR(A) | Senior National Representatives (Army) |
SO (A) | Supply Officer (Administrative) |
SOA | Scene of Action |
SOA | Service Orientated Architecture |
SOA | Speed of Advance |
SOA | Staff Officer Administration |
SOAP | Spectrometric Oil Analysis Programme |
SOAR | Process model of human cognition |
SOFA | Status of Forces Agreement |
SOFAR | Sound Fixing And Ranging |
SOinC(A) | Signal Officer in Chief (Army) |
SOLAS | Safety Of Life At Sea |
SOMA | Station Operational Management Aid |
SONAR | SOund NAvigation and Ranging |
SOOTAX | Helicopter for personnel movements |
SOTAS | Stand-Off Target Acquisition System |
SOUTHAXE | Exercise in the Bay of Biscay |
SPA | Service Provision Agreement |
SPA | Service Provision Agreements |
SPA | Single Point of Accountability |
SPA | Special Protection Area |
SPA | Strategic Psychological Activities |
SPAAG | Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun |
SPAAM | Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Missile |
SPAD | Shear Pin Actuated Decoupler |
SPADDET | Self Propelled high velocity Air Defence Detachment Engagement Trainer |
SPADE | Searchwater Processor and Display Enhancer |
SPADE | Southampton (University) Program Analysis Development Environment. See |
SPAG | Self-Propelled Assault Gun |
SPALT | Special Project ALTeration |
SPAME | Specialist Aeromedical Equipment |
SPARC | Scalar Processor Architecture |
SPARK | Solid Propellant Advanced Ramjet Kinetic energy missile |
SPARK | SPADE Ada Reduced Kernel |
SPATG | Self-Propelled Anti-Tank Gun |
SPATS | Special Purpose Automatic Test Systems |
SPAW | Self-Propelled Artillery Weapon |
SPAWAR | SPAce WARfare |
SPVA | Service Personnel and Veterans Agency |
SQA | Scottish Qualifications Authority |
SQA | Software Quality Assurance |
SQAP | Software Quality Assurance Plan |
SQAPP | Software Quality Assurance Programme Plan |
SR(A) | Staff Requirement (Air) |
SR(SLA) | Staff Requirement (Sea/Land/Air) |
SRA | Special Repair Activity |
SRA | Sub Responsibility Area |
SRA | Surveillance Radar Approach |
SRAAM | Short Range Air-Air Missile |
SRAAM | Short Range Air-to-Air missile |
SRAC | Strategic Resources Allocation Committee |
SRAD | Susceptibility RADHAZ Designator |
SRAHW | Short Range Anti-Helicopter Weapon |
SRAM | Short Range Attack Missile |
SRAM | Static Random Access Memory |
SRAM | Structural Radar Absorbent Material |
SRAP | Surface and Recognised Air Picture |
SRFAO | Staff RFA Officer |
SRFAO(C) | Staff RFA Officer (Communications) |
SRFAO(N) | Staff RFA Officer (Navigation) |
SRFAO(S) | Staff RFA Officer (Supply) |
SRHA | Software Requirements Hazard Analysis |
SS(A) | SACEURs Strategic Reserve (Air) |
SSA | Senior Safety Advisor |
SSA | Ship Support Agency |
SSA | Software Support Analysis |
SSADM | Structured System Analysis and Design Methodology |
SSADM | Structured Systems Analysis and Design Methodology |
SSAFA | Soldiers Sailors and Airmen Families Association |
SSCA | System Specific Communications Architecture |
SSFAP | Standing Sea First Aid Party |
SSG(ASI) | Specialist Support Group (Aircraft Structural Integrity) |
SSPA | Solid State Power Amplifier |
SSSA | Substitute Single Service Accommodation |
ST(SLA) | Staff Target (Sea/Land/Air) |
STA | Shell Transfer Arm |
STA | Supersonic Tunnel Association |
STA | Surveillance and Target Acquisition |
STA&SP SS | Surveillance Target Acquisition and Special Projects System Support |
STA&SPSS | Surveillance Target Acquisition and Special Project Support Systems |
STACCS | Standard Theatre Army Command and Control System |
STAF | System/Sea Trial Analysis Facility |
STAFF | Smart Target Activated Fire and Forget |
STAG | Site Test Authorisation Group |
STAGE | Special to Type AGE |
STAGE | Special to Type Aircraft Ground Equipment |
Stage 1/2/3 | Stage of NBCD Training |
STAIR | Simulation Training and Artificial Intelligence Research (Group) |
STAIRS | Sensor Technology for Affordable Infra Red Systems |
STAMA | Station Transport Management Aid |
STANAG | NATO STANdardisation Agreement |
STANAVFORLANT | Standing Naval Force Atlantic |
STANOC | Surveillance Target Acquisition Night Observation and Counter Measures |
STAP | Space Time Adaptive Processing |
STAP | Surveillance and target Acquisition Plan |
STAR | Stores Enquiry Archiving and Retrieval |
STAR | Surveillance and Targeting or Synthetic Target |
STAR | Surveillance Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance |
STAR | System Threat Assessment Report |
START | Strategic Arms Reduction Talks/Treaty |
START | Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty |
STARTLE | Surveillance and Target Acquisition Radar for Tank Location and Engagement |
STARTS | Software Tools for Application to (large) Real-Time Systems |
STASS | Short Term Air Supply |
STASS | Short Term Air Supply System |
State 1/2/3 | NBCD States that correspond with Degrees of Readiness |
STAWA | Surveillance Target Acquisition and Weapon Aiming |
STAWS | Submarine Tactical Anti-Ship Weapon System |
STOBAR | Short Take Off But Arrested Recovery |
STRADIS | STRuctured Analysis Design and Implementation of Software-based systems |
STRAPSO | Strap Security Officer |
strat | Strategic |
STRIFAX | STRIke command FAX network |
STRIKFLTLANT | Striking Fleet Atlantic |
STSA | Short Term Strategic Airlift |
Supt (AS) | Superintendent (Armament Specialization) |
SURTASS | Surface Ship Towed Away Surveillance System |
SUSTAT | Sustainability Statement |
SVGA | Super Video Graphic Array |
SWAARM | Smart Weapon Anti-ARmour Missile |
SWAG | Secondary Weld Acceptance Group |
SWAP | Squadron Weapon Analysis Programme |
SWAPPS | South West Approaches to the UK |
SWARF | SoftWare And Reliability Focus |
SWARM | Wake Model |
SWAT | Split Window adaptive Threshold |
SWATH | Small-Waterplane-Area Twin Hull |
SWFLANT | Strategic Weapon Facility Atlantic |
SWO(AIO) | Staff Warfare Officer (Above Information Organisation) |
SWO(AV) | Staff Warfare Officer (Aviation) |
SWO(AWW) | Staff Warfare Officer (Above Water Warfare) |
SWO(RFA) | Staff Warfare Officer (RFA)? |
SWORDSMAN | Static Workshop Organisation Repair Data System MANagement? |
SWRDA | South West Regional Development Agency? |
SWSA | Ship Weapon System Authority? |
SYNADEX | Synthetic Air Defence Exercise? |
TA | Technical Area |
TA | Territorial Army |
TA | Towed Array |
TA | Towed Array sonar |
TA | Training Area |
TAA | Type Airworthiness Authority |
TAAM | Temperature Airfield Attack Munition |
TAAS | Tactical Airfield Attack Munition |
TAAS | Traffic Accident Analysis System |
TAAU | Towed Array Analysis Unit |
TABIDU | Towed Array BroadBand Interim Display |
TABOO | Friendly frequencies that must never be jammed or interfered by friendly |
TAC | Tactical Air Command (US Air Force) |
TAC | Technical Assurance Coordinator |
TAC | Total Acquisition Cost |
tac air recce | Tactical Air Reconnaissance |
TAC T(MR/SR) | Tactical Transport (Aircraft)(Medium/Short |
tac/log | Tactical-Logistic |
TACAN | Tactical Air Navigation |
TACC | Tactical Air Control Cell |
TACC | Tactical Air Control Centre |
TACDEM | TACtical DEMonstrator |
TACDI | Tactical Direction |
TACEVAL | Tactical Evaluation |
TACFIRE | Tactical Fire Direction System |
TACFIRE | Tactical Fire Network |
TACOM | Tactical Command |
TACOM | Tank Automotive Command |
TACOMMS | TActical COMMunicationS |
TACON | TActical CONtrol |
TACP | Tactical Air Control Party |
TACS | Tactical Air Control System |
TACSY | Tasking And Control SYstem (SE District Transport and Movement) |
TAD | Tactical Air Direction |
TAD | Target Audience Description |
TAD | Target Audience Descriptions |
TAD | Towed Acoustic Decoy |
TAD | Towed Active Decoy |
TAD | Trailing Arm Device |
TAD/PNVS | Target Acquisition and Designation Sight/Pilots Night Vision Sensor |
TADC | Tactical Air Direction Common |
TADDS | Target Alert Display Data Set |
TADMICM | Towed Acoustic Decoy & Magnetic Influence mine Counter-Measure |
TADMICM | Towed Acoustic Decoy Mine Influence Counter-Measure |
TADS | Tactical Laser and Designation System |
TADS | Target Acquisition Designation Sight |
TAF | Task Authorisation Form |
TAFADS | Tactical Aid for Active Dipping Sonar |
TAFFS | Towed Array Free Flood Space |
TAFIM | Technical Architecture Framework for Information Management |
TAG | TAG Small Arm School Corps |
TAG | Task Acceptance Group |
TAG | Technical Advisory Group |
TAG | Towed Acoustic Generator |
TAGs | Technology Advisory Groups |
TAHS | Towed Array Handling System/Space |
TAI | Trident Applicable Indicator |
TALM | Tomahawk and Land Attack Missile |
TALO | Tactical Air Landing Operations |
TAM | Tactical Air Management |
TAM | Towed Acoustic Monitor |
TAM | Type Airworthiness Meeting |
TAMPA | Tornado Advanced Mission Planning Aid |
TAMS | Test & Monitoring System |
tan | tangent (trigonometric) |
TANDEM | Tactical ATM Network DEMonstrator |
TANS | Tactical Air Navigation System |
TANS | Tactical Air Navigation System In helicopter |
TAOBT | Towed Array On Board Trainer |
TAOBT | Towed Array On-Board Trainer |
TAOR | Tactical Area of Operational Responsibility |
TAP | Technical Activities Plan |
TAP | Telephone Access Point (UNITER) |
TAP | Tender Assessment Panel |
TAP | Terminal Access Point |
TAP | Terminal Approach Procedure |
TAP | Towed Array Plotter |
TAR | Tactical Air Reconnaissance |
TARE | Telegraph Automatic Routing Equipment |
TAREQ | Towed Array REQuirement |
TARIF | Telegraph Automatic Routing in the Field |
TAS | Technology Assessment Stage |
TAS | Towed Array Streaming Authority |
TAS | Tracking Adjunct System |
TAS | True Air Speed |
TAS | Typed Air Station |
TAS(RE) | Technical Advisory Section (Royal Engineers) |
TASG | Technical Advice & Support Group |
TASM | Tactical Air to Surface Missile |
TASM | Tactical Anti-Ship Missile |
TASMO | Tactical Air Support of Maritime Operations |
TASMOD | Typed Air Station Modification |
TAST | Tornado Avionics System Trainer |
TAT | Turnaround Time |
TATC | Tactical Air Traffic Control |
TATU | Towed Array Terminal Unit |
TAV | Total Asset Visibility |
TAV x | BICES Target Architecture Version x |
TAVR | Territorial Army Volunteer Reserve |
TAVRA | Territorial Auxiliary and Volunteer Reserve Association |
TAWP | Towed Array Working Party |
TBA | To be Advised |
TCA | Track Crossing Angle |
TCAS | Traffic Collision Avoidance System |
TCAS | Training Course Admin System |
TCMA | Time Critical Multicast Architecture |
TDA | Training Development Advisor |
T-DAB | Terrestrial Digital Audio Broadcast |
TE&A | Trials Evaluation & Acceptance |
TEA | Towed Enhanced Array |
TEA | Training and Employment Agency Northern Ireland |
TEACASE | Thermal Effects on Airborne Conventional Armament Stores and Equipment |
TEAL | Tactics Equipment And Logistic |
TECA | TADS Electronic Control Amplifier |
TenDRA | Trademark for the development of a portability technology |
TESTAT | Tactical Engagement Simulation Training Advisory Team |
TETA | Threat Evaluation & Tactical Advice |
TETRA | Terrestrial Enhanced Trunked Radio System |
TEWA | Threat Evaluation and Weapon Allocation |
TEWA | Threat Evaluation Weapon Assignment |
TFTA | Terrain Following Terrain Avoidance |
TGDA | RAF Training Group Defence Agency |
TGDA | Training Group Defence Agency |
THAAD | (US) Theatre High Altitude Air Defence |
THAAD | Theatre High Altitude Area Defence |
TIAD | Technical Instructions for Armament Depots |
TIALD | Thermal Imager Airborne Laser Designator |
TIALD | Thermal Imaging And Laser Designation |
TIALD | Thermal Imaging And Laser Designator |
TIARA | Tornado Integrated Avionics Research Aircraft |
TITAN | Name of a data fusion project |
TKA | Temporary Keep Alive |
TL/SA | Team Leader Smart Acquisition |
TLA | Thin Line Array |
TLA | Three Letter Acronym |
TLA | Three-letter Acronym |
TLAM | Tactical Land Attack Missile (Tomahawk) |
TLAM | Theatre Land Attack Missile |
TLAM | Tomahawk Land Attack Missile |
TLIA | Through Life Information Architecture |
TMA | Target Motion Analysis |
TMA | Time Motion Analysis |
TMAS | Transport Management Accounting System |
TMUAS | Turret Mortar Under Armour System |
TNA | The National Archives (formerly the Public Records Office) |
TNA | Training Needs Analysis |
TOA | Time Of Arrival |
TOA | Transfer of Authority |
TOA | Treasury Officer of Accounts |
TOAT | formerly Hawk Aircraft Low Observable |
TOBA | Terms Of Business Agreement |
TODA | Take-Off Distance Available |
TODAH | Take-Off Distance Available (Helicopter) |
TORA | Take-Off Run Available |
TPA | Two-Photon Absorbers |
TPAGs | Training Policy Advisory Groups |
TRA | Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical |
TRAC | Tradoc Analysis Command |
TRACER | Tactical Reconnaissance Armoured Combat Equipment Requirement |
TRACER | Tactical Reconnaissance for Armoured Combat Equipment |
TRACSTAR | Tracked Search and Target Acquisition Radar |
TRAD | Transmitter RADHAZ Designator |
TRADOC | Training and Doctrine Command |
TRADOC | US Army TRAining and DOctrine Command |
TRAMP | Torpedo Recognition Active Multibeam Processor |
TRANMIS | High Level fleet management system |
TRANSEC | Transmission Security |
TRANSOP | Transport Operation Order Processing System |
TRAS | Training Requirements Analysis Section |
TRAWLERMAN | Current UK strategic Defence Intelligence Information System |
TRICAT | Tri-Service catering system |
TRIGAT | Third Generation Anti-Tank missile |
TRRAP | Technology Readiness and Risk Assessment Programme |
TSA | Temperature Swing Adsorption |
TSA | Total Ship Arsenal |
TSA | Training Standards Authority |
TSAR | Turret System Assembly Repair |
TSAT | Technical Specification and Assessment Technique |
TSCIDA | Technical Supervisory Coordinating Design Authority |
TSNAPS | Trident Ship Navigation And Processing System |
TTCP UAG 15 | A NATO Committee |
TTSAR | Technology Transfer Security Assistance Review |
TTWMAPS | Transition to War Manpower Allocation Planning System |
TUA | Target Uncertainty Area |
TUA | TOW Under Armour |
TWA | Time Weighted Average |
TWACN | Theatre Wide Area Communication Network |
TWACN | Theatre-Wide Area Communications Network |
TWAIN | Technical Wizardry in a Nutshell |
TWAS | Tornado Weapons Analysis System |
TWTA | Travelling Wave Tube Amplifier |
UA | User Actions |
UA | User Agent |
UAC | User Assurance Coordinator |
UAJ | Unattended Jammer |
UAMS | Unit Ammunition Management System |
UARS | Underwater Acoustic Recognition System |
UAS | University Air Squadron |
UASST | Unit Air and Surface Staff Tables |
UAT | User Acceptance Test |
UAV | Unmanned Aerial Vehicle |
UAV | Unmanned Aerial Vehicles |
UAV | Unmanned Air Vehicle |
UAVASMG | UAV Airworthiness and Safety Management Group |
UAVS | Unmanned Air Vehicle System |
UCAS | Universities and Colleges Admission Service for the UK |
UHF-AM | Ultra High Frequency Amplitude Modulated |
UIA | Urgent Interim Amendment |
UK DAUG | United Kingdom Danger Area User Group |
UKACCS | UK Air Command & Control System |
UKADGE | UK Air Defence Ground Environment |
UKADGE | United Kingdom Air Defence Ground Environment |
UKADR | UK Air Defence Region |
UKAIR | CCIS UKAIR Command and Control Information System |
UKAIS | UK Academy for Information Systems |
UKAS | UK Accreditation Service |
UKAS | United Kingdom Accreditation Service |
UKGAAP | UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice |
UKINCA | UK Intelligence CIS Architecture |
UKMACCS | UK Maritime Coastal Comms System |
UKMACCS | United Kingdom Coastal Communications System |
UKMARBATSTAFF | United Kingdom Maritime Battle Staff |
UKNAVCAMS | UK Naval Communication Area Master Station |
UKNAVCAMS | UK Naval Communications Area Master Station |
UKPFAT | UK Peacetime Frequency Allocation Tables |
UKSAG | UK Simulation Advisory Group |
UKWFAT | UK Wartime Frequency Allocation Tables |
ULAV | Ultra Light Armoured Vehicle |
UMA | Unmanned Aircraft |
UMA | Unmanned Military Aircraft |
UMAV | UnManned AirVehicle |
UNCLAS | United Nations Convention on the Law Of the Sea |
UN-EDIFACT | United Nations - Electronic Data Interchange Standard for Administration |
UNIRAS | UNified Incident Reporting and Alert System |
UNIRAS | Unified Incident Reporting and Alerting Scheme |
UNSAT | Unsatisfactory Assessment |
UoSAT | University of Surrey Satellite |
URA | Ultra Reliable Aircraft |
US ACTD | United States Advanced Concepts Technology Demonstrator |
US joint CAT system | US joint Combined Arms Training |
US of S (AF) | Under Secretary of State for the Armed Forces |
USA | United States of America |
USAF | United States Air Force |
USAS | Unit Supply ADP System |
USAS | Unit Supply and Accounting System |
UTA | Unmanned Tactical Aircraft |
UVA | Ultraviolet Absorption |
V&A | Valuable & Attractive (stores) |
VAAC | Vectored thrust Aircraft Advanced flight Control |
VAAC | Vectored-thrust Aircraft Advanced Control |
VAB | Vickers Armoured Bridgelayer |
Vadm | Vice Admiral |
VALUE | Value-Added Acquisition and Logistics for Ultimate Efficiency |
VAMP | VC-10 Aid to Management Planning |
VAN | Value Added Network |
VAPS | Virtual Application Prototyping System |
VARRV | Vickers Armoured Repair and Recovery Vehicle |
VAS | Visible Infra-Red Spin-Scan Radiometer Atmospheric Sounder |
VAS | Voice Alarm System |
VAT | Value Added Tax |
VAUTOmax | Maximum speed for autorotation flight |
VCAD | Vehicle Chemical Agent Detector |
VECTACs | Vectored (ASW) Attacks (using a helicopter) |
VEMASID | Vehicle Magnetic Signature Duplicator |
VERA | Versatile Experimental Receive Array |
VGA | Video Graphics Adapter |
VGA | Video Graphics Array |
VHF-AM | Very High Frequency Amplitude Modulated |
VIA | Virtual Integration Authority |
VISA | VME Inoperable Support Application |
VISA | VME Inoperable System Access |
VITAL | Visibility In Transit Asset Logging |
VLA | Very Large Array |
VLLAD | Very Low Level Air Defence |
VMAP | Digital map standard (vector data) |
VMAT | Versatile Multi Aimer Trainer (for all types of PDMS) |
Vmax R/C | Airspeed for maximum rate of climb |
Vmax R/D | Airspeed for maximum rate of descent |
VSA | Value Stream Analysis |
VSA | Valued Stock Accounting |
VSA | Vertical Sextant Angles |
VSAR | Versatile Synthetic Aperture Radar |
VSAT | Very Satisfactory Assessment |
VSAT | Very Small Aperture Terminal |
VSHORAD | Very Short Range Air Defence |
VSHORADS | Very Short Range Air Defence System |
VSRAAM | Very Short Range Air-to-Air Missile |
VULCAN NRTE | VULCAN Naval Reactor Test Establishment |
VV & A | Verification Validation & Accreditation |
w/days | working days |
WAC | Weapon Acceptance Committee |
WAD | Work Authorisation Document. |
WADS | Wholesale Automated Distribution System |
WAGE | Wide Area GPS Precise Positioning Service Enhancement |
WAH | Westland Attack Helicopter |
WAIS | Wide Area Information Service |
WAIT | Weapon Aiming In the Turn |
WAM | Work Allocation Model |
WAN | Wide Area Network |
WAR | The Multi-Threat War Exercise held every Thursday |
WARCON | War Consumables (IT System) |
WARM | War And Reserve Mode |
WART | Weapon Action Repair Team (RFA) |
WARTO | Weapon Action Repair Team Officer (RFA) |
WAS | Weapons Action Switch |
WAS | Wide Area System |
WASP | Weapons Application Signal Processor |
WASP(A) | WR Assumptions Planning Tool (Army) |
WASS | Wide Angle Star Sensor |
Watch On Deck | Duty personnel available for general evolutions |
WAVELL | Army Battlefield MIS |
WAXTER | A UK/US collaborative programme |
WbLA | Work-based Learning for Adults |
WBRA | Whole Base Risk Assessment |
WCA | Warnings Cautions and Advisory |
WCA | Waste Collection Authority |
WDA | Waste Disposal Authority |
WDA | Weapon Danger Area |
WDA/Z | Weapon Danger Area/Zone |
WDAAPS | Weapon Danger Area Assessment and Prediction System |
WEAG | Western European Armaments Group |
WEAO | Western European Armament Organisation |
WEEA | World Energy Efficiency Organisation |
WESTAXE | Exercise in the SW Approaches to the UK |
WHA | Weapons Holding Area |
WIA91 | Water Industry Act 1991 |
WOCA | WO Catering Accountant |
WOSA | Windows Open Systems Architecture |
WOSA | WO Stores Accountant |
WOTSAC | When Old Type Spares are Consumed |
WOWE(RFA) | WO Weapons Engineering (RFA) |
WPAFB | Wright-Patterson Air Force Base |
WR HALL PORT | Wardroom Hall Porter |
WRA91 | Water Resources Act 1991 |
WRAM | Asset management information for helicopter engines |
WRAM | Work Recording and Asset Management |
WRAM | Work Recording and Asset Management system |
WRAP | Waste Resources Action Programme |
WSA | Warship Support Agency |
WSEAF | Weapons Systems Effectiveness Analysis Facility |
YARD | Yarrows Admiralty Research & Development. |
AMS | Army Medical Services |
QARANC | Queen Alexandras Royal Army Nursing Corps |
RAMC | Royal Army Medical Corps |
ACE | Allied Command Europe |
ACV | Armoured Command Vehicle |
Adjt | Adjutant |
AFCENT | Allied Forces Central European Theatre |
AFV | Armoured Fighting Vehicle |
AMF | Allied Mobile Force |
AP | Armoured Piercing or Ammunition Point |
APC | Armoured Personnel Carrier |
APO | Army Post Office |
Armd | Armoured |
ARRC | Allied Rapid Reaction Corps |
ARV | Armoured Recovery Vehicle |
ASAP | As Soon As Possible |
Cas | Casualty |
ATGW | Army Tank Guided Weapon |
Casevac | Casualty Evacuation |
Att | Attached |
AWOL | Absent Without Leave |
AWACS | Airborne Warning And Control Systems |
BAOR | British Army of the Rhine |
Battle Bowlers | What the QAs of World War Two nicknamed their tin hats |
Compo or Comp Rat | Composite Ration (also called comp rat) |
Blag | To acquire something |
Crabs | The slang name for the RAF |
Crap Hat | Paratroopers call a regiment or corps that does not wear a maroon beret a crap hat |
CAD | Central Ammunition Depot |
Cam | Camouflaged |
Hack It | To endure or to do something |
HEAT | High Explosive Anti Tank |
ETA | Estimated Time of Arrival |
FAC | Forward Air Controller |
Fat Albert | Nickname of the Hercules plane |
Jack | To Be Selfish |
FEBA | Forward Edge Battle Area |
Jacked | To Give Up |
Troops Jankers | Be on a charge or in the camp jail |
LRATGW | Long Range Anti Tank Guided Weapon |
Gat | A Gun or Rifle |
Or Bat | Order of Battle |
Pax | Passengers |
POETS Day | Push Off Early Tomorrows Saturday |
NAAFI | Navy Army and Air Force Institutes |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organisation |
RAF | Royal Air Force |
RAP | Regimental Aid Post or Rocket Assisted Projectile |
RMA | Royal Military Academy or Rear Maintenance Area |
SACUER | Supreme Allied Commander Europe |
SADO | Senior Administrative Officer |
SatCom | Satellite Communications Force |
Scran | Food |
Unclass | Unclassified |
Scratcher | Army meaning bed |
SHAPE | Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe |
A Wet | A Cup Of Tea Or Coffee |
Whitecap | Royal Air Force Policeman |
Yomp or Tab | A long march carrying kit |
Squaddie | Slang Word For A Soldier |
TA | Territorial Army |
TAB | Tactical Advance to Battle |
Tac | Tactical |
ARRC | Associate Royal Red Cross |
ASC | Army Service Corps |
VAD | Voluntary Aid Detachment |
WAAC | Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps |
QAIMNS | Queen Alexandras Imperial Military Nursing Service |
LOA | Living Over Sea's Allowance |
LSA | Longer Separation Allowance |
Listed below are the search results for your most recent search term.
The UK military utilises over 21,000 acronyms.
Please keep in mind some acronyms may not be listed due to a number of reasons.
If you feel as though a military acronym is missing, please let us know.